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尝试初始化区结构内的边结构。 我怎么做?

[英]Trying to initialize an edge struct which is inside the district struct. How do I do that?


 * district struct that keeps track of the name, valence, and connections a district has to others
struct district {
     * contains an edge with two vertices
    struct edge {
        district *vertex1, *vertex2;
         * initializes both vertices to nullptr
        edge() :
                vertex1(nullptr), vertex2(nullptr) {
    T name;
    int valence;
    edge *connection[100];
    int color;
     * initializes all struct members to default values
    district(T name) :
            name(name), valence(0), connection { nullptr }, color(100) {


    list[i]->connection[list[i]->valence]->vertex1 = list[i];
    list[i]->connection[list[i]->valence]->vertex2 = list[j];
    list[i]->valence++; //add 1 to the amount of vertices for district a
    list[j]->connection[list[j]->valence]->vertex1 = list[j];
    list[j]->connection[list[j]->valence]->vertex2 = list[i];
    list[j]->valence++; //add 1 to the amount of vertices for district b
    sort(); //sort the list in order of valence

但是为了将数据写入该边缘,据我所知,需要首先使用“new”运算符创建数据。 如果区域已经存在,那么区域已经在代码中进一步初始化到列表数组中它们各自的位置,并且我不需要帮助。


    list[i]->connection[list[i]->valence] = new district.edge;
    list[i]->connection[list[i]->valence] = new district->edge;
    list[i]->connection[list[i]->valence] = new edge;

但它们都不起作用。 我该如何做到这一点?

 new district.edge 

不, district不是一个对象。

 new district->edge 

不, district不是指针。

 new edge 

范围中没有名为edge类型。 (除非你在district的成员函数内执行此操作。)


new district::edge

有一种在C ++ 11中创建district::edge的新方法:

auto e = *(p);//p is a pointer of district::edge and it point to a real object of district::edge

第二:推导出section district::edge形成对象e
using edge = decltype(e);

现在, edge是type district::edge类型。

list[i]->connection[list[i]->valence] = new edge();

注意:这是在C ++ 11中获取未知类型的常用方法。


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