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如何在EOF停止Haskell Parsec解析器

[英]How to stop Haskell Parsec parser at EOF

因此,我正在编写一个小型解析器,它将提取具有特定类的所有<td>标签内容,例如这样的<td class="liste">some content</td> --> Right "some content"

我将解析大型的html文件,但是我并不真正在乎所有杂音,因此想法是消耗所有字符,直到达到<td class="liste">为止,而不是消耗所有字符(内容)直到</td>并返回内容字符串。

如果文件中的最后一个元素是我的td.liste标签,则此方法很好,但是如果在它后面或eof之后有一些文本,则解析器会消耗它并在执行parseMyTest test3抛出unexpected end of input parseMyTest test3



import Text.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.String

import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString)
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (pack)

colOP :: Parser String
colOP = string "<td class=\"liste\">"

colCL :: Parser String
colCL = string "</td>"

col :: Parser String
col = do
  manyTill anyChar (try colOP)
  content <- manyTill anyChar $ try colCL
  return content

cols :: Parser [String]
cols = many col

test1 :: String
test1 = "<td class=\"liste\">Hello world!</td>"

test2 :: String
test2 = read $ show $ pack test1

test3 :: String
test3 = "\n\r<html>asdfasd\n\r<td class=\"liste\">Hello world 1!</td>\n<td class=\"liste\">Hello world 2!</td>\n\rasldjfasldjf<td class=\"liste\">Hello world 3!</td><td class=\"liste\">Hello world 4!</td>adsafasd"

parseMyTest :: String -> Either ParseError [String]
parseMyTest test = parse cols "test" test

btos :: ByteString -> String
btos = read . show

我创建了一个组合器skipTill p end ,将p应用于end匹配,然后返回end返回的内容。

相比之下, manyTill p end将应用p直到end匹配,然后返回p解析器匹配的内容。

import Text.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.String

skipTill :: (Stream s m t) => ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m end -> ParsecT s u m end
skipTill p end = scan
      scan  = end  <|> do { p; scan }

td :: Parser String
td = do
  string "("
  manyTill anyChar (try (string ")"))

tds = do r <- many (try (skipTill anyChar (try td)))
         many anyChar -- discard stuff at end
         return r

test1 = parse tds "" "111(abc)222(def)333" -- Right ["abc", "def"]

test2 = parse tds "" "111"                 -- Right []

test3 = parse tds "" "111(abc"             -- Right []

test4 = parse tds "" "111(abc)222(de"      -- Right ["abc"]



tds' = scan
  where scan = (eof >> return [])
               <|> do { r <- try td; rs <- scan; return (r:rs) }
               <|> do { anyChar; scan }


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