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[英]Best way to obtain objects from a collection that can be cast to a specific type using Linq

我正在尝试使用Linq获取更通用的实体集合中的所有Point对象。 请参考下面代码中的注释。 似乎.Cast()和.OfType()似乎没有满足我的要求。 代码是否是最佳选择?

// IHost has an Entities collection that contains different types of entities that implement IEntity, and one of specific types may be a Point object.
    public System.Linq.ParallelQuery<Point> GetPoints(IHost entityHost)
        // Is this the best way to get a collection of Points from the Entities, using Linq?
        // I believe Entities.OfType<Point> does not work because the type of item in Entities is IEntity
        // I believe Entities.Cast<Point> does not work because there will be exceptions due to non-Point objects in the collection
        return entityHost.Entities.Where(o => o is Point).Cast<Point>();


 return entityHost.Entities.OfType<Point>()


不,这是Entities声明类型。 OfType查看每个项目的实际类型,如果“是” Point则将其添加到结果中。 “ is”是指“可以强制转换为”-实际上使用is运算符

static IEnumerable<TResult> OfTypeIterator<TResult>(IEnumerable source)      
    foreach (object obj in source) {
        if (obj is TResult) yield return (TResult)obj;


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