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[英]C language- How to print out the largest number inputted into an array?


另外,我注意到我的程序不包括小数点后的数字。 例如,它只会说 25.00,而不是 25.25。


#include "stdafx.h"
#include "stdio.h"

void main()
int age[11];
float total = 0;
int i = 1;
float average;

    printf("# %d: ", i);
    scanf_s("%d", &age[i]);
    total = (total + age[i]);
    i = i + 1;

} while (i <= 10);

average = (total / 10);
printf("Average = %.2f", average);

我认为这会有所帮助。 对于小数点,您必须将数组声明为float FLT_MAX这些宏定义了float最大值。 期运用FLT_MAX之前,您应该inclue float.h中头文件。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <float.h>

int main(void)
float age[11];
float total = 0;
int i = 1;
float average;
float largestInput = 0.0;
float smallestInput = FLT_MAX;

    printf("# %d: ", i);
    scanf("%f", &age[i]);
    total = total + age[i];
    //here i am checking the largest input
    if (age[i]> largestInput){
     largestInput = age[i];
    //here i am checking the smallest input
    if (age[i] < smallestInput) {
      smallestInput = age[i];
    i = i + 1;
} while (i <= 10);

average = (total / 10);
printf("Average = %.2f\n", average);
printf("Largest Input Is = %.2f\n", largestInput);
printf("Smallest Input IS = %.2f", smallestInput);
return 0;

伪代码。 保留两个额外的变量。 长最大输入,小测试输入。

设置最大输入 = 小测试输入 = 年龄 [0];

for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
  if age[i]> largestInput{
     largestInput = age[i];
  if age[i] < smallestInput {
      smalltestInput = age[i];


您的代码在我的系统上运行良好。 我已将您的代码修改为非 Windows 特定代码,并向您展示了如何计算输入的最小和最大数字。 这个想法是不断地将当前条目与当前最小和最大数字进行比较,并根据需要更改最小和最大。 下面的代码还显示了如何从数组索引 0 开始。

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    int age[10];
    float total = 0;
    int i = 0;
    float average;
    int large = -9999;
    int small = 9999;

        printf("# %d: ", i+1);
        scanf("%d", &age[i]);       
        total = (total + age[i]);

        if( age[i] < small )
            small = age[i];

        if( age[i] > large )
            large = age[i];


    } while (i < 10);

    average = (total / 10.00);
    printf("Smallest = %d Largest = %d \n", small, large);
    printf("Average = %.2f\n", average);

# 1: 30
# 2: 40
# 3: 50
# 4: 2
# 5: 3
# 6: 4
# 7: 6
# 8: -1
# 9: 4
# 10: 5
Smallest = -1 Largest = 50 
Average = 14.30


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