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实现我自己的 Collections.binarySearch 方法

[英]Implementing my own Collections.binarySearch method

目前我正在自学 java 并且正在我的教科书中做一个练习,它要求我在一个带有相应电话号码的文本文件中取 1000 个名字,并基本上询问用户他们想要搜索什么。

我的代码现在所做的是使用Collections.binarySearch查找电话号码或查找姓名。 然而,我想知道如何实现我自己的二分搜索,因为本章基本上是对搜索和排序的介绍,所以我想我自己会学到更多。



public int compareTo(Item otherObject)
      Item other = (Item) otherObject;
      return key.compareTo(other.key);

然后我通过以下方式将电话号码和姓名添加到 ArrayLists 中

 // Read a line containing the name
       String name = in.nextLine();
         // Read a line containing the number
       String number = in.nextLine();
         // Store the name and number in the byName array list
         byName.add(new Item(name, number));
         // Store the number and name in the byNumber array list
         byNumber.add(new Item(number, name));


int index = Collections.binarySearch(byName, new Item(k,""));
   if(index<0) return null;
   return byName.get(index).getValue();




我想知道的是如何实现我自己的方法来执行二进制搜索。 我已经对数组进行了二进制搜索并在数组中找到了一个数字,但是由于我们正在处理对象和数组列表,因此我很难真正理解该方法将如何设置。


int myBinarySearch(ArrayList<Item> thisItem, Object Item)
            // search logic here

但是我不确定这是否是正确的方法。 鉴于我在数组列表中有一堆需要排序的对象,而不是一个简单的数组,有人可以指导我如何准确地格式化我的方法以进行二分查找。




   An item with a key and a value.
public class Item implements Comparable<Item>
   private String key;
   private String value;
      Constructs an Item object.
      @param k the key string
      @param v the value of the item
   public Item(String k, String v)
      key = k;
      value = v;
      Gets the key.
      @return the key
   public String getKey()
      return key;
      Gets the value.
      @return the value
   public String getValue()
      return value;
   public int compareTo(Item otherObject)
      Item other = (Item) otherObject;
      return key.compareTo(other.key);


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Scanner;
   A table for lookups and reverse lookups
public class LookupTable
   private ArrayList<Item> byName;
   private ArrayList<Item> byNumber;
      Constructs a LookupTable object.
   public LookupTable()
      byName = new ArrayList<Item>();
      byNumber = new ArrayList<Item>();
      Reads name and number pairs from the Scanner
      and adds them to the byName and byNumber array lists.
      @param in the scanner for reading the input
   public void read(Scanner in)
      while (in.hasNextLine())
         // Read a line containing the name
       String name = in.nextLine();
         // Read a line containing the number
       String number = in.nextLine();
         // Store the name and number in the byName array list
         byName.add(new Item(name, number));
         // Store the number and name in the byNumber array list
         byNumber.add(new Item(number, name));
      // Sort the byName Items so we can binary search
      // Sort the byNumber Items so we can binary search
      Looks up an item in the table.
      @param k the key to find
      @return the value with the given key, or null if no
      such item was found.
   public String lookup(String k)
      // Use the Collections.binarySearch() method to find the
      // position of the matching name in the byName array list.
      // Return null if position is less than 0 (not found).
      // Otherwise, return the number for the found name.
     int index = Collections.binarySearch(byName, new Item(k,""));
   if(index<0) return null;
   return byName.get(index).getValue();
      Looks up an item in the table.
      @param v the value to find
      @return the key with the given value, or null if no
      such item was found.
   public String reverseLookup(String v)
      // Use the Collections.binarySearch() method to find the
      // position of the matching number in the byNumber array list.
      // Return null if position is less than 0 (not found).
      // Otherwise, return the name for the found number.
     int index = Collections.binarySearch(byNumber, new Item(v, ""));
   if(index<0) return null;
   return byNumber.get(index).getValue();


import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.util.Scanner;
/* The input file has the format
Abbott, Amy
Abeyta, Ric
Abrams, Arthur
Abriam-Yago, Kathy
Accardo, Dan
Acevedo, Elvira
Acevedo, Gloria
Achtenhagen, Stephen
. . .
public class PhoneLookup
   public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
      Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
      System.out.println("Enter the name of the phonebook file: ");
      String fileName = in.nextLine();
      LookupTable table = new LookupTable();
      FileReader reader = new FileReader(fileName);
      table.read(new Scanner(reader));
      boolean more = true;
      while (more)
         System.out.println("Lookup N)ame, P)hone number, Q)uit?");
         String cmd = in.nextLine();
         if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("Q"))
            more = false;
         else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("N"))
            System.out.println("Enter name:");
            String n = in.nextLine();
            System.out.println("Phone number: " + table.lookup(n));
         else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("P"))
            System.out.println("Enter phone number:");
            String n = in.nextLine();
            System.out.println("Name: " + table.reverseLookup(n));

您可以从 JDK 源代码中找到 JDK 是如何做到的。 java.util.Collections

private static <T>
    int indexedBinarySearch(List<? extends Comparable<? super T>> list, T key)


二分查找是一种非常简单的算法。 在伪代码中,它是:

find(list, item):
    if list is empty
        return not found
    get middle item from list
    if item matches middle
        return middle
    else if item is before middle
        return find(list before middle, item)
        return find(list after middle, item)

必须对列表进行排序以允许此操作。 您可以使用List.subList来避免进行任何复制或传递索引。

在您的情况下,您希望能够按多个条件进行搜索。 如果您将一个参数传递给您的方法来定义您正在搜索的内容,那将是最有意义的。


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