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[英]Mapping classes to self with subclasses in Hibernate via XML


| id | title      | user_id | published | uri  | type_id | parent_id |
|  1 | file1.bpmn |       1 |         0 | NULL |       1 |         5 |
|  2 | file2.bpmn |       1 |         0 | NULL |       1 |         5 |
|  3 | file3.bpmn |       1 |         0 | NULL |       1 |         5 |
|  4 | file4.bpmn |       2 |         0 | NULL |       1 |         6 |
|  5 | root       |       1 |         0 | NULL |       2 |      NULL |
|  6 | root       |       2 |         0 | NULL |       2 |      NULL |
|  7 | root       |       3 |         0 | NULL |       2 |      NULL |
|  8 | SomeFolder |       1 |         0 | NULL |       2 |         5 |


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN"
    <class name="com.naples.file.Pobject" table="pobjects" catalog="pleak" discriminator-value="-1">
        <id name="id" type="java.lang.Integer">
            <column name="id" />
            <generator class="identity" />

        <discriminator column="type_id" type="java.lang.Integer"/>

        <many-to-one name="user" class="com.naples.user.User" fetch="select">
            <column name="user_id" not-null="true" />

        <many-to-one name="directory" class="com.naples.file.Directory" fetch="select">
            <column name="parent_id"/>

        <property name="title" type="string">
            <column name="title" length="255" not-null="true" />

        <set name="permissions" table="permissions" inverse="true" lazy="false" fetch="select" cascade="all">
            <column name="pobject_id" not-null="true"/>
          <one-to-many class="com.naples.file.Permission"/>

        <subclass name="com.naples.file.File" extends="Pobject" discriminator-value="1">
            <property name="published" type="boolean">
                <column name="published" length="255" not-null="true" />
            <property name="uri" type="string">
                <column name="uri" length="255" />

        <subclass name="com.naples.file.Directory" extends="Pobject" discriminator-value="2">
            <set name="pobjects" table="pobjects" inverse="false" lazy="false" fetch="select">
                    <column name="parent_id" not-null="true"/>
                <one-to-many class="com.naples.file.Pobject"/>

        <filter name="userFilter" condition="user_id = :userFilterParam"/>

    <filter-def name="userFilter">
        <filter-param name="userFilterParam" type="java.lang.Integer"/>

我没有收到任何错误,但Directory对象的属性pobjects为空。 但是在这种情况下,我的根对象之一应该是这样的:

id = 5
title = "root"
user = UserObjectWithID1
directory = null
permissions = [PermissionObject1, PermissionObject2, ...]
pobjects = [FileObjectWithID1, FileObjectWithID2, FileObjectWithID3, FolderObjectWithID8]


id = 5
title = "root"
user = UserObjectWithID1
directory = null
permissions = [PermissionObject1, PermissionObject2, ...]
pobjects = []

因此,XML批注文件中的子类映射部分可能存在问题。 完全有可能做我想达到的目标吗?

<many-to-one name="directory" class="com.naples.file.Pobject" fetch="select">
    <column name="parent_id"/>

不知何故使它工作。 可能是由于此更改(以及使相应类中的目录Pobject类型),或者今天的Java之神简直是仁慈。


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