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[英]Symfony2 project - app_dev.php works but app.php has redirect loop on just specific page


该页面称为/ files,此页面的路由如下:

    path: /files
    defaults: { _controller: AppBundle:File:list }


public function listAction()
    $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
    $documents_repo = $em->getRepository('AppBundle:Documents');
    $documents = $documents_repo->findAll();

    return $this->render('AppBundle:tables:files.html.twig', array(
        'files' => $documents


{% if files is not empty %}
{% for file in files %}
        <th scope="row">{{ file.id }}</th>
        <td>{{ file.name }}</td>
        <td>{{ file.displayName }}</td>
        <td>{{ file.product.model }}</td>
        <td class="text-center">
            <a class="btn btn-primary" href="{{ file_path }}/{{- file.name -}}" target="_blank" download><i class="fa fa-download"> </i></a>
            <a class="btn btn-danger file-delete" data-confirm-title="Are you sure?" data-confirm-message="You will not be able to undo this action." href="javascript:deleteFile({{ file.id }});" id="delete_file_{{ file.id }}" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Remove File"><i class="fa fa-remove"> </i></a>
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<td colspan="5">There are no files in the database</td>
{% endif %}

我尚未编辑app.php,app_dev.php或.htaccess文件-它们与安装框架时一样。 我还两次清除了缓存,包括手动删除了所有缓存文件-但是仍然出现重定向问题。

这是别人遇到并设法解决的吗? 因为我对为什么它应该在此页面上发生感到困惑-实际上,我什至尝试在呈现模板之前在控制器中放置die()语句,但同样的事情发生了,因此必须与路由有关?




_wdt                                ANY        ANY      ANY    /_wdt/{token}
  _profiler_home                      ANY        ANY      ANY    /_profiler/
  _profiler_search                    ANY        ANY      ANY    /_profiler/search
  _profiler_search_bar                ANY        ANY      ANY    /_profiler/search_bar
  _profiler_purge                     ANY        ANY      ANY    /_profiler/purge
  _profiler_info                      ANY        ANY      ANY    /_profiler/info/{about}
  _profiler_phpinfo                   ANY        ANY      ANY    /_profiler/phpinfo
  _profiler_search_results            ANY        ANY      ANY    /_profiler/{token}/search/results
  _profiler                           ANY        ANY      ANY    /_profiler/{token}
  _profiler_router                    ANY        ANY      ANY    /_profiler/{token}/router
  _profiler_exception                 ANY        ANY      ANY    /_profiler/{token}/exception
  _profiler_exception_css             ANY        ANY      ANY    /_profiler/{token}/exception.css
  _twig_error_test                    ANY        ANY      ANY    /_error/{code}.{_format}
  app_dashboard                       ANY        ANY      ANY    /
  app_user_dashboard                  ANY        ANY      ANY    /user-dashboard
  fos_user_security_login             ANY        ANY      ANY    /login
  fos_user_security_check             ANY        ANY      ANY    /login_check
  app_customers_table                 ANY        ANY      ANY    /customers
  app_orders_table                    ANY        ANY      ANY    /orders
  app_projects_table                  ANY        ANY      ANY    /projects
  app_products_table                  ANY        ANY      ANY    /products
  app_files_table                     ANY        ANY      ANY    /documents
  app_users_table                     ANY        ANY      ANY    /users
  app_categories_table                ANY        ANY      ANY    /categories
  app_customer_view                   ANY        ANY      ANY    /customer/{id}/{orderYear}
  app_order_view                      ANY        ANY      ANY    /order/{id}
  app_project_view                    ANY        ANY      ANY    /project/{id}
  app_user_view                       ANY        ANY      ANY    /user/{id}
  app_customer_add                    ANY        ANY      ANY    /customer/add
  app_address_add                     ANY        ANY      ANY    /address/add/{id}
  app_order_add                       ANY        ANY      ANY    /order/add
  app_user_add                        ANY        ANY      ANY    /user/new
  app_stage_add                       ANY        ANY      ANY    /stage/new
  app_category_add                    ANY        ANY      ANY    /category/new
  app_document_add                    ANY        ANY      ANY    /document/new/
  fos_user_registration_register      ANY        ANY      ANY    /new-user
  fos_user_security_logout            ANY        ANY      ANY    /logout
  fos_user_registration_check_email   ANY        ANY      ANY    /check-email
  fos_user_registration_confirm       ANY        ANY      ANY    /confirm/{token}
  fos_user_registration_confirmed     ANY        ANY      ANY    /confirmed
  fos_user_profile_show               ANY        ANY      ANY    /profile
  fos_user_profile_edit               GET|POST   ANY      ANY    /profile-edit
  app_missing_orders_table            ANY        ANY      ANY    /missing-orders
  app_delete_item                     ANY        ANY      ANY    /delete/{type}/{id}
  app_calendar                        ANY        ANY      ANY    /calendar
  app_ajax_call                       ANY        ANY      ANY    /ajax-call/{action}/{data}
  app_customer_search                 ANY        ANY      ANY    /customer-search
  app_customer_get                    ANY        ANY      ANY    /customer-get
  app_product_search                  ANY        ANY      ANY    /product-search
  app_product_search_id               ANY        ANY      ANY    /product-search-by-id
  app_product_get                     ANY        ANY      ANY    /product-get
  app_add_order                       ANY        ANY      ANY    /add-order
  app_print_job_label                 ANY        ANY      ANY    /print-job-label/{id}
  app_claim_task                      ANY        ANY      ANY    /claim-task/{id}
  app_complete_task                   ANY        ANY      ANY    /complete-task/{id}
  app_stages_edit                     ANY        ANY      ANY    /edit-stages
  app_category_edit                   ANY        ANY      ANY    /edit-category/{id}
  app_run_cron_task                   ANY        ANY      ANY    /cron-generate-projects
  remove_trailing_slash               GET        ANY      ANY    /{url}
  fullcalendar_loader                 ANY        ANY      ANY    /fc-load-events
  fos_js_routing_js                   ANY        ANY      ANY    /js/routing.{_format}


composer install -o --no-dev


composer run-script post-install-cmd




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