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如何在c ++中将此公式拆分为函数?

[英]How to split this formula into function in c++?

我的代码使用公式来查找机器人声纳传感器发现障碍的位置。 代码如下所示:

 obstacleX = robot.x + robot.sensorReadings.at(i) * cos((robot.deg + i * angleBetweenSensors) * PI / 180);
 obstacleY = robot.y + robot.sensorReadings.at(i) * sin((robot.deg + i * angleBetweenSensors) * PI / 180);

而且我想让它成为一个功能,不要多次重复这个公式(并使其更容易更改)。 我会做这样的功能:

double calculateObstaclePosition(double robotX, double sesnorReading, double robotDegree, int angleBetweenSensors){
      return robotX + sesnorReading * cos((robotDegree + i * angleBetweenSensors) * PI / 180);


obstacleX = calculateObstaclePosition(robot.x, robot.sensorReadings.at(i), robot.deg, angleBetweenSensors);

但X和Y的公式几乎相同,唯一的区别是使用窦,第二个使用cosinus。 我应该创建两个几乎相同的函数,还是可以在一个函数中完成?



double calculateObstaclePosition(double robotC, ..., bool useCos)
   double angle = (robotDegree + i * angleBetweenSensors) * PI / 180;
   return robotC + sensorReading * (useCos ? cos(angle) : sin(angle));


struct vec2D
   double x, y;
vec2D calculateObstaclePosition(double robotX, double robotY, ...)
   vec2D pos;   
   double angle = (robotDegree + i * angleBetweenSensors) * PI / 180;
   pos.x = robotX + sensorReadingX * cos(angle);
   pos.y = robotY + sensorReadingY * sin(angle);
   return pos;

或者使用课程或其他东西。 也可以转换机器人类使用vec2D作为坐标。

(3)模糊一:传递要数值函数的指针。 不安全!

typedef double (*numfuncptr)(double a);
double calculateObstaclePosition(double robotC, ..., numfuncptr trig)
   double angle = ...;
   return robotC + sensorReading * trig(angle);

(4)不那么模糊,但是C风格,因此不是OOP-esque:传递变量的输出指针。 (再次不安全)

void calculateObstaclePosition(double robotX, double robotY, ..., double* outX, double* outY)
   double angle = ...;
   *outX = robotX + ...
   *outY = robotY + ...;
struct Robot {
    double x;
    double y;
    double deg; // robotDegree
    double angle; // angleBetweenSensors

    std::vector<double> sensorReadings; // sensorReading

std::pair<double, double> calculateObstaclePosition(const Robot &robot, int i)
  double obstacleX = robot.x + robot.sensorReadings.at(i) * cos((robot.deg + i * robot.angle) * PI / 180);
  double obstacleY = robot.y + robot.sensorReadings.at(i) * sin((robot.deg + i * robot.angle) * PI / 180);

  return std::make_pair(obstacleX, obstacleY);

那个怎么样? 您可以创建一些要传递的类,并将值传递给函数。


std::array<double,2> calculateObstaclePosition(const Robot& robot, int angleBetweenSensors)
    return {
        robot.x + robot.sensorReadings.at(i) * cos((robot.deg + i * angleBetweenSensors) * PI / 180) ,
        robot.y + robot.sensorReadings.at(i) * sin((robot.deg + i * angleBetweenSensors) * PI / 180)


std::array<double,2> obstacle = calculateObstaclePosition(robot,angleBetweenSensors);

它不会阻止你做两次计算,但鉴于参数xysensorReadings.at(i)robot.deg不是很昂贵,你不应该太担心。 如果成本很高,请将它们作为参数传递,而不是传递整个机器人或首先将它们计算为临时变量并在返回语句中使用它。

这个声明的好处是,它可以防止你声明两个不同的函数,并将x和y的值绑定在一起。 如果你喜欢.x.y更好的符号,请使用

 struct Coords{double x, doubley};



// enum to define which arguyment is calculated - X or Y
enum XorYEnum  { X, Y  };

double calculateObstaclePosition(double robotX, double sesnorReading, double robotDegree, int angleBetweenSensors, XorYEnum XorY)
    // Select the sin or cos function and assign function pointer
    double (* SinOrCosFunc)(double);
    if (XorY == X)
        SinOrCosFunc = cos;
        SinOrCosFunc = sin;

    // Calculate
    return robotX + sesnorReading * SinOrCosFunc((robotDegree + i * angleBetweenSensors) * PI / 180);



double calculateObstaclePosition(double (*trigFunction)(double), double robotX, double sesnorReading, double robotDegree, int angleBetweenSensors){
      return robotX + sesnorReading * trigFunction((robotDegree + i * angleBetweenSensors) * PI / 180);


double posCur = calculateObstaclePosition(sin, param2, param3, param4, param5);


double posCur = calculateObstaclePosition(cos, param2, param3, param4, param5);

我建议使用模板部分特化的解决方案,允许最小化写入。 代码中没有条件,运行时没有条件。 让我们定义一些特殊函数,这些函数可以作为sin或cos依赖于X或Y.


typedef enum { X, Y } xy_enum;


template<xy_enum T>
struct _xcys // x cos y sin
    static double f( double t ) { return cos(t); }

template<>  // explicit specialization for T = Y
struct _xcys<Y> // x cos y sin
    static double f( double t ) { return sin(t); }

template<xy_enum T>
struct _xsyc // x sin y cos
    static double f( double t ) { return sin(t); }

template<>  // explicit specialization for T = Y
struct _xsyc<Y> // x sin y cos
    static double f( double t ) { return cos(t); }

定义作为sin或cos依赖于X或Y的xcys()因此xcys()对X的作用为cos,对Y作为sin。 并且xsyc()适用于X作为sin,而Y作为cos。

template<xy_enum T> // x sin y cos
double xcys ( double t ) { return _xcys<T>::f(t); }
template<xy_enum T> // x sin y cos
double xsyc ( double t ) { return _xsyc<T>::f(t); }


std::cout << xcys<X>(0)      << " " << xcys<Y>(0) << std::endl;
std::cout << xcys<X>(M_PI/2) << " " << xcys<Y>(M_PI/2) << std::endl;
std::cout << xsyc<X>(0)      << " " << xsyc<Y>(0) << std::endl;
std::cout << xsyc<X>(M_PI/2) << " " << xsyc<Y>(M_PI/2) << std::endl;


 1 0 ~0 1 0 1 1 ~0 


double calculateObstaclePosition(double robotX, double sesnorReading, double robotDegree, int angleBetweenSensors){
      return robotX + sesnorReading * cos((robotDegree + i * angleBetweenSensors) * PI / 180);
double calculateObstaclePosition(double robotY, double sesnorReading, double robotDegree, int angleBetweenSensors){
      return robotY + sesnorReading * sin((robotDegree + i * angleBetweenSensors) * PI / 180);


template< xy_enum T >
double calculateObstaclePosition(double robotXY, double sesnorReading, double robotDegree, int angleBetweenSensors){
      return robotXY + sesnorReading * xcys<T>((robotDegree + i * angleBetweenSensors) * PI / 180);


obstacleX = calculateObstaclePosition<X>(robot.x, robot.sensorReadings.at(i), robot.deg, angleBetweenSensors);
obstacleY = calculateObstaclePosition<Y>(robot.y, robot.sensorReadings.at(i), robot.deg, angleBetweenSensors);

计算障碍物X和障碍物的公式有一些重复。 您需要先简化它们。 之后,您将在实现中看到非常少的代码重复。 以下是我的代码示例:

template <typename T>
std::vector<T> cal(Location<T> &robot, T angleBetweenSensors) {
    const size_t N = robot.sensorReadings.size();
    std::vector<T> results(2 * N, 0);

    // Precompute this value to improve performance.
    constexpr T angleScale = M_PI / 180;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
        // Main code
        T alpha = (robot.deg + i * angleBetweenSensors) * angleScale;
        T sensorVal = robot.sensorReadings.at(i);
        T obstacleX = robot.x + sensorVal * cos(alpha);
        T obstacleY = robot.y + sensorVal * sin(alpha);

        // Use obstacleX and obstacleY here
        results[2 * i] = obstacleX;
        results[2 * i + 1] = obstacleY;
    return results;


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