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从VB6向MS Access插入订单

[英]Insert Order to MS Access from VB6

我得到了我们用于培训管理的旧VB应用程序之一。它是用VB6编写的,数据库是MsAccess。 当我使用该应用程序时,在保存培训课程的同时,所有记录都保存在以前的记录之间(不按顺序)。 它不会被添加到最后一行。 该应用程序还从数据库中获取数据并在gridview中显示。 因此,最终的显示将以未排序的方式进行。就像我使用表单添加的最新数据一样,显示在中间行的某些位置。 当我看到数据库表时,所有新数据都添加到中间行中。 在这里,我将显示代码:

sql = "INSERT INTO TrAssignment (BatchID,Category,CourseNumber,CourseTitle,FromDate,ToDate,Duration,Location, Trainer, FixedCost,DefaultStudentCost) VALUES ('" & CStr(txtBatchid.Text) & "','" & CStr(cmbCrscategory) & "','" & CStr(sCourNo) & "', '" & CStr(sCourTitle) & "','" & SchfromDTPick.Value & "','" & SchtoDTPicker.Value & "','" & CStr(txtSchduration.Text) & "','" & cmbLocation & "','" & CStr(cmbTrainer) & "','" & CStr(Trim(txtFixedcost.Text)) & "','" & CStr(Trim(txtDefault.Text)) & "')"
                rs.Open sql, conn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

日期格式也像dd-mm-yyyy一样,对于某些记录,日期也以这种精确格式保存。 但对于某些人来说,日期格式就像d / m / yyyy。 只是他们从日期控件中获取日期,而无需格式化代码。

您的日期格式错误。 通常,您可以从此功能中受益:

' Converts a value of any type to its string representation.
' The function can be concatenated into an SQL expression as is
' without any delimiters or leading/trailing white-space.
' Examples:
'   SQL = "Select * From TableTest Where [Amount]>" & CSql(12.5) & "And [DueDate]<" & CSql(Date) & ""
'   SQL -> Select * From TableTest Where [Amount]> 12.5 And [DueDate]< #2016/01/30 00:00:00#
'   SQL = "Insert Into TableTest ( [Street] ) Values (" & CSql(" ") & ")"
'   SQL -> Insert Into TableTest ( [Street] ) Values ( Null )
' Trims text variables for leading/trailing Space and secures single quotes.
' Replaces zero length strings with Null.
' Formats date/time variables as safe string expressions.
' Uses Str to format decimal values to string expressions.
' Returns Null for values that cannot be expressed with a string expression.
' 2016-01-30. Gustav Brock, Cactus Data ApS, CPH.
Public Function CSql( _
    ByVal Value As Variant) _
    As String

    Const vbLongLong    As Integer = 20
    Const SqlNull       As String = " Null"

    Dim Sql             As String
    Dim LongLong        As Integer

    #If Win32 Then
        LongLong = vbLongLong
    #End If
    #If Win64 Then
        LongLong = VBA.vbLongLong
    #End If

    Select Case VarType(Value)
        Case vbEmpty            '    0  Empty (uninitialized).
            Sql = SqlNull
        Case vbNull             '    1  Null (no valid data).
            Sql = SqlNull
        Case vbInteger          '    2  Integer.
            Sql = Str(Value)
        Case vbLong             '    3  Long integer.
            Sql = Str(Value)
        Case vbSingle           '    4  Single-precision floating-point number.
            Sql = Str(Value)
        Case vbDouble           '    5  Double-precision floating-point number.
            Sql = Str(Value)
        Case vbCurrency         '    6  Currency.
            Sql = Str(Value)
        Case vbDate             '    7  Date.
            Sql = Format(Value, " \#yyyy\/mm\/dd hh\:nn\:ss\#")
        Case vbString           '    8  String.
            Sql = Replace(Trim(Value), "'", "''")
            If Sql = "" Then
                Sql = SqlNull
                Sql = " '" & Sql & "'"
            End If
        Case vbObject           '    9  Object.
            Sql = SqlNull
        Case vbError            '   10  Error.
            Sql = SqlNull
        Case vbBoolean          '   11  Boolean.
            Sql = Str(Abs(Value))
        Case vbVariant          '   12  Variant (used only with arrays of variants).
            Sql = SqlNull
        Case vbDataObject       '   13  A data access object.
            Sql = SqlNull
        Case vbDecimal          '   14  Decimal.
            Sql = Str(Value)
        Case vbByte             '   17  Byte.
            Sql = Str(Value)
        Case LongLong           '   20  LongLong integer (Valid on 64-bit platforms only).
            Sql = Str(Value)
        Case vbUserDefinedType  '   36  Variants that contain user-defined types.
            Sql = SqlNull
        Case vbArray            ' 8192  Array.
            Sql = SqlNull
        Case Else               '       Should not happen.
            Sql = SqlNull
    End Select

    CSql = Sql & " "

End Function


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