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[英]How to insert dataGridView row text into database in c#

我试图将一个完整的表文本传输到我的数据库中,我认为我可以使用foreach循环。 但我最终得到一个错误。


        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){

           foreach (DataGridViewRow dr in dataGridView1.Rows)
            string constring = "Data Source = localhost; port = 3306; username = root; password = 0159";
            string Query = "Update TopShineDB.Table1 set Time = '" + dr.Cells[0].Value + "', CarColorNumber = '" + dr.Cells[1].Value + "', Interior = '" + dr.Cells[2].Value + "', Exterior = '" + dr.Cells[3].Value + "', CPlastic = '" + dr.Cells[4].Value + "', MPlastic = '" + dr.Cells[5].Value + "', SPlastic = '" + dr.Cells[6].Value + "', PlasticB = '" + dr.Cells[7].Value + "', WashExt = '" + dr.Cells[8].Value + "', WashEng = '" + dr.Cells[9].Value + "', WashTrunk = '" + dr.Cells[10].Value + "', WashSeats = '" + dr.Cells[11].Value + "', SeatsRmv = '" + dr.Cells[12].Value + "', SeatsFit = '" + dr.Cells[13].Value + "', Notes = '" + dr.Cells[14].Value + "', where Time = '" + dr.Cells[0].Value + "' ;";  
            MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(constring);
            MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(Query, conn);
            MySqlDataReader myReader;

                myReader = command.ExecuteReader();
                MessageBox.Show("Worker Successfully Added");
                while (myReader.Read())

            catch (Exception ex)


you have an error in your sql syntax check the manual that corresponds to your mysql server version for the right syntax to use near '(Time, CarColorNumber, Interior, Exterior, CPlastic,...)

我究竟做错了什么? 谢谢您的帮助。

正如我上面的评论中所解释的那样,您有一个语法错误,因为WHERE语句之前有一个逗号。但是仅删除该逗号并不能解决您的问题,因为单词TIME是保留关键字,您不应在列中使用它名称。 可以在关键字之前和之后添加反引号`来解决此问题。 (或者更好地更改列名)


字符串连接方法最严重的问题是允许恶意用户使用一种称为Sql Injection的众所周知的黑客技术。


private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    string constring = "Data Source = localhost; port = 3306; username = root; password = 0159";

    // Prepare a string where you insert parameter's placeholders instead of
    // concatenating the grid values....
    string Query = @"Update TopShineDB.Table1 set CarColorNumber = @CarColorNumber, Interior = @Interior, 
                     Exterior = @Exterior , CPlastic = @CPlastic, MPlastic = @MPlastic, SPlastic = @SPlastic, 
                     PlasticB = @PlasticB, WashExt = @WashExt, WashEng = @WashEng, WashTrunk = @WashTrunk, 
                     WashSeats = @WashSeats, SeatsRmv = @SeatsRmv, SeatsFit = @SeatsFit, Notes = @Notes 
                     where `Time` = @Time";  

    // Using statement around connection and command to destroy
    // these objects at the end of the using block               
    using(MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(constring))
    using(MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(Query, conn))

        // Create the list of parameters required by the query
        // Notice that you should use the appropriate MySqlDbType
        // for the field receiving the value.
        command.Parameters.Add("@Time", MySqlDbType.VarChar); 
        command.Parameters.Add("@CarColorNumber", MySqlDbType.VarChar);

        ..... create all the other parameters leaving the value null


            foreach(DataGridViewRow dr in dataGridView1.Rows)
                // Inside the loop update the parameters' values
                // with data extracted by the current row...
                command.Parameters["@Time"].Value = dr.Cells[0].Value; 
                command.Parameters["@CarColorNumber"].Value = dr.Cells[1].Value;

                 ..... set the value for all other parameters ....

                // ExecuteNonQuery for INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE, 
                // ExecuteReader works but it is specific for reading
        catch (Exception ex)

要注意的另一点是“时间”字段上的更新。 它使用与where子句中使用的值相同的值进行更新,因此无需对其进行更新。


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