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Spring Data JPA - 是否可以对计算属性进行排序?

[英]Spring Data JPA - Is it possible to sort on a calculated property?


public class Game {

    private Integer id;

    private String name;

    private Calendar startTime;
    private int durationInSeconds;

    public GameStatus getStatus() {
        if( startTime.after(Calendar.getInstance()))
            return GameStatus.SCHEDULED;
        } else {
            Calendar endTime = Calendar.getInstance();
            endTime.roll(Calendar.SECOND, durationInSeconds);

            if( endTime.after(Calendar.getInstance())) {
                return GameStatus.OPEN_FOR_PLAY;
            else {
                return GameStatus.FINISHED;

如果我的GameRepositoryPagingAndSortingRepository ,我如何获得按status属性排序的结果页面?


java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unable to locate Attribute  with the the 
given name [status] on this ManagedType [org.test.model.Game]

我可以理解,因为status确实没有 JPA 属性。 有没有办法解决这个问题?

(我在下面使用 Hibernate,所以任何 Hibernate 特定的东西也可以)

问题是 Spring Data 的 PageRequest 排序是通过形成 ORDER BY 子句在数据库层完成的。

您可以创建一个@Formula 列,例如

public class Game {
     // rewrite your logic here in HQL
     @Formula("case when startTime >= endTime then 'FINISHED' ... end")
     private String status;

然后可以按排序顺序使用新列,因为您在公式中编写的所有内容都将传递给 ORDER BY 子句。


示例:ticketPrice = totalAmount / 入场人数

public class Event {
   // To avoid division by 0, and setting to 0 if admissions is 0 
   @Formula(value = "coalesce(totalAmount / NULLIF(admissions, 0), 0)")
   private Double ticketPrice;


GET example-url?size=25&page=0&sort=ticketPrice,ASC


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