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在Activity onRestoreInstanceState()之前调用Fragment的onCreateView()

[英]onCreateView() for Fragment being called before Activity onRestoreInstanceState()

因此,我在活动上附加了一个片段,我试图确保屏幕旋转时(或会中断活动的任何事物)顺利进行。 为此,我在活动中使用onSaveInstanceState和onRestoreInstanceState方法来保留活动中存储的信息。


ArrayList<String> picList = mListener.getPics();
ArrayList<String> descripList = mListener.getDescriptions();

为了使该片段创建视图,它需要访问picList和descripList,它们是活动的成员变量。 这些成员变量在onSaveInstanceState和onRestoreInstanceState中存储和恢复。

protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {
    if(photoFile != null)
        outState.putString("photoFile", photoFile.getAbsolutePath());
    outState.putString("currentFragTag", currentFragTag);
    outState.putStringArrayList("picList", picList);
    outState.putStringArrayList("descripList", descripList);

protected void onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle saved) {
    if(saved.getString("photoFile") != null)
        photoFile = new File(saved.getString("photoFile"));
    currentFragTag = saved.getString("currentFragTag");
    picList = saved.getStringArrayList("picList");
    descripList = saved.getStringArrayList("descripList");
    currentFrag = getFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag(currentFragTag);
    changeFrag(currentFrag, currentFragTag);

问题是,在活动中调用onRestoreInstanceState()之前先调用onCreateView()。 我尝试在片段中使用onActivityCreated(),但在onRestoreInstanceState()之前也曾调用过它。 附加了调试器后,旋转屏幕时,始终会最后调用onRestoreInstanceState()。 这意味着在创建视图时,该片段无法访问活动的信息。

这应该发生吗? 恢复活动时,如何让片段的视图使用活动中的信息?


阅读其他选择在片段及其容器活动之间传递数据 另请参阅


看到这个并尝试将您的代码放在onResume()中并使视图无效或分离/附加该片段 ,这是一种快速解决方案,但不是Alex Lockwood所说的最佳解决方案

片段是可重用的UI组件。 他们有自己的生命周期,显示自己的观点,并定义自己的行为。 通常,您不需要使Activity混乱于Fragment的内部工作,因为Fragment的行为应该是独立的,并且与任何特定的Activity无关。


 * Called when the fragment's activity has been created and this
 * fragment's view hierarchy instantiated.  It can be used to do final
 * initialization once these pieces are in place, such as retrieving
 * views or restoring state.  It is also useful for fragments that use
 * {@link #setRetainInstance(boolean)} to retain their instance,
 * as this callback tells the fragment when it is fully associated with
 * the new activity instance.  This is called after {@link #onCreateView}
 * and before {@link #onViewStateRestored(Bundle)}.
 * @param savedInstanceState If the fragment is being re-created from
 * a previous saved state, this is the state.
public void onActivityCreated(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    if (savedInstanceState != null) {

 * Called to ask the fragment to save its current dynamic state, so it
 * can later be reconstructed in a new instance of its process is
 * restarted.  If a new instance of the fragment later needs to be
 * created, the data you place in the Bundle here will be available
 * in the Bundle given to {@link #onCreate(Bundle)},
 * {@link #onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle)}, and
 * {@link #onActivityCreated(Bundle)}.
 * <p>This corresponds to {@link Activity#onSaveInstanceState(Bundle)
 * Activity.onSaveInstanceState(Bundle)} and most of the discussion there
 * applies here as well.  Note however: <em>this method may be called
 * at any time before {@link #onDestroy()}</em>.  There are many situations
 * where a fragment may be mostly torn down (such as when placed on the
 * back stack with no UI showing), but its state will not be saved until
 * its owning activity actually needs to save its state.
 * @param outState Bundle in which to place your saved state.
public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {


public void restoreInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    ... = savedInstanceState.get...


 * Return the {@link FragmentActivity} this fragment is currently associated with.
 * May return {@code null} if the fragment is associated with a {@link Context}
 * instead.
final public FragmentActivity getActivity() {
    return mHost == null ? null : (FragmentActivity) mHost.getActivity();

例如: ((YourActivity) getActivity()).getPics();



您可以在重新创建活动时发送“ msg”,并且片段的“ target方法”将获取此msg(msg是Object,可以是一个包)。


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