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[英]innodb table level lock


TRANSACTION 0, not started
mysql tables in use 97, locked 97
MySQL thread id 429, OS thread handle 0x2aff6ff59700, query id 24900 ec2-*-*-*-*.compute-1.amazonaws.com *.*.*.* sminq cleaning up
---TRANSACTION 10631403, not started
MySQL thread id 321, OS thread handle 0x2aff7b359700, query id 24901 sminq init
show engine innodb status
---TRANSACTION 10632661, not started
MySQL thread id 13, OS thread handle 0x2aff4e39a700, query id 24817 localhost rdsadmin cleaning up
---TRANSACTION 10632664, not started
MySQL thread id 6, OS thread handle 0x2aff396c5700, query id 24873 ec2-*-*-*-*.ap-southeast-1.compute.amazonaws.com *.*.*.* sminq cleaning up
---TRANSACTION 10632655, not started
MySQL thread id 7, OS thread handle 0x2aff39706700, query id 24783 ec2-*-*-*-*.ap-southeast-1.compute.amazonaws.com *.*.*.* sminq cleaning up
---TRANSACTION 10632652, not started
MySQL thread id 3, OS thread handle 0x2aff37d28700, query id 24745 ec2-*-*-*-*.ap-southeast-1.compute.amazonaws.com *.*.*.* sminq cleaning up
---TRANSACTION 10627075, not started
MySQL thread id 1, OS thread handle 0x2aff37ca6700, query id 0 Waiting for background binlog tasks
---TRANSACTION 10632663, ACTIVE 7 sec
mysql tables in use 1, locked 1
MySQL thread id 431, OS thread handle 0x2aff37daa700, query id 24863 sminq Waiting for table level lock
insert into `sminq`.`Queue_token` (`token_queue_id`,    `total_process_time`, `token_user`, `created_on`, `join_date`, `join_time`, `app_type`, `token_user_group`, `uuid`) values (13, 10, 87, '2016-07-21 04:47:04.157000', '2016-07-21 10:17:04', '10:10:00', 1, NULL, 'D<??BY??7?gk?Uo')
Trx #rec lock waits 0 #table lock waits 0
Trx total rec lock wait time 0 SEC
Trx total table lock wait time 0 SEC
---TRANSACTION 10632646, ACTIVE 45 sec


我的隔离级别为READ-COMMITTED,以及innodb_autoinc_lock_mode = 2


[--] Up for: 2h 11m 55s (25K q [3.230 qps], 478 conn, TX: 3M, RX: 1M)
[--] Reads / Writes: 82% / 18%
[--] Binary logging is enabled (GTID MODE: OFF)
[--] Total buffers: 1.5G global + 17.0M per thread (100 max threads)
[!!] Maximum reached memory usage: 3.0G (152.35% of installed RAM)
[!!] Maximum possible memory usage: 3.1G (156.50% of installed RAM)
[OK] Slow queries: 0% (0/25K)
[!!] Highest connection usage: 95%  (95/100)
[OK] Aborted connections: 0.00%  (0/478)
[!!] Query cache is disabled
[OK] Sorts requiring temporary tables: 0% (0 temp sorts / 1K sorts)
[OK] Temporary tables created on disk: 24% (424 on disk / 1K total)
[OK] Thread cache hit rate: 80% (95 created / 478 connections)
[OK] Table cache hit rate: 129% (291 open / 224 opened)
[OK] Open file limit used: 0% (64/65K)
[OK] Table locks acquired immediately: 99% (6K immediate / 6K locks)
[OK] Binlog cache memory access: 100.00% ( 1618 Memory / 1618 Total)

-------- MyISAM Metrics -----------------------------------------------------
[!!] Key buffer used: 18.5% (1M used / 8M cache)
[OK] Key buffer size / total MyISAM indexes: 8.0M/2.4M
[!!] Read Key buffer hit rate: 82.2% (90 cached / 16 reads)

-------- InnoDB Metrics -----------------------------------------------------
[--] InnoDB is enabled.
[OK] InnoDB buffer pool / data size: 1.3G/29.0M
[!!] InnoDB buffer pool instances: 8
[!!] InnoDB Used buffer: 1.32% (1139 used/ 86584 total)
[OK] InnoDB Read buffer efficiency: 99.86% (713109 hits/ 714137 total)
[!!] InnoDB Write buffer efficiency: 0.00% (0 hits/ 1 total)
[OK] InnoDB log waits: 0.00% (0 waits / 4915 writes)


1.3GB buffer_pool是否在2GB RAM中? 这可能导致大量交换,这确实对性能不利。

对于2GB的RAM和仅29M的数据,让我们设置innodb_buffer_pool_size = 100M 现在就足够了,以后再用(随着数据的增长)就可以了。

(建议70%或80%仅适用于至少具有4GB RAM的计算机。)

解决这个。 如果问题仍然存在,请使用较新的值以及有关表的SHOW CREATE TABLE更新问题。

AUTO-INC锁是一种特殊的表级锁,由插入到具有AUTO_INCREMENT列的表中的事务获取。 在最简单的情况下,如果一个事务正在向表中插入值,那么任何其他事务都必须等待自己在该表中进行插入,以便第一个事务插入的行接收连续的主键值。

innodb_autoinc_lock_mode配置选项控制用于自动增量锁定的算法。 它使您可以选择如何在可预测的自动增量值序列与插入操作的最大并发性之间进行权衡。


innodb_autoinc_lock_mode = 2(“交错”锁定模式)

在这种锁定模式下,没有“类似于INSERT的”语句使用表级的AUTO-INC锁定,并且可以同时执行多个语句。 这是最快,最具扩展性的锁定模式,但是当使用基于语句的复制或恢复方案从二进制日志中重放SQL语句时,这是不安全的。

在这种锁定模式下,可以确保自动增量值是唯一的,并且在所有同时执行的“类似INSERT”语句中单调递增。 但是,由于多个语句可以同时生成数字(也就是说,在语句之间交错分配数字),因此为任何给定语句插入的行生成的值可能不是连续的。

如果唯一执行的语句是“简单插入”,其中要提前知道要插入的行数,则为“除混合模式插入”外,为单个语句生成的数字将没有间隙。 但是,执行“批量插入”时,任何给定语句分配的自动增量值可能存在间隙。



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