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[英]Printing large WPF User Controls

我有一个巨大的数据,我想用WPF打印。 我发现WPF提供了一个PrintDialog.PrintVisual方法,用于打印从Visual类派生的任何WPF控件。

PrintVisual只会打印一个页面,所以我需要缩放控件以适应页面。 不幸的是,这对我不起作用,因为报告有时足够长,以至于在缩放以适合页面时无法轻松阅读。

WPF提供的另一种打印选项是在FlowDocument创建单独的视图。 这可能是打印文档的最佳方式,但它比我想要的更多工作,更不用说我希望打印的每个控件都必须保留的额外视图。


有没有更好,更简单的解决方案呢? 谢谢你的帮助


我相信FlowDocument绝对是你最好的选择,如果你想打印一些外观,因为缺乏一个更好的词,专业。 但是如果你想要快速和肮脏的东西,你可以使用RenderTargetBitmap.Render进行一系列操作。 基本过程是:

  1. 创建RenderTargetBitmap
  2. 滚动视图,以便在一个页面上显示要显示的区域
  3. DataGrid上调用RenderTargetBitmap.Render或包含“大”控件的ScrollViewer
  4. 打印生成的位图
  5. 重复下一个“页面”

同样,不要在“大”控件上调用RenderTargetBitmap.Render 将大型控件包装在ScrollViewer如果尚未包含)。 那将基本上是你的分页。

我不知道你是否会对结果感到满意,但这是我能想到的最简单的方法。 看起来你每次都手动点击PrintScreen 不确定这是不是你想要的,但如果你想让它看起来更好,我认为你需要使用FlowDocument



  • 选择打印机(显示打印对话框或使用系统默认值)
  • 创建页面(wpf控件的纸张大小)
  • 打印


public static void PrintTest1(Viewbox viewboxInWindowForRender)
    FrameworkElement[] testContArr = PrepareTestContents();

    PrintManager man = new PrintManager();

    // Show print dialog (or select default printer)
    if (!man.SelectPrinter())

    man.SetPageMargins(new Thickness(PrintManager.Size1cm * 2));

    List<FrameworkElement> pagesForPrint = new List<FrameworkElement>();

    for (int i = 0; i < testContArr.Length; i++)
        // Put the page content into the control of the size of paper
        FrameworkElement whitePage = man.CreatePageWithContentStretched(testContArr[i]);
        // Temporary put the page into window (need for UpdateLayout)
        viewboxInWindowForRender.Child = whitePage;
        // Update and render whitePage.
        // Measure and Arrange will be used properly.

    viewboxInWindowForRender.Child = null;
    // Now you can show print preview to user.
    // pagesForPrint has all pages.
    // ...

    MyDocumentPaginator paginator = man.CreatePaginator();

    // Start printing
    man.Print(paginator, "Printing Test");

// For testing
public static FrameworkElement[] PrepareTestContents()
    StackPanel sp1 = new StackPanel();
    sp1.Width = PrintManager.PageSizeA4.Width - PrintManager.Size1cm * 2;
    sp1.Children.Add(PrepareTestBorder("Alice has a cat."));
    sp1.Children.Add(PrepareTestBorder("Page number one."));

    StackPanel sp2 = new StackPanel();
    sp2.Width = sp1.Width / 2;
    sp2.Children.Add(PrepareTestBorder("Farmer has a dog."));
    sp2.Children.Add(PrepareTestBorder("Page number two."));

    return new FrameworkElement[] {sp1, sp2 };

// For testing
public static FrameworkElement PrepareTestBorder(string text)
    Border b = new Border();
    b.BorderBrush = Brushes.Black;
    b.BorderThickness = new Thickness(1);
    b.Margin = new Thickness(0, 0, 0, 5);

    TextBlock t = new TextBlock();
    t.Text = text;

    b.Child = t;
    return b;


<Window ...>
        <Viewbox x:Name="forRender" Visibility="Hidden" Width="100" Height="100"/>

而且你可以运行test: PrintTest1(forRender);


public class PrintManager
    public static readonly Size PageSizeA4 = new Size(21 * 96 / 2.54, 29.7 * 96 / 2.54); // (793.700787401575, 1122.51968503937)
    public static readonly double Size1cm = 96 / 2.54; // 37.7952755905512

    private PrintDialog _printDialog;

    public PrintTicket PrintTicket { get; private set; }
    public PrintCapabilities TicketCapabilities { get; private set; }

    // Page size selected in print dialog (may not be exactly as paper size)
    public Size PageSize { get; private set; }
    public Thickness PageMargins { get; private set; }

    public Rect PageContentRect {
        get {
            return new Rect(PageMargins.Left, PageMargins.Top,
                PageSize.Width - PageMargins.Left - PageMargins.Right,
                PageSize.Height - PageMargins.Top - PageMargins.Bottom);

    public PrintManager()

    /// <summary>
    /// Show print dialog or try use default printer when useDefaultPrinter param set to true.
    /// <para/>
    /// Return false on error or when user pushed Cancel.
    /// </summary>
    public bool SelectPrinter(bool useDefaultPrinter = false)
        if (_printDialog == null)
            _printDialog = new PrintDialog();

            if (useDefaultPrinter)
                _printDialog.PrintQueue = LocalPrintServer.GetDefaultPrintQueue();

            // pDialog.PrintQueue == null when default printer is not selected in system
            if (_printDialog.PrintQueue == null || !useDefaultPrinter)
                // Show print dialog
                if (_printDialog.ShowDialog() != true)
                    return false;

            if (_printDialog.PrintQueue == null)
                throw new Exception("Printer error");

            // Get default printer settings
            //_printDialog.PrintTicket = _printDialog.PrintQueue.DefaultPrintTicket;
        catch (Exception ex)
            return false;

        PrintTicket = _printDialog.PrintTicket;
        TicketCapabilities = _printDialog.PrintQueue.GetPrintCapabilities(PrintTicket);
        PageSize = new Size((double)TicketCapabilities.OrientedPageMediaWidth,
        SetPageMargins(PageMargins); // Update margins if too small

        return true;

    /// <summary>
    ///  Start printing pages from paginator.
    /// </summary>
    public void Print(MyDocumentPaginator paginator, string printTaskDescription)
        if (_printDialog == null)

        // Start printing document
        _printDialog.PrintDocument(paginator, printTaskDescription);

    /// <summary>
    /// Set page margins and return true.
    /// <para/>
    /// If new page margins are too small (unprinted area) then set minimum and return false.
    /// </summary>
    public bool SetPageMargins(Thickness margins)
        PageImageableArea pia = TicketCapabilities.PageImageableArea;

        PageMargins = new Thickness(Math.Max(margins.Left, pia.OriginWidth),
            Math.Max(margins.Top, pia.OriginHeight),
            Math.Max(margins.Right, PageSize.Width - pia.OriginWidth - pia.ExtentWidth),
            Math.Max(margins.Bottom, PageSize.Height - pia.OriginHeight - pia.ExtentHeight));

        return PageMargins == margins;

    /// <summary>
    /// Set pate margins with minimal
    /// </summary>
    public void SetMinimalPageMargins()
        PageImageableArea pia = TicketCapabilities.PageImageableArea;

        // Set minimal page margins to bypass the unprinted area.
        PageMargins = new Thickness(pia.OriginWidth, pia.OriginHeight,
            (double)TicketCapabilities.OrientedPageMediaWidth - - pia.OriginWidth - pia.ExtentWidth,
            (double)TicketCapabilities.OrientedPageMediaHeight - pia.OriginHeight - pia.ExtentHeight);

    /// <summary>
    /// Create page control witch pageContent ready to print.
    /// Content is stretched to the margins.
    /// </summary>
    public FrameworkElement CreatePageWithContentStretched(FrameworkElement pageContent)
        // Place the content inside the page (without margins)
        Viewbox pageInner = new Viewbox();
        pageInner.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top; // From the upper edge
        pageInner.Child = pageContent;

        // Printed control - the page with content
        Border whitePage = new Border();
        whitePage.Width = PageSize.Width;
        whitePage.Height = PageSize.Height;
        whitePage.Padding = PageMargins;
        whitePage.Child = pageInner;

        return whitePage;

    /// <summary>
    /// Create page control witch pageContent ready to print.
    /// <para/>
    /// Content is aligned to the top-center and must have
    /// a fixed size (max PageSize-PageMargins).
    /// </summary>
    public FrameworkElement CreatePageWithContentSpecSize(FrameworkElement contentSpecSize)
        // Place the content inside the page
        Decorator pageInner = new Decorator();
        pageInner.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
        pageInner.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top;
        pageInner.Child = contentSpecSize;

        // Printed control - the page with content
        Border whitePage = new Border();
        whitePage.Width = PageSize.Width;
        whitePage.Height = PageSize.Height;

        // We align to the top-center only, because padding will cut controls
        whitePage.Padding = new Thickness(0, PageMargins.Top, 0, 0);

        whitePage.Child = pageInner;
        return whitePage;

    /// <summary>
    /// Create paginator for pages created by CreatePageWithContent().
    /// </summary>
    public MyDocumentPaginator CreatePaginator()
        return new MyDocumentPaginator(PageSize);


public class MyDocumentPaginator : DocumentPaginator
    private List<FrameworkElement> _pages = new List<FrameworkElement>();

    public override bool IsPageCountValid  { get { return true; } }
    public override int PageCount { get { return _pages.Count; } }
    public override Size PageSize { get; set; } 
    public override IDocumentPaginatorSource Source { get { return null; } }  

    public MyDocumentPaginator(Size pageSize)
        PageSize = pageSize;

    public override DocumentPage GetPage(int pageNumber)
        // Warning: DocumentPage remember only reference to Visual object.
        // Visual object can not be changed until PrintDialog.PrintDocument() called
        // or e.g. XpsDocumentWriter.Write().
        // That's why I don't create DocumentPage in AddPage method.
        return new DocumentPage(_pages[pageNumber], PageSize, new Rect(PageSize), new Rect(PageSize));

    public void AddPage(FrameworkElement page)
    public void AddPages(List<FrameworkElement> pages)


假设您有一个UserCtrl ,它位于ParentBorder 您需要从父控件中删除它,然后您可以使用它。

ParentBorder.Child = null;
// Or you can use my function


FrameworkElement whitePage = man.CreatePageWithContentStretched(UserCtrl);
viewboxInWindowForRender.Child = whitePage;

MyDocumentPaginator paginator = man.CreatePaginator();

man.Print(paginator, "Printing UserControl");

// After print you can restore UserCtrl
ParentBorder.Child = UserCtrl;


public static void RemoveFromParent(FrameworkElement child)
    DependencyObject parent = child.Parent;

    if (parent == null)
    if (parent is Panel)
    else if (parent is Decorator)
        ((Decorator)parent).Child = null;
    else if (parent is ContentControl)
        ((ContentControl)parent).Content = null;
    else if (parent is ContentPresenter)
        ((ContentPresenter)parent).Content = null;
        throw new Exception("RemoveFromParent: Unsupported type " + parent.GetType().ToString());

为什么我在窗口中使用UpdateLayout和Viewbox,而不像其他示例中的人那样使用Measure and Arrange?

我试试,但我遇到了很多问题。 我使用我自己拥有的控件,我改变了打印样式,我也导出为PDF 衡量和安排不适合我。 控件必须停靠在窗口中,以便正确进行布局更新和渲染。


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