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laravel 5.2 不同任务的自定义日志文件

[英]laravel 5.2 custom log file for different tasks

我们可以在 laravel 5.2 中创建用于不同目的的自定义日志文件,例如应该在 order.log 中的订单相关日志条目以及应该在 Payments.log 中记录付款相关内容的条目

我想找到最好的 Laravel 方式。

目前我们只能更改日志文件频率(例如每天、单个)或者我们可以更改默认日志文件的名称,即 laravel.log


use Monolog\Logger;
use Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler;

$log = ['orderId' => 10,
        'description' => 'Some description'];

//first parameter passed to Monolog\Logger sets the logging channel name
$orderLog = new Logger('order');
$orderLog->pushHandler(new StreamHandler(storage_path('logs/order.log')), Logger::INFO);
$orderLog->info('OrderLog', $log);

日志/order.log 中的输出:

[2017-04-30 00:00:00] order.INFO: OrderLog {"orderId":10, "description":"Some description"} []

给你...我花了很多时间向 Monolog 添加自定义功能,它能够以适当的方式做到这一点。 我尝试了很多不同的方法,但都有点hacky。 最后我找到了一个让这个功能正常工作的好方法......

由于应用比较大,我需要单独的日志文件,并尽可能维护现有的 Laravel 的 Log 接口。 我需要这样的东西:

Log::write('audit', 'User logged in to the app.');
Log::info('event', 'User sent out 2 emails.');



//Facade to Object binding
$this->app->bind('chanellog', 'App\Helpers\ChannelWriter');


//Custom Alias Class
'ChannelLog' => App\Contracts\Facades\ChannelLog::class,



namespace App\Contracts\Facades;

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Facade;

 * @see \Illuminate\Log\Writer
class ChannelLog extends Facade
     * Get the registered name of the component.
     * @return string
    protected static function getFacadeAccessor()
        return 'chanellog';



namespace App\Helpers;

use Monolog\Logger;

use App\Helpers\ChannelStreamHandler;

class ChannelWriter
     * The Log channels.
     * @var array
    protected $channels = [
        'event' => [ 
            'path' => 'logs/audit.log', 
            'level' => Logger::INFO 
        'audit' => [ 
            'path' => 'logs/audit.log', 
            'level' => Logger::INFO 

     * The Log levels.
     * @var array
    protected $levels = [
        'debug'     => Logger::DEBUG,
        'info'      => Logger::INFO,
        'notice'    => Logger::NOTICE,
        'warning'   => Logger::WARNING,
        'error'     => Logger::ERROR,
        'critical'  => Logger::CRITICAL,
        'alert'     => Logger::ALERT,
        'emergency' => Logger::EMERGENCY,

    public function __construct() {}

     * Write to log based on the given channel and log level set
     * @param type $channel
     * @param type $message
     * @param array $context
     * @throws InvalidArgumentException
    public function writeLog($channel, $level, $message, array $context = [])
        //check channel exist
        if( !in_array($channel, array_keys($this->channels)) ){
            throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid channel used.');

        //lazy load logger
        if( !isset($this->channels[$channel]['_instance']) ){
            //create instance
            $this->channels[$channel]['_instance'] = new Logger($channel);
            //add custom handler
                new ChannelStreamHandler( 
                    storage_path() .'/'. $this->channels[$channel]['path'], 

        //write out record
        $this->channels[$channel]['_instance']->{$level}($message, $context);

    public function write($channel, $message, array $context = []){
        //get method name for the associated level
        $level = array_flip( $this->levels )[$this->channels[$channel]['level']];
        //write to log
        $this->writeLog($channel, $level, $message, $context);

    function __call($func, $params){
        if(in_array($func, array_keys($this->levels))){
            return $this->writeLog($params[0], $func, $params[1]);




namespace App\Helpers;

use Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler;

 * Use channels to log into separate files
 * @author Peter Feher
class ChannelStreamHandler extends StreamHandler
     * Channel name
     * @var String 
    protected $channel;

     * @param String $channel Channel name to write
     * @see parent __construct for params
    public function __construct($channel, $stream, $level = Logger::DEBUG, $bubble = true, $filePermission = null, $useLocking = false)
        $this->channel = $channel;

        parent::__construct($stream, $level, $bubble);

     * When to handle the log record. 
     * @param array $record
     * @return type
    public function isHandling(array $record)
        //Handle if Level high enough to be handled (default mechanism) 
        if( isset($record['channel']) ){
            return ( 
                $record['level'] >= $this->level && 
                $record['channel'] == $this->channel 
        } else {
            return ( 
                $record['level'] >= $this->level



use ChannelLog as Log;
function myFunction(){
    //Recommended (writes INFO to logs/event.log)
    Log::write('event', 'User sent out 3 voucher.')
    //Possible to use (writes ALERT to logs/audit.log)
    Log::alert('audit', 'User modified xyz entry.')
    //Or even: 
    Log::write('audit', 'User modified xyz entry.', ['user'=>1])


  1. 创建频道

    转到: root/config/logging.php ,在channels数组下添加您的自定义频道即

      'payments' => [
          'driver' => 'single',
          'path' => storage_path('logs/payments.log'),
          'level' => 'info',
  1. 在您的路由或控制器中写入此日志
    Log::channel('payments')->info('A transaction has been made!');
  1. 支付日志可以在/storage/logs/payments.log找到


Laravel 5.6 版文档

您可以尝试重新利用日志功能将不同类型的日志写入不同的文件。 这可以通过编辑bootstrap/app.php文件来完成:

$app->configureMonologUsing(function($monolog) {
    $bubble = false;
    $infoStreamHandler = new Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler( storage_path("/logs/orders.log"), Monolog\Logger::INFO, $bubble);

    $warningStreamHandler = new Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler( storage_path("/logs/logins.log"), Monolog\Logger::WARNING, $bubble);


Log::info('Order was created', ['ORDER-123']);

Log::warning('User login', ['USER-1']);


  • 调试
  • 信息
  • 通知
  • 警告
  • 错误
  • 关键
  • 警报
  • 紧急情况


我注意到的一个问题是日志将附加[] [] ,这是LineFormatter.format(); $context$extra的空数组值LineFormatter.format();

即, vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Formatter/LineFormatter.php

有两种方法可以解决这个问题,要么提供一种格式,该格式不包括LineFormatter的构造函数的额外或上下文,要么提供第四个参数$ignoreEmptyContextAndExtra = true

ShQ 的答案中的所有文件都保持不变,但ChannelStreamHandler必须更改。



namespace App\Helpers;

use Monolog\Formatter\LineFormatter;
use Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler;
use Monolog\Logger;

 * Use channels to log into separate files
class ChannelStreamHandler extends StreamHandler
     * Channel name
     * @var String
    protected $channel;

     * @param String $channel Channel name to write
     * @param bool|int $stream
     * @param bool|int $level
     * @param bool $bubble
     * @param null $filePermission
     * @param bool $useLocking
     * @see parent __construct for params
    public function __construct(
        $level = Logger::DEBUG,
        $bubble = true,
        $filePermission = null,
        $useLocking = false
    ) {
        $this->channel = $channel;

        $formatter = new LineFormatter(null, null, false, true);

        parent::__construct($stream, $level, $bubble);

     * When to handle the log record.
     * @param array $record
     * @return bool
    public function isHandling(array $record)
        //Handle if Level high enough to be handled (default mechanism)
        if (isset($record['channel'])) {
            return ($record['level'] >= $this->level && $record['channel'] == $this->channel);
        } else {
            return ($record['level'] >= $this->level);


重要的变化是提供 true 的第四个参数,即$ignoreEmptyContextAndExtra 此参数告诉LineFormatter如果为空,则忽略extra数组的任一context

$formatter = new LineFormatter(null, null, false, true);

您还必须确保运行 monolog 1.22,因为它包含有关ignoreEmptyContextAndExtra的错误修复。

我还在ChannelWritter类中添加了 info() 的覆盖:

public function info($channel, $message, array $context = [])
    $level = array_flip($this->levels)[$this->channels[$channel]['level']];
    $this->writeLog($channel, $level, $message, $context);

此外,我对 ShQ 解决方案中的“延迟加载记录器”不满意,因此修改为使用服务提供商/IoC


public function writeLog(string $channel, string $level, string $message, array $context = [])
    if (!in_array($channel, array_keys($this->channels))) {
        throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid channel used.');

    $logger = \App::make("{$channel}log");
    $channelHandler = new ChannelStreamHandler(
        storage_path() . '/' . $this->channels[$channel]['path'],


    $this->app->bind('eventlog', function () {
        return new Logger('event');

    $this->app->bind('auditlog', function () {
        return new Logger('audit');




对于 Laravel 5.3 中的我,我不确定它是否是我之前的安装,但我发现 bootstrap/app.php 对我不起作用。

我需要把它放在 app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php 中。

nb 这是我之前从 config 设置日志级别的地方,所以我最终得到了 3 个日志处理程序。

public function register()
   $monolog = Log::getMonolog();
   foreach ($monolog->getHandlers() as $handler) {

   $bubble = false;
   $infoStreamHandler = new \Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler( storage_path("logs/info.log"), \Monolog\Logger::INFO, $bubble);

   $warningStreamHandler = new \Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler( storage_path("logs/warning.log"), \Monolog\Logger::WARNING, $bubble);


基于 ShQ 的答案,一个更短更简单的记录器助手,它允许您即时登录到自定义文件。 您还可以添加自定义处理程序并设置文件路径。


 * Logger helper to log into different files
 * @package    App\Helpers
 * @author     Romain Laneuville <romain.laneuville@hotmail.fr>

namespace App\Helpers;

use Monolog\Logger;
use Monolog\Handler\HandlerInterface;
use Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler;

 * Class LogToChannels
 * @package App\Helpers
class LogToChannels
     * The LogToChannels channels.
     * @var Logger[]
    protected $channels = [];

     * LogToChannels constructor.
    public function __construct()

     * @param string $channel The channel to log the record in
     * @param int    $level   The error level
     * @param string $message The error message
     * @param array  $context Optional context arguments
     * @return bool Whether the record has been processed
    public function log(string $channel, int $level, string $message, array $context = []): bool
        // Add the logger if it doesn't exist
        if (!isset($this->channels[$channel])) {
            $handler = new StreamHandler(
                storage_path() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'logs' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $channel . '.log'

            $this->addChannel($channel, $handler);

        // LogToChannels the record
        return $this->channels[$channel]->{Logger::getLevelName($level)}($message, $context);

     * Add a channel to log in
     * @param string           $channelName The channel name
     * @param HandlerInterface $handler     The channel handler
     * @param string|null      $path        The path of the channel file, DEFAULT storage_path()/logs
     * @throws \Exception When the channel already exists
    public function addChannel(string $channelName, HandlerInterface $handler, string $path = null)
        if (isset($this->channels[$channelName])) {
            throw new \Exception('This channel already exists');

        $this->channels[$channelName] = new Logger($channelName);
            new $handler(
                $path === null ?
                    storage_path() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'logs' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $channelName . '.log' :
                    $path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $channelName . '.log'

     * Adds a log record at the DEBUG level.
     * @param  string $channel The channel name
     * @param  string $message The log message
     * @param  array  $context The log context
     * @return bool Whether the record has been processed
    public function debug(string $channel, string $message, array $context = []): bool
        return $this->log($channel, Logger::DEBUG, $message, $context);

     * Adds a log record at the INFO level.
     * @param  string $channel The channel name
     * @param  string $message The log message
     * @param  array  $context The log context
     * @return bool Whether the record has been processed
    public function info(string $channel, string $message, array $context = []): bool
        return $this->log($channel, Logger::INFO, $message, $context);

     * Adds a log record at the NOTICE level.
     * @param  string $channel The channel name
     * @param  string $message The log message
     * @param  array  $context The log context
     * @return bool Whether the record has been processed
    public function notice(string $channel, string $message, array $context = []): bool
        return $this->log($channel, Logger::NOTICE, $message, $context);

     * Adds a log record at the WARNING level.
     * @param  string $channel The channel name
     * @param  string $message The log message
     * @param  array  $context The log context
     * @return bool Whether the record has been processed
    public function warn(string $channel, string $message, array $context = []): bool
        return $this->log($channel, Logger::WARNING, $message, $context);

     * Adds a log record at the WARNING level.
     * @param  string $channel The channel name
     * @param  string $message The log message
     * @param  array  $context The log context
     * @return bool Whether the record has been processed
    public function warning(string $channel, string $message, array $context = []): bool
        return $this->log($channel, Logger::WARNING, $message, $context);

     * Adds a log record at the ERROR level.
     * @param  string $channel The channel name
     * @param  string $message The log message
     * @param  array  $context The log context
     * @return bool Whether the record has been processed
    public function err(string $channel, string $message, array $context = []): bool
        return $this->log($channel, Logger::ERROR, $message, $context);

     * Adds a log record at the ERROR level.
     * @param  string $channel The channel name
     * @param  string $message The log message
     * @param  array  $context The log context
     * @return bool Whether the record has been processed
    public function error(string $channel, string $message, array $context = []): bool
        return $this->log($channel, Logger::ERROR, $message, $context);

     * Adds a log record at the CRITICAL level.
     * @param  string $channel The channel name
     * @param  string $message The log message
     * @param  array  $context The log context
     * @return bool Whether the record has been processed
    public function crit(string $channel, string $message, array $context = []): bool
        return $this->log($channel, Logger::CRITICAL, $message, $context);

     * Adds a log record at the CRITICAL level.
     * @param  string $channel The channel name
     * @param  string $message The log message
     * @param  array  $context The log context
     * @return Boolean Whether the record has been processed
    public function critical(string $channel, string $message, array $context = []): bool
        return $this->log($channel, Logger::CRITICAL, $message, $context);

     * Adds a log record at the ALERT level.
     * @param  string $channel The channel name
     * @param  string $message The log message
     * @param  array  $context The log context
     * @return bool Whether the record has been processed
    public function alert(string $channel, string $message, array $context = []): bool
        return $this->log($channel, Logger::ALERT, $message, $context);

     * Adds a log record at the EMERGENCY level.
     * @param  string $channel The channel name
     * @param  string $message The log message
     * @param  array  $context The log context
     * @return bool Whether the record has been processed
    public function emerg(string $channel, string $message, array $context = []): bool
        return $this->log($channel, Logger::EMERGENCY, $message, $context);

     * Adds a log record at the EMERGENCY level.
     * @param  string $channel The channel name
     * @param  string $message The log message
     * @param  array  $context The log context
     * @return bool Whether the record has been processed
    public function emergency(string $channel, string $message, array $context = []): bool
        return $this->log($channel, Logger::EMERGENCY, $message, $context);


//Facade to Object binding
$this->app->bind('LogToChannels', 'App\Helpers\LogToChannels');


// Custom Alias Class
'Log' => App\Contracts\Facades\LogToChannels::class


Log::info('logger_name', 'Log message');
Log::error('other_logger_name', 'Log message', $someContext);


Log::addChannel('channel_name', $customHandler);



step1: create a channel inside config/logging.php file

example :

'channels' => [
    'single' => [
    'driver' => 'single', 
    'path' => storage_path('logs/laravel.log'),
    'level' => 'debug',

'web' => [
      'driver' => 'single',
      'path' => storage_path('logs/web/web.log'),


Step2: Now set dynamic path from the controller  like this

config(['logging.channels.web.path' => storage_path('logs/web/'.time().'.log')]);

Step3 : now generate your log

  Log::channel('web')->info("your message goes here");

Enjoy :)

我管理了我自己的日志函数,它可以放在 app 目录的 helper.php 文件中。

if ( ! function_exists( 'write_log' ) ) {
     * Write log to log file
     * @param string|array|object $log
    function write_log( $log ) {
        if ( env('APP_LOG_LEVEL', 'debug') == 'debug' ) {
            if ( is_array( $log ) || is_object( $log ) ) {
                file_put_contents(laravelInstallDir().'../debug.log', print_r( $log, true ), FILE_APPEND);
            } else {
                file_put_contents(laravelInstallDir().'../debug.log', $log, FILE_APPEND);



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