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[英]Reference a prototype function in the constructor, how?


当玩家获胜时,将出现带有分数和一些按钮的ResultPanel 播放器可以按按钮进入下一个级别或进行重置等。用于处理返回/重置/下一步的代码在原型函数中,但是在调用构造函数(?)时尚未定义。

我究竟做错了什么? 什么是正确的方法?

// level complete panel constructor
ResultPanel = function(game, stars) {

    this.game = game;

    // display how many yellow stars
    var star1 = stars > 0 ? 'star_yellow' : 'star_grey';
    var star2 = stars > 1 ? 'star_yellow' : 'star_grey';
    var star3 = stars > 2 ? 'star_yellow' : 'star_grey';

    // add text and stars
    this._panelCaption = this.game.add.bitmapText(144, 12, 'bigrigsfont', 'you are winner!', 48);
    this._panelStar1   = this.game.add.sprite(300-160, 144, 'buttonicon', star1);
    this._panelStar2   = this.game.add.sprite(300,     144, 'buttonicon', star2);
    this._panelStar3   = this.game.add.sprite(300+160, 144, 'buttonicon', star3);

    // add button icons
    // NOTE: below code runs but something is wrong because
    // this.doBtnBack this.doBtnReset etc. is undefined
    this.btnBack  = this.game.add.button(300-100, 300, 'buttonicon', this.doBtnBack,  this, 'back_grey',  'back_hl');
    this.btnReset = this.game.add.button(300,     300, 'buttonicon', this.doBtnReset, this, 'reset_grey', 'reset_hl');
    this.btnNext  = this.game.add.button(300+100, 300, 'buttonicon', this.doBtnNext,  this, 'next_grey',  'next_hl');


ResultPanel.prototype.doBtnBack = function() {
    console.log('Panel button BACK pressed') // never reaches here

ResultPanel.prototype.doBtnReset = function() {
    console.log('Panel button RESET pressed');

ResultPanel.prototype.doBtnNext = function() {
    console.log('Panel button NEXT pressed');

我也试过了,但是给出了一个错误Uncaught TypeError: this.doBtnBack is not a function

this.btnBack  = this.game.add.button(300-100, 300, 'buttonicon', function(){this.doBtnBack();},  this, 4, 0, 8);

好的,实际上我在所有对象上都使用了MyGame前缀/命名空间,因为在此代码示例中也使用了 我承认我不太了解MyGame. 精确地做。


var MyGame = {};

MyGame.Bootup = function() {
MyGame.GameState = function() {
    create: function() {
        var panel = new MyGame.ResultPanel(this, 3);

并查看下面的面板对象代码。 现在,如果我删除所有MyGame. 从下面的代码中删除,但将其保留在上面的代码中(除非在var panel = new ResultPanel(this,3)“中,然后它才能正常工作(?)。不知道为什么。

// level complete panel constructor
MyGame.ResultPanel = function(game, stars) {

    this.game = game;
    // etc.

MyGame.ResultPanel.prototype.doBtnBack = function() {
    console.log('Panel button BACK pressed') // never reaches here

MyGame.ResultPanel.prototype.doBtnReset = function() {
    console.log('Panel button RESET pressed');

MyGame.ResultPanel.prototype.doBtnNext = function() {
    console.log('Panel button NEXT pressed');

// level complete panel constructor
MyGame.GameState = function() {
    create: function() {
        var panel = new MyGame.ResultPanel(this, 3);


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