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[英]Compare two list in C# and reject or select the child list based on conditions using LINQ or foreach


我需要在两个列表之间进行比较,并根据条件从子列表中找出可以完全选择还是拒绝的子列表: 如果两个列表之间的V_ID相等,并且该值可以为null或等于父列表的值。

我将无法将列表转换为字典,因为如果没有实体的主要ID,我将无法唯一标识该项目。 让我知道是否可以通过字典进行操作。



public class MyEntity

public int ID {get; set;}

public int W_ID {get; set;}

public long ValueOfW {get; set;}

public string SampleName {get; set;}

public DateTime ModifiedBy {get; set;}

//Other Properties

 public List<long> MyMethod(List<MyEntity> parentInput, List<MyEntity> childInput)
 var parentList = new List<MyEntity>(); //Obtained from Source A which is the parent and never changes
 var childList = new List<MyEntity>();  //Obtained from Source B and converted to type MyEntity
 var mySelectedIds = new List<long>(); 

 if(parentInput.Any() && childInput.Any())
    parentList = parentInput;
    childList = childInput;
    foreach(var parent in parentList)
        foreach(var child in childList)
            if(parent.W_ID == child.W_ID && (parent.ValueOfW == child.ValueOfW || parent.ValueOfW == 0))
    return mySelectedIds; //Need to do some operation after getting the IDs



     W_ID  ValueOfW 
     10  100
     20  200
     30  300


   W_ID  ValueOfW 
    10  100
    20  200
    30  NULL
  Expected Output: The child list A should be selected 
  as IDs are matching and the value for 30 is NULL


   W_ID  ValueOfW 
    10  100
    20  200
    30  301

  Expected Output: The child list B should be selected 
  as IDs are matching and but the value for 30 is not equal


   W_ID  ValueOfW 
    10  100
    20  200
    30  300
    40  400
   Expected Output: The child list C should be selected 
  as IDs are matching and values match even though there is 
  extra item in the list.

为了简单起见,我要做的第一件事就是使比较成为其自己的功能。 这不是关键,但有助于提高可读性。 我不知道条件描述了什么,所以我将其TheCondition (此外,如果条件本身存在错误,则更容易发现这种情况。)

public bool TheCondition(MyEntity parent, MyEntity child)
    return parent.W_ID == child.W_ID 
        && (parent.ValueOfW == child.ValueOfW || parent.ValueOfW == 0)


var selected = childList.Where(child => 
    parentList.Any(parent => TheCondition(parent, child) == true)); 

指定== true只是为了使其更易于阅读。 在“现实生活”中,我只会使用

var selected = childList.Where(child => 
    parentList.Any(parent => TheCondition(parent, child)));


现在selectedIEnumerable<MyEntity> 要获取ID列表,

var ids = selected.Select(entity => entity.ID).ToList();

我们要说的是“从子列表中选择条件,该条件适用于该孩子以及父列表中的任何父项。” 使用Any意味着如果它确实找到了与其中一个父母的匹配,则不需要与所有其他父母进行比较。

然后,在最后一步中,我们说“从先前的实体列表中选择所有ID”,这将返回IEnumerable<int> ,然后根据这些值创建一个新的List<int>

如果我们再分解一些,这甚至可能更清楚一点。 我不一定每次都这样做,但是它可以使您更容易理解。 (起初我为此感到苦恼-也许您会比我快得多。)

public bool TheCondition(MyEntity parent, MyEntity child)
    return parent.W_ID == child.W_ID 
        && (parent.ValueOfW == child.ValueOfW || parent.ValueOfW == 0)

public bool ChildMatchesAnyParent(MyEntity child, IEnumerable<MyEntity> parents)
    return parents.Any(parent => TheCondition(parent, child);

var selected = childList.Where(child => ChildMatchesAnyParent(child, parentList));

var ids = selected.Select(entity => entity.ID).ToList();


var ids = childList.Where(child => ChildMatchesAnyParent(child, parentList))
    .Select(entity => entity.ID).ToList();

对我来说,我需要了解它是如何单独工作的,然后将它们组合在一起会更容易。 但是有时出于可读性考虑,将它们分开仍然是很好的。


var childArray = child.ToArray();               // Convert to an array to enumerate once

return !(from e in parent                       // Get all the parents
    from c in childArray                        // cross join with children
    where e.W_ID == c.W_ID                      // filter those with only matching ID
    where e.Value != c.Value && c.Value != null // filter those based on your condition
    select e).Any();                           

请注意,布尔值NOT( ! )。 如果过滤后还有任何结果,则应拒绝该孩子。


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