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[英]Removing unspecified item from linked list

我试图从链表或“包”中删除一个随机节点。 请参考我的方法“T remove()”。 我不能让它删除节点而不抛出NullPointerException错误。

首先,如果列表中没有任何内容,则首先返回NULL。 如果存在节点,那么我遍历numberofNodes,找到一个随机节点并尝试删除该节点。 我创建了一个临时指向下一个节点数据的节点,并让前一个节点指向currentNode之后的节点,就好像它不存在一样。


private class Node{

        private T entry;
        private Node next;

        private Node(T entryPortion)
            this(entryPortion, null);

        private Node(T entryPortion, Node nextNode)
            entry = entryPortion;
            next = nextNode;


    private Node node1;
    private Node lastNode;
    private int numItems;

    public LinkedBag() //Establishes an empty bag
        node1 = null;
        numItems = 0;

    public int getCurrentSize() 
        // Gets Size of Bag
        return numItems;

    public boolean isFull() 
        //Checks to see if bag is full, however since it is linked list there is no specified max size. Although maximum memory can be reached
        return true;

    public boolean isEmpty() {
        // Checks to see if bag is empty
        return node1 == null;

    public boolean add(T newItem) {
        // Adds something to the bag
        Node newNode = new Node(newItem);
        newNode.next = node1;

        node1 = newNode;
        return true;

    public T remove() {
        // Removes random item from bag

            return null;

        int randItem = new Random().nextInt(numItems);
        Node currentNode = node1;
        Node previousNode = node1;
        for (int i = 0; i < randItem; i++)
            previousNode = currentNode;
            currentNode = currentNode.next;
            previousNode.next = currentNode.next;
            currentNode.next = null;

            return null;


        /*if (numItems == 0)

            return null;
            Node temp = node1;
            node1 = node1.next;
            //if(node1 == null)
                //lastNode = null;
            return temp.entry;



    public boolean remove(T anItem) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return false;

    public void clear() {


    public int getFrequencyOf(T anItem) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return 0;

    public boolean contains(T anItem) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return false;

    public T[] toArray() {
        // Converts items in linked list to an array for easy displaying
        T[] result = (T[])new Object [numItems];

        int i = 0;
        Node currentNode = node1;
        while((i<numItems)&&(currentNode != null))
            result[i] = currentNode.entry;
            currentNode = currentNode.next;
        return result;


这是我使用的测试程序。 “testRemove是从我的构造函数类调用我的'remove()'方法的方法

public class LinkedBagTest {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

         System.out.println ("Creating an empty bag.");
            BagInterface < String > aBag = new LinkedBag < String > ();
            displayBag (aBag);
            String [] contentsOfBag = {"A", "D", "B", "A", "C", "A", "D"};
            testAdd (aBag, contentsOfBag);
            displayBag (aBag);
            displayBag (aBag);
            //testIsFull(aBag, false);

     private static void testAdd (BagInterface < String > aBag,
                String [] content)
            System.out.print ("Adding to the bag: ");
            for (int index = 0 ; index < content.length ; index++)
                aBag.add (content [index]);
                System.out.print (content [index] + " ");
            } // end for
            System.out.println ();
            displayBag (aBag);
        } // end testAdd

     private static void displayBag (BagInterface < String > aBag)
            System.out.println ("The bag contains the following string(s):");
            Object [] bagArray = aBag.toArray ();
            for (int index = 0 ; index < bagArray.length ; index++)
                System.out.print (bagArray [index] + " ");
            } // end for
            System.out.println ();
        } // end displayBag

     private static void testIsFull (BagInterface < String > aBag,
            boolean correctResult)
        System.out.print ("\nTesting the method isFull with ");
        if (correctResult)
            System.out.println ("a full bag:");
            System.out.println ("a bag that is not full:");
        System.out.print ("isFull finds the bag ");
        if (correctResult && aBag.isFull ())
            System.out.println ("full: OK.");
        else if (correctResult)
            System.out.println ("not full, but it is full: ERROR.");
        else if (!correctResult && aBag.isFull ())
            System.out.println ("full, but it is not full: ERROR.");
            System.out.println ("not full: OK.");
    } // end testIsFull are here.

     private static void testNumItems (BagInterface <String> aBag)
        int items = aBag.getCurrentSize();
        System.out.println("There are " + items + " items in the bag");

     private static void testRemove (BagInterface <String> aBag)
         System.out.println("An Item was removed");



您的空检查应采用以下格式: node1 == null 当您将其检查为node1.equals(null) ,并且node1实际上为null时,您尝试调用对象的方法,该方法为null并且自然会抛出NullPointerException。

这会破坏你的node1.equals(null) ,最初你的node1 = null ,并且你要求一个空节点调用equals方法,这就是你得到nullpointerexception

所以,请进行更改,并将node1 == null


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