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为什么 valgrind 在单个链表节点删除时抱怨大小为 8 的无效读取?

[英]Why valgrind complains about Invalid reads of size 8 on single linked list node removal?



指向指针的指针如何在 C 中工作?

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>

typedef struct node
  int val;
  struct node* next;
} node;

node* newNode(int val)
  node* n = (node*)malloc(sizeof(node));
  n->val = val;
  n->next = NULL;
  return n;

void clean(node* head)
  while (head)
    node* curr = head;
    head = head->next;

void append(node* head, int val)
  if(head == NULL)
    head = newNode(val);

  while (head->next)
    head = head->next;
  head->next = newNode(val);

void removeIf(node** head, int val)
  //node **curr = head;
  //while (*curr != NULL) {
  //  if ((*curr)->val == val) {
  //    node *next = (*curr)->next;
  //    free(*curr);
  //    *curr = next;
  //  } else {
  //    curr = &((*curr)->next);
  //  }

  node **pp = head; /* pointer to a pointer */
  node *entry = *head;

  while (entry) {
      if (entry->val == val)
        node* tmp = *pp;
        *pp = entry->next;
        pp = &entry->next;

      entry = entry->next;

int size(node* head)
  int sz = 0;
  while (head)
    head = head->next;

  return sz;

void tests();

int main()
  return 0;

 * Here are the tests for lists functionalities
void tests()
    node* root = newNode(1);
    append(root, 1);
    append(root, 1);
    append(root, 1);
    append(root, 2);
    append(root, 3);
    append(root, 5);
    assert(size(root) == 7);
    removeIf(&root, 1);
    assert(size(root) == 3);

问题在于最后一行( main.c:68 )的removeIf()函数:

entry = entry->next;

注释的作品和 valgrind 没有抱怨它,而未注释的代码有效,但 valgrind 抱怨如下:

==31665== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==31665== Copyright (C) 2002-2012, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==31665== Using Valgrind-3.8.1 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==31665== Command: ./a.out
==31665== Invalid read of size 8
==31665==    at 0x40067C: removeIf (main.c:68)
==31665==    by 0x400785: tests (main.c:106)
==31665==    by 0x4006C7: main (main.c:88)
==31665==  Address 0x4c33048 is 8 bytes inside a block of size 16 free'd
==31665==    at 0x4A06430: free (vg_replace_malloc.c:446)
==31665==    by 0x400669: removeIf (main.c:63)
==31665==    by 0x400785: tests (main.c:106)
==31665==    by 0x4006C7: main (main.c:88)
==31665== HEAP SUMMARY:
==31665==     in use at exit: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==31665==   total heap usage: 7 allocs, 7 frees, 112 bytes allocated
==31665== All heap blocks were freed -- no leaks are possible
==31665== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
==31665== ERROR SUMMARY: 4 errors from 1 contexts (suppressed: 6 from 6)


我想我知道发生了什么。 让我们逐步回顾一下流程并假设我们遇到了要删除的第一个节点(我们将其称为 ENTRY)。 从您的代码中,这意味着以下状态:

-- pp 显然包含一个 ENTRY 指针地址,因为它是第一个找到的,因为pp 一直更新为入口迭代器的地址(我们总是有 'else' 情况)。

接下来发生什么? 我们将 ENTRY 分配给 tmp,将 pp 分配给 ENTRY 的下一个,然后释放 tmp,本质上是释放 ENTRY 的内存,因为tmp 和 ENTRY 都包含相同的地址 这引入了两个问题:

1) 前一个节点的下一个指针(即 NODE->NEXT == ENTRY)成为一个悬空指针,因为它从未被重新分配过,并且您的函数的当前实现无法做到这一点。

2) 释放 ENTRY 的内存后,访问成员“next”以向前移动条目迭代器。 我认为这正是 valgrind 告诉您您访问了您没有所有权的内存的确切位置和情况。

根据 GDB 调试

  1. 删除(头= 0x7ffffffffdee0 ,...)
  2. (gdb) p &entry $11 = (node )**0x7fffffffdec0
  3. 你能检查一下入口和头地址吗? 我怀疑 8 个字节是因为这个。


void removeIf(node** head, int val)
  node** last_next_pointer = head;
  node* entry = *head;

  while (entry != NULL) {
    if (entry->val == val) {
      node* tmp = entry;
      *last_next_pointer = entry->next;
      entry = entry->next;
    } else {
      last_next_pointer = &(entry->next);
      entry = entry->next;

不需要变量dd ,因为它不跟踪前一个节点,因此您不能将前一个节点重新链接到下一个节点,然后释放当前节点。



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