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[英]instantiate generic type in generic method


void Main()
    var lol = ActionClass.GetTestTuple<Request, Response, RequestCallInfo>("lol", "user");

public class ActionClass
    public static Tuple<TRes, TInfo> GetTestTuple<TReq, TRes, TInfo>(string resultMsg, string userName)
    where TReq : BaseRequest, new()
    where TRes : BaseResponse, new()
    where TInfo : CallInfo<TReq>, new()
        var response = new TRes { Message = resultMsg };
        var eventsInfo = new TInfo();
        eventsInfo.Data.UserName = userName;

        return new Tuple<TRes, TInfo>(response, eventsInfo);

public class Request : BaseRequest

public class Response : BaseResponse

public class RequestCallInfo : CallInfo<Request>
    public string Item { get; set; }

public class CallInfo<GenericType> : BaseCallInfo where GenericType : BaseRequest, new()
    public GenericType Data { get; set; }

    public CallInfo(GenericType x)
        Data = x;

public class BaseCallInfo
    public string CallItem { get; set; }

public class BaseRequest
    public string UserName { get; set; }

public class BaseResponse
    public string Message { get; set; }

当我执行它时,我得到UserQuery.CallInfo<UserQuery.Request> does not contain a constructor that takes 0 arguments,


public static Tuple<TRes, TInfo> GetTestTuple<TReq, TRes, TInfo>(string resultMsg, string userName)
    where TReq : BaseRequest, new()
    where TRes : BaseResponse, new()
    where TInfo : CallInfo<TReq>, new()
    var response = new TRes { Message = resultMsg };
    var eventsInfo = new TInfo(new TReq { UserName = userName });
    eventsInfo.Data.UserName = userName;

    return new Tuple<TRes, TInfo>(response, eventsInfo);

但我得到'TInfo': impossible to provide arguments when instantiating a type


new()约束只要求泛型类型具有公共参数构造函数; 无法在C#中的泛型类型/约束上指定特定的构造签名。 鉴于此,编译器无法知道调用者可以使用哪些构造函数,因此您无法使用构造函数参数实例化泛型类型。


var eventsInfo = new TInfo() { Data  = new TReq { UserName = userName } };



public class ActionClass
    public static Tuple<TRes, TInfo> GetTestTuple<TReq, TRes, TInfo>(string resultMsg, string userName)
        where TReq : BaseRequest, new()
        where TRes : BaseResponse, new()
        where TInfo : CallInfo<TReq>
        var response = new TRes { Message = resultMsg };
        var eventsInfo = (TInfo)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(TInfo), new []{ new TReq() });
        eventsInfo.Data.UserName = userName;

        return new Tuple<TRes, TInfo>(response, eventsInfo);

public class BaseCallInfo
    public string CallItem { get; set; }

public class BaseRequest
    public string UserName { get; set; }

public class BaseResponse
    public string Message { get; set; }

public class Request : BaseRequest

public class Response : BaseResponse


public class RequestCallInfo : CallInfo<Request>
    public string Item { get; set; }

    public RequestCallInfo(Request x) : base(x)


public class CallInfo<GenericType> : BaseCallInfo where GenericType : BaseRequest, new()
    public GenericType Data { get; set; }

    public CallInfo(GenericType x)
        Data = x;



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