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Angular 2 - POST 未将 Content-Type 设置为 application/json(其文本/纯文本)

[英]Angular 2 - POST does not set Content-Type to application/json (its text/plain)

我创建了一个 Contactformular,我的模拟服务器正在工作,但是在 Angular 2 中,有我的创建功能:

createPatient(Name: string, Nachname: string, Geburtsdatum: string, Strasse: string, Hausnummer: string, Postleitzahl: string, Wohnort: string): Observable<boolean> {
  let patient = {
      Id: 0,
      Name: Name,
      Nachname: Nachname,
      Geburtsdatum: Geburtsdatum,
      Strasse: Strasse,
      Hausnummer: Hausnummer,
      Postleitzahl: Postleitzahl,
      Wohnort: Wohnort
  let body = JSON.stringify(patient);
  let headers = new Headers({ 'Content-Type': 'application/json' });
  let options = new RequestOptions({ headers: headers });
  return this.http.post(this.patientenUrl + "CreatePatient", body, options)
    .map((r: Response) => {
        return <boolean>r.json();

身体不涉及网址,所以我的“服务器”不工作。 我在哪里失败?


OPTIONS http://localhost:9177/api/v1/CreatePatient
XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://localhost:9177/api/v1/CreatePatient. Response for preflight has invalid HTTP status code 415
EXCEPTION: Response with status: 0 for URL: null
Uncaught Response with status: 0 for URL: null


createPatient(Name: string, Nachname: string, Geburtsdatum: string, Strasse: string, Hausnummer: string, Postleitzahl: string, Wohnort: string): Observable {
      let patient = {
          Id: 0,
          Name: Name,
          Nachname: Nachname,
          Geburtsdatum: Geburtsdatum,
          Strasse: Strasse,
          Hausnummer: Hausnummer,
          Postleitzahl: Postleitzahl,
          Wohnort: Wohnort
      let body = JSON.stringify(patient);
      let headers = new Headers({ 'content-type': 'application/json', 'accept': 'application/json'});
      let options = new RequestOptions({ headers: headers });
      return this.http.post(this.patientenUrl + "CreatePatient", body, headers)
        .map((r: Response) => {
            return r.json();


POST http://localhost:9117/api/v1/CreatePatient 415 (Unsupported Media Type)
EXCEPTION: Response with status: 415 Unsupported Media Type for URL: http://localhost:9117/api/v1/CreatePatient
Uncaught Response with status: 415 Unsupported Media Type for URL: http://localhost:9117/api/v1/CreatePatient


    public JsonResult CreatePatient([FromBody]Patient patient)
                    this.ResStatus.Status = false;
                    var pat = patient;
                    var ida = GetId();
                    //Prüfung ob Customer Leer oder Null
                        pat.Id = (int)ida;
                        this.ResStatus.Status = true;
                        return Json(this.ResStatus.Status);                

我解决了问题:我将 wwwroot 从 ASP.NET Core 更改为 Angular 2 项目,并包含 index.html 中的链接,我可以毫无问题地刷新它。

你为什么要 JSON.stringify 你的“身体”? 您不必这样做,它应该可以在没有 JSON.stringify() 的情况下工作


我的意思是,您应该只发送“患者”或“身体 = 患者”; 然后发送正文。

addBookWithObservable(book:Book): Observable<Book> {
let headers = new Headers({ 'Content-Type': 'application/json' });
let options = new RequestOptions({ headers: headers });
return this.http.post(this.url, book, options)



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