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[英]Using map and reduce to get array of objects


var c = [{name: 'John'}, {name: 'John'}, {name: 'Tom'}];


result = [
    { name: "John", occurence: 2 },
    { name: "Tom", occurence: 1 }

这是我尝试过的尝试,但仍未完全解决。 https://jsfiddle.net/joeSaad/up3ddfzz/

 c = [{ name: 'John' }, { name: 'John' }, { name: 'Simon' }]; var d = c.reduce((countMap, word) => { countMap[word.name] = ++countMap[word.name] || 1; return countMap }, []); var e = c.reduce((countMap, word) => { q = []; countMap[word.name] = ++countMap[word.name] || 1; var p = { name: word.name, occurence: countMap[word.name] } q.push(p); return q }, []); console.log(e); 

帮助非常感谢。 提前致谢


 let c = [{name: 'John'}, {name: 'John'}, {name: 'Tom'}]; const pairs = o=> Object.keys(o).map(k=> [k, o[k]]) let count = c.reduce((acc, {name}) => { if (acc[name] === undefined) return Object.assign(acc, { [name]: 1 }) else return Object.assign(acc, { [name]: acc[name] + 1 }) }, {}) var result = pairs(count).map(([name, occurences]) => ({name, occurences})) console.log(result) //=> [ { name: 'John', occurences: 2 }, { name: 'Tom', occurences: 1 } ] 


 // convert an object to [[key,value]] pairs const pairs = o=> Object.keys(o).map(k=> [k, o[k]]) // count unique instances of a property value in an array of objects const countBy = (prop, xs)=> { return xs.reduce((acc, x)=> { let y = x[prop] if (acc[y] === undefined) return Object.assign(acc, { [y]: 1 }) else return Object.assign(acc, { [y]: acc[y] + 1 }) }, {}) } // your data let c = [{name: 'John'}, {name: 'John'}, {name: 'Tom'}] // then chain it all together let result = pairs(countBy('name', c)).map(([name, occurences]) => ({name, occurences})) console.log(result) //=> [ { name: 'John', occurences: 2 }, { name: 'Tom', occurences: 1 } ] 

ES6还提供了Map ,对于执行这种计算非常有用。

这段代码对我来说更好一些,在语义上也更正确一些。 我们之前的代码做的是完全相同的事情,只是使用的是普通对象。 Map是专门为此key->value数据设计的数据结构,因此使Map成为更好的选择。


 // convert a Map to an array of pairs const mpairs = m=> [...m.entries()] // countBy this time uses Map const countBy = (prop, xs)=> { return xs.reduce((m, x)=> { let y = x[prop] if (m.has(y)) return m.set(y, m.get(y) + 1) else return m.set(y, 1) }, new Map) } // your data let c = [{name: 'John'}, {name: 'John'}, {name: 'Tom'}] // then chain it all together let result = mpairs(countBy('name', c)).map(([name, occurences]) => ({name, occurences})) console.log(result) //=> [ { name: 'John', occurences: 2 }, { name: 'Tom', occurences: 1 } ] 


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