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AngularJS:我可以使用过滤器在 ng-repeat 中对数组进行分块吗?

[英]AngularJS: Can I use a filter to chunk an array in ng-repeat?

编辑添加一个明确的问题:我有一个一定长度的平面数组,我想把它放到一个 tr/td 类型的视图中? 这也可能在引导网格或类似的东西中。 本质上,我想在一系列长度为 n 的块中显示一个平面数组。

这个问题在 SO 上有很多变体,但我还没有真正看到对两者的一个很好的解释:如何使这项工作或为什么不能。 所以我做了一个非常简单的例子来演示这个问题。 它将呈现,但如果您检查日志,您会看到错误(太大而无法链接)。


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en-US" ng-app="rowApp">
<head><title>Angular chunks</title>
  <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.4.9/angular.min.js" integrity="sha384-c4XWi4+MS7dBmCkPfB02+p/ExOF/ZBOfD2S4KR6mkmpBOg7IM6SUpA1KYZaVr7qE" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
  <script src="app.js"></script>
  <table ng-controller="rowController" border="1" style="width:30%">
    <tr ng-repeat="people_chunk in people | chunk:4">
      <td ng-repeat="person in people_chunk">{{person.name}}</td>


var rowApp = angular.module('rowApp', ['filters']);

angular.module('filters', []).
  filter('chunk', function () {
    return function (items, chunk_size) {
      var chunks = [];
      if (angular.isArray(items)) {
        if (isNaN(chunk_size))
          chunk_size = 4;
        for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i += chunk_size) {
          chunks.push(items.slice(i, i + chunk_size));
      } else {
        console.log("items is not an array: " + angular.toJson(items));
      return chunks;

  function ($scope, $http) {
      .then(function(response) { $scope.people = response.data; });


[{"name": "a"}, {"name": "b"}, {"name": "c"}, {"name": "d"},
 {"name": "1"}, {"name": "2"}, {"name": "3"}, {"name": "4"}]

然后,您可以使用python -m SimpleHTTPServer 9000提供所有这些服务,然后转到http://localhost:9000/

您可以通过简单地记住块函数来避免无限的摘要循环。 这解决了 ng-repeat 永远找不到合适的引用并且总是认为您正在返回导致无限 $digest 的新项目的问题。

angular.module('filters', []).
  filter('chunk', function () {
    function cacheIt(func) {
      var cache = {};
      return function(arg, chunk_size) {
        // if the function has been called with the argument
        // short circuit and use cached value, otherwise call the
        // cached function with the argument and save it to the cache as well then return
        return cache[arg] ? cache[arg] : cache[arg] = func(arg,chunk_size);
    // unchanged from your example apart from we are no longer directly returning this   ​
    function chunk(items, chunk_size) {
      var chunks = [];
      if (angular.isArray(items)) {
        if (isNaN(chunk_size))
          chunk_size = 4;
        for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i += chunk_size) {
          chunks.push(items.slice(i, i + chunk_size));
      } else {
        console.log("items is not an array: " + angular.toJson(items));
      return chunks;
​    // now we return the cached or memoized version of our chunk function
    // if you want to use lodash this is really easy since there is already a chunk and memoize function all above code would be removed
    // this return would simply be: return _.memoize(_.chunk);

    return cacheIt(chunk);

作为过滤器将返回新的数组实例作为切片,角的ngRepeat将检测到它们改变(如ngRepeat使用$watchCollection内部),并会导致与无限消化循环。 甚至还有一个问题,但自 2013 年以来已被放弃: https : //github.com/angular/angular.js/issues/2033

如果您将代码段更改为包含非常量表达式,例如[[x]] ,则此问题仍然存在:

<div ng-repeat="a in [[x]]">
  <div ng-repeat="b in a">



以下代码将为商店数组分配一个额外的值 (store_chunk)。 所以我可以使用 ng-repeat 在我的 HTML 中显示 3 个不同的列

        var x               = 0;
        var y               = 1;
        var how_many_chunks = 3;
        var limit = $scope.main.stores.length / how_many_chunks ;
        angular.forEach($scope.main.stores, function(e, key) {
            if (x <= limit) {
                $scope.main.stores[key].store_chunk = y;
                y    += 1;
                limit = y * limit;
                $scope.main.stores[key].store_chunk = y;
            x += 1;

这里是 HTML

<div class="row">
    <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-3 col-md-3 col-lg-3">
        <ul class="main_report">
            <li ng-repeat="store in main.stores | filter:{ store_chunk: 3 }">{{store.store_name}}</li>
    <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-3 col-md-3 col-lg-3">
        <ul class="main_report">
            <li ng-repeat="store in main.stores | filter:{ store_chunk: 3 }">{{store.store_name}}</li>
    <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-3 col-md-3 col-lg-3">
        <ul class="main_report">
            <li ng-repeat="store in main.stores | filter:{ store_chunk: 3 }">{{store.store_name}}</li>

这就像一个魅力! 并且不要仅仅因为您不喜欢它而投票反对!...竖起大拇指!


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