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[英]Convert number to alphabet letter

我想将一个数字转换为其相应的字母。 例如:

1 = A
2 = B
3 = C

这可以在 javascript 中完成而无需手动创建数组吗? 在 php 中有一个 range() 函数可以自动创建数组。 javascript中有类似的东西吗?


 var value = 10; document.write((value + 9).toString(36).toUpperCase());

您可以使用String.fromCharCode(code)函数在没有数组的情况下简单地执行此操作,因为字母具有连续代码。 例如: String.fromCharCode(1+64)给你'A', String.fromCharCode(2+64)给你'B',依此类推。


1 = A
2 = 乙
26 = Z
27 = AA
28 = AB
78 = BZ
79 = 加利福尼亚州
80 = CB

var result = ""
function printToLetter(number){
    var charIndex = number % alphabet.length
    var quotient = number/alphabet.length
    if(charIndex-1 == -1){
        charIndex = alphabet.length
    result =  alphabet.charAt(charIndex-1) + result;
        result = ""


我构建了以下解决方案作为对@esantos 答案的增强。

第一个函数定义了一个有效的查找编码字典。 在这里,我使用了英文字母表的所有 26 个字母,但以下也同样适用: "ABCDEFG""ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789""GFEDCBA" 使用这些字典之一将导致将您的 base 10 数字转换为具有适当编码数字的基本dictionary.length数字。 唯一的限制是字典中的每个字符都必须是唯一的。

function getDictionary() {
    return validateDictionary("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ")

    function validateDictionary(dictionary) {
        for (let i = 0; i < dictionary.length; i++) {
            if(dictionary.indexOf(dictionary[i]) !== dictionary.lastIndexOf(dictionary[i])) {
                console.log('Error: The dictionary in use has at least one repeating symbol:', dictionary[i])
                return undefined
        return dictionary

我们现在可以使用这个字典来编码我们的基数为 10 的数字。

function numberToEncodedLetter(number) {
    //Takes any number and converts it into a base (dictionary length) letter combo. 0 corresponds to an empty string.
    //It converts any numerical entry into a positive integer.
    if (isNaN(number)) {return undefined}
    number = Math.abs(Math.floor(number))

    const dictionary = getDictionary()
    let index = number % dictionary.length
    let quotient = number / dictionary.length
    let result
    if (number <= dictionary.length) {return numToLetter(number)}  //Number is within single digit bounds of our encoding letter alphabet

    if (quotient >= 1) {
        //This number was bigger than our dictionary, recursively perform this function until we're done
        if (index === 0) {quotient--}   //Accounts for the edge case of the last letter in the dictionary string
        result = numberToEncodedLetter(quotient)

    if (index === 0) {index = dictionary.length}   //Accounts for the edge case of the final letter; avoids getting an empty string
    return result + numToLetter(index)

    function numToLetter(number) {
        //Takes a letter between 0 and max letter length and returns the corresponding letter
        if (number > dictionary.length || number < 0) {return undefined}
        if (number === 0) {
            return ''
        } else {
            return dictionary.slice(number - 1, number)

一组编码的字母很棒,但是如果我不能将它转换回以 10 为基数的数字,那么它对计算机来说是无用的。

function encodedLetterToNumber(encoded) {
    //Takes any number encoded with the provided encode dictionary 

    const dictionary = getDictionary()
    let result = 0
    let index = 0

    for (let i = 1; i <= encoded.length; i++) {
        index = dictionary.search(encoded.slice(i - 1, i)) + 1
        if (index === 0) {return undefined} //Attempted to find a letter that wasn't encoded in the dictionary
        result = result + index * Math.pow(dictionary.length, (encoded.length - i))

    return result


console.log(numberToEncodedLetter(4))     //D
console.log(numberToEncodedLetter(52))    //AZ
console.log(encodedLetterToNumber("BZ"))  //78
console.log(encodedLetterToNumber("AAC")) //705



function shortNameToIndex(shortName) {
    //Takes the short name (e.g. F6, AA47) and converts to base indecies ({6, 6}, {27, 47})

    if (shortName.length < 2) {return undefined}    //Must be at least one letter and one number
    if (!isNaN(shortName.slice(0, 1))) {return undefined}  //If first character isn't a letter, it's incorrectly formatted

    let letterPart = ''
    let numberPart= ''
    let splitComplete = false
    let index = 1

    do {
        const character = shortName.slice(index - 1, index)
        if (!isNaN(character)) {splitComplete = true}
        if (splitComplete && isNaN(character)) {
            //More letters existed after the numbers. Invalid formatting.
            return undefined    
        } else if (splitComplete && !isNaN(character)) {
            //Number part
            numberPart = numberPart.concat(character)
        } else {
            //Letter part
            letterPart = letterPart.concat(character)
    } while (index <= shortName.length)

    numberPart = parseInt(numberPart)
    letterPart = encodedLetterToNumber(letterPart)

    return {xIndex: numberPart, yIndex: letterPart}

只需将 letterIndex 从 0 (A) 增加到 25 (Z)

const letterIndex = 0
const letter = String.fromCharCode(letterIndex + 'A'.charCodeAt(0))



static readonly string[] Columns_Lettre = new[] { "A", "B", "C"};

public static string IndexToColumn(int index)
        if (index <= 0)
            throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("index must be a positive number");

        if (index < 4)
            return Columns_Lettre[index - 1];
            return index.ToString();


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