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带有约束的Moq表达式…It.Is <Expression<Func<T, bool> &gt;&gt;

[英]Moq Expression with Constraint … It.Is<Expression<Func<T, bool>>>

好的,我很难解决如何为采用表达式的方法设置最小起订量的问题。 有很多关于如何实现它的示例。IsAny <> ...这不是我所追求的。 我在处理约束之后,所以是It.Is <>。 我已经设置了它,但是它从不返回我要求它返回的值。

// Expression being setup
Expression<Func<UserBinding, bool>> testExpression = binding =>
binding.User.Username == "Testing Framework";

// Setup of what expression to look for. 
            c => c.GetUserBinding(It.Is<Expression<Func<UserBinding, bool>>>
(criteria => criteria == testExpression)))
            .Returns(new List<UserBinding>() { testBinding }.AsQueryable());

// Line of code call from within the class being tested. So this is being mocked and should return the defined object when the same lambda is passed in.
 this.bindingManager.GetUserBinding(b => b.User.Username == username)

// class under test. So for the test this is being called. 
// so this is the method being called and inside this method is where the binding manager is being mocked and called. 
var response = this.controller.SendMessage(message, true).Result;


 // inside the controller.SendMessage method this method is called with the lambda expression. I have verified the usernames match but when the setup is It.Is this returns null instead of the object setup in the "setup" call. 
this.bindingManager.GetUserBinding(b => b.User.Username == username)

如果我将设置更改为It.IsAny ...,它将起作用,并在“返回”方法中返回预期的对象设置。

我已经找到了一些有关如何在Web上执行此操作的示例,一个示例是这样做的,另一个示例是使用编译的,但是我也无法使它正常工作。 如何使它适用于特定的表达式?


@ carlos-alejo让我朝正确的方向前进,或者至少让我踢回了“编译”操作。 我在想错了。 我现在基于使用编译的解决方案。 了解编译的关键是为它提供一个对象,通过该对象可以评估/生成表达式。


binding => binding.User.Username == "Testing Framework";


var testBinding = new UserBinding { Binding = new Binding { Name = "Default binding" }, Domain = "test.com", User = new User() { Username = "Testing Framework" } };


this.bindingManager.Setup(c => c.GetUserBinding(It.Is<Expression<Func<UserBinding, bool>>>(y => y.Compile()(testBinding))))
        .Returns(new List<UserBinding>() { testBinding }.AsQueryable());

这可以正常工作,在我的情况下,设置完成后,我会返回测试绑定对象。 如果将testBinding更改为(注意,我更改了用户名)

    var testBinding = new UserBinding { Binding = new Binding { Name = "Default binding" }, Domain = "test.com", User = new User() { Username = "Testing Framework2" } };

这将无法正常工作,因为被测系统内部的代码会生成一个寻找“ Test Framework”的表达式


似乎这里真正的问题是,如您在It.Is<Expression<Func<UserBinding, bool>>> (criteria => criteria == testExpression)子句中尝试的那样,如何比较两个lambda表达式。 使用@neleus对这个问题的答案,我可以想出这个实际通过的测试:

readonly Mock<IBindingManager> bindingManager = new Mock<IBindingManager>();

public void TestMethod()
    Expression<Func<string, bool>> testExpression = binding => (binding == "Testing Framework");

    bindingManager.Setup(c => c.GetUserBinding(It.Is<Expression<Func<string, bool>>>(
        criteria => LambdaCompare.Eq(criteria, testExpression)))).Returns(new List<string>());

    var oc = new OtherClass(bindingManager.Object);

    var actual = oc.Test(b => b == "Testing Framework");

    Assert.That(actual, Is.Not.Null);
    bindingManager.Verify(c => c.GetUserBinding(It.Is<Expression<Func<string, bool>>>(
        criteria => LambdaCompare.Eq(criteria, testExpression))), Times.Once());

请注意,使用LambdaCompare.Eq静态方法来比较表达式是否相同。 如果仅将表达式与==或什至Equals进行比较,则测试将失败。




 var inputTestDataAsNonFilteredCustomers = new List<Customer> {cust1, cust2};
 var customersRepoMock = new Mock<IBaseRepository<Customer>>();

                IQueryable<Customer> filteredResult = null;
                customersRepoMock.Setup(x => x.Where(It.IsAny<Expression<Func<Customer, bool>>>()))
                    .Callback((Expression<Func<Customer, bool>>[] expressions) =>
                        if (expressions == null || expressions.Any() == false)
                        Func<Customer, bool> wereLambdaExpression = expressions.First().Compile();  //  x=>x.isActive is here
                        filteredResult = inputTestDataAsNonFilteredCustomers.Where(wereLambdaExpression).ToList().AsQueryable();// x=>x.isActive was applied
                   .Returns(() => filteredResult.AsQueryable());



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