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[英]How can I set a default property for an object that's passed into a constructor?

我试图在一处进行更改以影响传递给对象的所有实例化的配置对象。 该对象在全局范围内可用,如下所示:

function Crayons(){
  return {
    foo: ThirdPartyFoo

在我的项目中使用var myFoo = new Crayons().foo({color: "red"});初始化该对象var myFoo = new Crayons().foo({color: "red"});

我想将{color: "blue"}为默认值,这样,如果某人没有通过颜色,则设置为蓝色。


function Crayons(){
  var fooWithDefaults = function(){
    this = new ThirdPartyFoo(arguments); //this is invalid
    this.color = "blue"; //and this would overwrite color if it was set

  return {
    foo: fooWithDefaults

但是new关键字让我失望,因为我不知道如何创建本质上说this = new 3rdPartyFoo的javascript构造函数。



function Crayons(){
  function fooWithDefaults() {
    3rdPartyFoo.apply(this, arguments); // this is what you're looking for
    if (!this.color) // or whatever to detect "not set"
      this.color = "blue";
  fooWithDefaults.prototype = 3rdPartyFoo.prototype; // to make `new` work

  return {
    foo: fooWithDefaults


function Crayons(){
  function fooWithDefaults(arg) {
    var that = new 3rdPartyFoo(arg); // you should know how many arguments it takes
    if (!that.color) // or whatever to detect "not set"
      that.color = "blue";
    return that;

  return {
    foo: fooWithDefaults

在这里,您还可以在调用var myFoo = Crayons.foo({color: "red"});时删除new var myFoo = Crayons.foo({color: "red"});


function Crayons(){
  function fooWithDefaults(arg) {
    if (!arg.color) // or whatever to detect "not set"
      arg.color = "blue";
    return new 3rdPartyFoo(arg);

  return {
    foo: fooWithDefaults

 function ThirdPartyCrayon(config) { // constructor :: possible original Crayon implementation Object.assign(this, config); this.type = "thirdpartycrayon"; } function createCrayonSetting(defaultConfig) { // factory (creates a closure) function CrayonWithDefaults() { // constructor :: customized Crayon wrapper Object.assign(this, defaultConfig); ThirdPartyCrayon.apply(this, arguments); } return { Crayon: CrayonWithDefaults } } var setting = createCrayonSetting({color: "blue", strokeWidth: "thin"}), crayon1 = new setting.Crayon({color: "red", strokeWidth: "bold"}), crayon2 = new setting.Crayon({color: "green"}); crayon3 = new setting.Crayon(); console.log("crayon1 : ", crayon1); console.log("crayon2 : ", crayon2); console.log("crayon3 : ", crayon3); 


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