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[英]Addition and Multiplication with Polynomials as Linked Lists

我已经完全输入了代码并正确地组织了代码(尚不包括注释),我完全执着于对两个多项式进行加法和乘法。 谁能指出我正确的方向?

// Polynomial.java
// February 21st, 2016

/* Assignment 3 for IT Data Structures Module 6
   Polynomials as linked lists; stores two
   polynomials as two separate linked lists
   made up of nodes and allows for addition
   and multiplication of the polynomials             

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Polynomial                          

    private static class Node
        private int coef;
        private int expo;
        public Node next;

        public Node(int c, int e, Node n)
            coef = c;
            expo = e;
            next = n;

        public int getCoef()
            return coef;

        public int getExpo()
            return expo;

        public Node getNext()
            return next;

        public void setNext(Node n)
            next = n;


    private Node head = null;
    private Node tail = null;
    private int size = 0;

    public Polynomial()

    public int size()
        return size;

    public boolean isEmpty()
        return size == 0;

    public void addTerm(int c, int e)
        Node newest = new Node(c, e, null);

        if( isEmpty() )
            head = newest;


        tail = newest;

    public void print()
        String poly = "";

        for(Node i = head; i != null; i = i.next)
            if(i.coef > 0)

                poly = poly + " + " + i.coef + "x^" + i.expo;

            else if(i.coef < 0)
                poly = poly + " - " + (-i.coef) + "x^" + i.expo;

        System.out.println(poly + "\n");

    public Polynomial add(Polynomial b)
        Polynomial a = this;
        Polynomial c = new Polynomial();
        Node x = a.head;
        Node y = b.head;

        while( x!= null || y != null)
            Node t = null;
            if (x == null)
                t = new Node(y.coef, y.expo, y.next);

            else if (y == null)
                t = new Node(x.coef, x.expo, x.next);

            else if (x.expo > y. expo)
                t = new Node(x.coef, x.expo, x.next);

            else if (x.expo < y.expo)
                t = new Node(y.coef, y.expo, y.next);

                int coef = x.coef + y.coef;
                int expo = x.expo;
                Node next = y.next;

                x = x.next;
                y = y.next;

                if (coef == 0)

                t = new Node(coef, expo, next);

            c.tail.next = t;
            c.tail = c.tail.next;


        return c;

    public Polynomial multiply(Polynomial b)
        Polynomial a = this;
        Polynomial c = new Polynomial();

        for(Node x = a.head; x != null; x = x.next)
            Polynomial temp = new Polynomial();

            for(Node y = b.head; y != null; y = y.next)
                temp.tail.next = new Node(x.coef * y.coef, x.expo + y.expo, temp.tail.next);
                temp.tail = temp.tail.next;

            c = c.add(temp);

        return c;

    public static void main(String args[])

        Polynomial p = new Polynomial();

        System.out.println("NEW POLYNOMIAL p(x): What order will this polynomial be?");
        Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
        int o = scan.nextInt();

        System.out.println("Enter values for the coefficient and exponent of the first term with each value followed the return key.");
        Scanner scan2 = new Scanner(System.in);
        int a = scan.nextInt();
        int b = scan.nextInt();

        p.addTerm(a, b);

        for (int i = 1; i < o; i++)
            System.out.println("Enter values for the coefficient and exponent of the next term with each value followed by the return key.");
            int c = scan.nextInt();
            int d = scan.nextInt();

            p.addTerm(c, d);

        System.out.println("p(x) => ");

        Polynomial q = new Polynomial();

        System.out.println("NEW POLYNOMIAL q(x): What order will this polynomial be?");
        Scanner scan3 = new Scanner(System.in);
        int o2 = scan.nextInt();

        System.out.println("Enter values for the coefficient and exponent of the first term with each value followed the return key.");
        Scanner scan4 = new Scanner(System.in);
        int e = scan.nextInt();
        int f = scan.nextInt();

        q.addTerm(e, f);

        for (int j = 1; j < o2; j++)
            System.out.println("Enter values for the coefficient and exponent of the next term with each value followed by the return key.");
            int g = scan.nextInt();
            int h = scan.nextInt();

            q.addTerm(g, h);

        System.out.println("q(x) => ");

        System.out.println("Would you like to add p(x) and q(x)? Type 'yes' or 'no'. ");
        Scanner scan5 = new Scanner(System.in);
        String option = scan.next();

        if( option.equals("yes") )
            System.out.println("The sum of p(x) and q(x) is: ");

        else if( option.equals("no") )
            System.out.println("Would you like to multiply p(x) and q(x)? Type 'yes' or 'no'. ");
            Scanner scan6 = new Scanner(System.in);
            String option2 = scan.next();

            if( option2.equals("yes") )
                System.out.println("The product of p(x) and q(x) is: ");

                System.out.println("Program terminated.");

        System.out.println("Program terminated.");





(Ax^2 + Bx + C) * (Dx + E)


ADx^3 + AEx^2 + BDx^2 + BEx + CDx + CE

在此处添加相似项的系数(当指数相同时)。 继续示例:

ADx^3 + (AE + BD)x^2 + (BE + CD)x + CE




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