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[英]Glassfish (Payara) cluster won't start

我正在为payara 4.1(最新发行版)设置集群,我使用romote机器来存储实例和das,并且当我尝试在安装后启动集群时,创建nodes(1,2)并创建实例,我得到以下信息:

start-cluster cluster
remote failure: inst2: Could not start instance inst2 on node node2 (inst2).

Command failed on node node2 (inst2): Previous synchronization failed at Oct 18, 2016 3:03:13 PM
Will perform full synchronization.
Removing all cached state for instance inst2.
CLI802 Synchronization failed for directory config, caused by:
  javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: java.security.cert.CertificateNotYetValidException: NotBefore: Mon Nov 07 09:26:30 CET 2016
Command start-local-instance failed.

To complete this operation run the following command locally on host inst2 from the GlassFish install location /opt/payara41:

 lib/nadmin  start-local-instance --node node2 --sync normal inst2
inst1: Could not start instance inst1 on node node1 (inst1).

Command failed on node node1 (inst1): Previous synchronization failed at Oct 18, 2016 3:03:18 PM
Will perform full synchronization.
Removing all cached state for instance inst1.
CLI802 Synchronization failed for directory config, caused by:
  javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: java.security.cert.CertificateNotYetValidException: NotBefore: Mon Nov 07 09:26:30 CET 2016
Command start-local-instance failed.

To complete this operation run the following command locally on host inst1 from the GlassFish install location /opt/payara41:

 lib/nadmin  start-local-instance --node node1 --sync normal inst1

The command start-instance failed for: inst2 inst1
Command start-cluster failed.


  • 群集名称:群集。
  • 节点:节点1,节点1。
  • 实例:inst1,inst2。

我正在使用 :

  • 杰夫7
  • payara #badassfish(内部215)
  • Centos 6


唯一的例外是您的证书尚未生效,这意味着证书的“有效期自”日期是将来的日期。 如果您的系统时间不正确并且是过去的(例如,几天后刚恢复的虚拟机),也可以获取此信息。

另一个问题是已尝试完全同步 不幸的是,这首先通过删除所有配置, 然后尝试从DAS检索新配置来实现。 在您无法访问DAS或通信失败的情况下,您将留下一个远程节点,该节点甚至无法手动启动。

此行为最终将在Payara Server中更改,但是在此之前,请避免在启动远程实例时使用sync=full


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