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[英]Why list is not appending in Racket


one, 50, 40, 65, 500
two, 80, 70, 100, 250
three, 100, 55, 125, 100
four, 50, 45, 58, 850

我正在尝试阅读它,并在每行第二列中列出所有值。 以下是我正在使用的代码:

#lang racket
(define (testfn fname)
(let ((sl '() ) (list2 (list)) (templist '()) (ss "") )
  (set! sl (file->lines fname))
  (for ((line sl))
        (set! templist (string-split line ","))
        (println templist)
        (set! ss (list-ref templist 1))
        (println ss)
        (append list2 ss)        ; does not work
        (append list2 (list ss)) ; does not work
        (cons ss list2)          ; does not work
        (cons (list ss) list2)   ; does not work
        (cons list2 (list ss))   ; does not work
        (cons list2 ss)          ; does not work
        (println list2)
  (println list2)))

(testfn "test.txt")

但是,在上面使用的许多方法中的任何一个方法中,“ list2”都没有附加字符串“ ss”。 输出显示:

'("one" " 50" " 40" " 65" " 500")
" 50"
'("two" " 80" " 70" " 100" " 250")
" 80"
'("three" " 100" " 55" " 125" " 100")
" 100"
'("four" " 50" " 45" " 58" " 850")
" 50"



#lang racket
(define (testfn fname)
(let ((sl '() ) (list2 (list)) (templist '()) (ss "") )
  (set! sl (file->lines fname))
  (for ((line sl))
        (set! templist (string-split line ","))
        (set! ss (list-ref templist 1))
        (set! list2 (append list2 (list ss)))  
        (println list2)
  (println list2)))

(testfn "test.txt")


'(" 50")
'(" 50" " 80")
'(" 50" " 80" " 100")
'(" 50" " 80" " 100" " 50")
'(" 50" " 80" " 100" " 50")

kes! 您的代码以非常必要的风格编写。 这种风格的代码很难阅读和维护。 我认为您会发现,如果将代码分解为更小的函数,并根据“如何设计程序”设计秘诀(www.htdp.org)开发代码,您将得到更整洁的东西。

您遇到的基本问题之一是假设诸如“附加”之类的功能会导致突变。 具体来说,您假设例如,如果您调用(append ab) ,则这些列表中的一个或两个在调用后将是不同的。 不是这种情况。


#lang racket

(define a 3)
(define b 6)
(+ a b)
(- b a)
(+ (* 2 a) b)

运行此代码后, ab的值是什么?

我认为您可能希望它们仍然是3和6。这是因为加法和减法不会改变他们的论点。 consappend也是如此。 因此,调用(append ab)会产生一个新列表,但是如果您不使用该值,那么它将不会随处可见。




#lang racket

(require rackunit)

;; given a list of lists, return the second of each list:
;; list-of-lists -> list
(define (second-element-map lol)
  (cond [(empty? lol) empty]
        [else (cons (second (first lol))
                    (second-element-map (rest lol)))]))

;; let's test it:
(check-equal? (second-element-map '((a b c) (d e f g) (1 2 3)))
              '(b e 2))

;; given a list of lines, split each one into commas
(define (split-each-line lines)
  (cond [(empty? lines) empty]
        [else (cons (string-split (first lines) ",")
                    (split-each-line (rest lines)))]))

;; let's test it:
(check-equal? (split-each-line '("a,34,2987" "hn th, th"))
              '(("a" "34" "2987")
                ("hn th" " th")))

;; given a filename, return a list containing the second element of
;; each list
;; path-string -> list
(define (testfn fname)
  (second-element-map (split-each-line (file->lines fname))))

(testfn "/tmp/abc.txt")

可以更短吗? 当然。 HtDP样式干净,可以保证正常工作。


#lang racket
(define (testfn2 fname)
  (for/list ([l (in-list (file->lines fname))])
    (second (string-split l ","))))

(testfn2 "/tmp/abc.txt")


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