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[英]Javascript Local vs Global Variables

我正在尝试学习Javascript,正在提出一个简单的数学问题,并试图创建一个对正确答案和错误答案进行评分的函数,但是我不知道如何从函数中传递任何信息来永久保持评分。 谁能帮我?

 <html> <body> <p id="question"></p> <input id="answerBox" type=number> <button onclick="checkAnswer()">Answer</button> <p id="answer"></p> <p id="score"></p> <p id="newQuestion"></p> <script> //create MathAddition Problem; var mathAdd = function(x, y) { return x + " + " + y + " = " } //set random numbers; var x = Math.floor((Math.random()*10)+1); var y = Math.floor((Math.random()*10)+1); var z = x + y console.log(z) //Call mathAdd function; document.getElementById("question").innerHTML=mathAdd(x, y); //Check Answer var checkAnswer = function() { var answer=document.getElementById("answerBox").value; if(answer == z) { document.getElementById("answer").innerHTML=answer + " is correct"; document.getElementById("score").innerHTML="Your score is improving" ; } else { document.getElementById("answer").innerHTML=answer + " is not correct"; document.getElementById("score").innerHTML="Your score is dropping. Work harder!" ; } document.getElementById("newQuestion").innerHTML="<a href='test7.html'>Next Question</a>" } </script> </body> </html> 

只需添加一个可变score ,每当答案正确时, score就会增加。 像这样:

var score = 0;

//Check Answer
var checkAnswer = function() {
  var answer = document.getElementById("answerBox").value;
  if (answer == z) {
    document.getElementById("answer").innerHTML = answer + " is correct";
    document.getElementById("score").innerHTML = "Your score increased to " + score;
  else {
    document.getElementById("answer").innerHTML = answer + " is not correct";
    document.getElementById("score").innerHTML = "Your score dropped to " + score + ". Work harder!" ;

  document.getElementById("newQuestion").innerHTML = "<a href='test7.html'>Next Question</a>"


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