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如何使用Swift将Firebase 3中的不同数据对象彼此关联?

[英]How to associate to different data objects in Firebase 3 with each other using Swift?

我知道在SQL中将2个不同的对象彼此关联会在一个表中使用主键,在另一个表中使用外键。 由于FirebaseDatabase使用JSON / NoSQL,因此不可能。 如果我有2个对象,分别为UserPostEntity和PostEntity,那么当用户发表帖子/评论时,我如何将UserPostEntity与PostEntity关联起来,以及如何使用该用户发表的帖子/评论来自动更新PostEntity?


import Foundation

    class UserEntity{

        var userID: String
        var postedComment: String
        var postDate: String
        var postID: PostEntity

        init(userID: String, postedComment: String, postDate: String, postID: PostEntity){
            self.userID = userID
            self.postedComment = postedComment
            self.postDate = postDate
            self.postID = postID


import Foundation

class PostEntity{

    var userID: String
    var postID: String
    var postedComment: String
    var postDate: String

    init(userID: String, postID: String, postedComment: String, postDate: String){
        self.userID = userID
        self.postID = postID
        self.postedComment = postedComment
        self.postDate = postDate

如果可以在Firebase中构建数据,那会更好。 以下是提供有关Firebase中数据结构的直观知识的链接:

https://firebase.googleblog.com/2013/04/denormalizing-your-data-is-normal.html https://www.firebase.com/docs/web/guide/structuring-data.html


    "u1" {

         userName : "abc",
         posts {
              p1 : true,
              p2 : true

        "u2" {

         userName : "def",
         posts {
              p3 : true,
              p4 : true


            userId : "u1",
            postComment : "hello ios",
            postDate : "1467570919"
            userId : "u1",
            postComment : "ios",
            postDate : "1467570920"
            userId : "u2",
            postComment : "hello ios",
            postDate : "1467570921"
            userId : "u2",
            postComment : "hello ios",
            postDate : "1467570922"


class UserEntity{

        var userID: String
        var userName : String
        var posts: Dictionary<String, Bool>?
        var ref : FIRDatabaseReference?

        init(userID: String, userName: String, posts: Dictionary<String, Bool>?){
            self.userID = userID
            self.userName = userName
            self.posts = posts
            self.ref = nil

    class PostEntity{

    var pId: String
    var uId: String
    var postedComment: String
    var postDate: NSTimeInterval
    var ref : FIRDatabaseReference?

    init(pId: String, uId: String, postedComment: String, postDate: NSTimeInterval){
        self.pId= pId
        self.uId = uId
        self.postedComment = postedComment
        self.postDate = postDate
        self.ref = nil


当用户u1添加新帖子p5时,必须将user表的posts属性更新为p5 :true


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