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Java Swing:如何构建Connect 4 GUI

[英]Java Swing: How to build Connect 4 GUI

因此,我尝试使用MVC模式在Java中创建一个Connect 4 GUI程序,其中此类为Model:

public class ConnectFourGame {

    private Board board;
    private Player playerX;
    private Player playerO;
    private int turnCount;
    private CheckWinnerAlgorithm checkWinner;

     * Constructs a new ConnectFourGame instance.
    public ConnectFourGame() {
        this.board = new Board();
        this.playerX = new Player('X');
        this.playerO = new Player('O');
        this.turnCount = 1;
        this.checkWinner = new CheckWinnerAlgorithm();

     * Accesses the current game board.
     * @return a Board object representing the current game board
    public Board getBoard() {
        return this.board;

     * Accesses player X and their attributes. 
     * @return a PlayerX object
    public Player getPlayerX() {
        return this.playerX;

     * Accesses player O and their attributes.
     * @return a PlayerO object
    public Player getPlayerO() {
        return this.playerO;

     * Returns the winner of the game.
     * @return a CheckWinnerAlgorithm object containing the winner token
    public CheckWinnerAlgorithm getWinner() {
        return this.checkWinner;

     * Determines whose turn it is based on the game's turn counter.
     * @return the Player whose turn it currently is
    public Player determineTurn() {
        if (this.turnCount % 2 == 0) {
            return this.playerO;
        else {
            return this.playerX;

     * Assesses whether a player move can be made, placing a token if valid.
     * @param colNum An int specifying the column chosen by the player
     * @param playerToken A char representing the player's token
     * @return a boolean, true if a valid move has been made and false otherwise
    public boolean moveIsMade(int colNum, char playerToken) {
        // move cannot be made if selected column is full
        if (board.getBoard()[0][colNum-1] != ' ') {
            System.out.println("The selected column is full.");
            return false;
        // if column is not full, place token at bottom-most available spot
        for (int row=0; row<6; row++) {
            if (board.getBoard()[row][colNum-1] != ' ') {
                board.getBoard()[row-1][colNum-1] = playerToken;
                return true;
        // place token at bottom of empty column
        board.getBoard()[5][colNum-1] = playerToken;
        return true;

     * Specifies whether the game is over.
     * @return a boolean, true if the game is over and false otherwise
    public boolean isOver() {
        if (this.checkWinner.findWinner(this.board)!=' ') {
            return true;
        return false;

     * Resets the game to a beginning state.
    public void resetGame() {
        this.turnCount = 1;


现在,我试图弄清楚如何开始使用Swing GUI元素构建View类。 以下是我想到的GUI的大致模型:

连接4 GUI样机

第一行是JButton,单击它们会将令牌放到开发板的相应列中。 我正在考虑使用JLabel2D 6 * 7数组来表示板。 如何以上述方式显示此内容




您的另一种选择是使用JPanel作为绘图面板,然后绘制游戏板。 通过绘制游戏板,您可以使棋子变成圆形而不是正方形。


您将具有多个控制器类。 在Java Swing中,动作侦听器是模型/视图/控制器模式中的控制器。



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