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[英]JavaScript: Can a nested object value reference its parent object key?


var obj = {
    parentKey : {
        nestedKey1 : value, 
        nestedKey2 : function () {
            return parentKey + nestedKey2;


在我的实际场景中, keys都是我希望用作for loop标准的所有数值。


作为学习JavaScript的练习,我决定对电梯系统的逻辑进行编码。 为此,我制作了一个代表建筑物的对象,该对象包含每个楼层,嵌套在每个楼层中的是希望前往另一个楼层的人数数据,如下所示:

var floorData = {
    <floor number> : {
        <people going to floor X> : <number of people>,
        <people going to floor Y> : <number of people>,
        peopleGoingUp : <formula that sums amount of people going up>,
        peopleGoingDown : <formula that sums amount of people going down>

我想在每个<floor number>对象中包括一个属性,该属性通过公式求和peopleGoingUppeopleGoingDown的数量。 为了使此公式按我的peopleGoingUp工作,我需要访问<floor number>名称,该名称是来自peopleGoingUppeopleGoingDown公式中的数字值。

到目前为止,这是我的工作示例,并且在theBuilding[2]地板中包含了peopleGoingUppeopleGoingDown公式。 我希望的是将theParentKey的手动输入值theParentKey为等于父对象的名称。

// Total number of floors in building global object
var totalFloors = 3;

// Building object including amount of people waiting to take lift to other floors on each level of the building
var theBuilding = {
    0 : {
        1 : 2,
        2 : 0,
        3 : 1,
    1 : {
        0 : 1,
        2 : 3,
        3 : 2,
    2: {
        0 : 2,
        1 : 1,
        3 : 4,
        goingUp : function () {
            var sum = 0;
            var theParentKey = 2; // this is supposed to be a direct reference to the parent object name to this nested object and thus equal to 2
            for (i = 0; i <= totalFloors; i++) { // loop for total floors 
                if (i !== theParentKey && i >= theParentKey) {//sum if i isn't = this floor number and that i is greater than this floor number
                    sum += this[i]
            return sum;
        goingDown : function () {
            var sum = 0;
            var theParentKey = 2; // this is supposed to be a direct reference to the parent object name to this nested object and thus equal to 2
            for (i = 0; i <= totalFloors; i++) { // loop for total floors from lowest
                if (i !== theParentKey && i <= theParentKey) { //sum if i isn't = this floor number and that i is less than this floor number
                    sum += this[i]
            return sum;
    3 : {
        0 : 0,
        1 : 1,
        2 : 4

console.log(theBuilding[2].goingUp()); // 4
console.log(theBuilding[2].goingDown()); // 3

如果我理解您的问题,则想获取键的名称。 您可以在传递当前对象this同时使用Object.keys()

var obj = {
    parentKey : {
        nestedKey1: 3, 
        nestedKey2: function () {
            return Object.keys(this);

console.log(obj.parentKey.nestedKey2()); // ['nestedKey1', 'nestedKey2']


 var obj = { parentKey : { nestedKey1 : "value", nestedKey2 : function () { var c = obj.parentKey; //console.log("we get "+ c.nestedKey1 +" & "+ c.nestedKey3); //you can update values //obj.parentKey.nestedKey1 = "new value"; console.log("we get "+ c.nestedKey1 +" & "+ c.nestedKey3); return "we get "+ c.nestedKey1 +" & "+ c.nestedKey3; }, nestedKey3 : "another value" } }; obj.parentKey.nestedKey2(); var an = window["obj"]["parentKey"]["nestedKey3"]; console.log(an); 




nestedKey2内部的函数可以访问全局范围。 因此,您可以使用来访问obj每个属性.



这是比较麻烦一些,因为this在多目标函数内部将指向作为函数驻留在对象的“同一级别”。您可以使用this一起. 达到物体的较低水平,但无法达到较高的水平。


var myObj = {

    levelAccess: function() {
        this.two.__ = this;
        return this;

    one: 'one',
        __: [],

        myFunction: function () {return this.__.one}


此解决方案要求您为需要访问更高级别的每个级别添加一个__属性,然后通过levelAccess函数初始化所有__属性。 该解决方案不应引起任何内存泄漏,请参阅


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