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如何使用fabric8 kubernetes Java和Scala客户端API设置容器上的资源要求

[英]How to set resource requirements on a container with the fabric8 kubernetes Java & Scala client API

fabric8 kubernetes Java和Scala客户端API非常适合与kubernetes(或OpenShift)进行通信,但是其文档非常稀疏。 向在kubernetes容器中运行的容器添加资源需求的代码示例是什么?

如果您正在使用用于Java和Scala的fabric8 kubernetes-client API,则以下代码段演示了如何向在pod中运行的容器添加资源要求。 这段代码是从Scala复制而来的,但是Java代码非常相似:

// other fabric8 imports not included; just focusing on resource
// requirements logic in this example
import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.Quantity
import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.ResourceRequirementsBuilder

// Use Java style Map (as opposed to Scala's Map class)
val reqMap: java.util.Map[String, Quantity] =
  new java.util.HashMap[String, Quantity]()

// add CPU and memory requirements to the map
reqMap.put("cpu", new Quantity("1"))
reqMap.put("memory", new Quantity("1500Mi"))

// Build a ResourceRequirements object from the map
val reqs = new ResourceRequirementsBuilder()

// pass the ResourceRequirements object to the container spec
val pod = new PodBuilder()
  .withResources(reqs)            // <-- resource reqs here

// create the new pod with resource requirements via the 
// fabric8 kube client:
    if(EmptyUtil.isNotNull(template.getComputeRequest()) ||
            EmptyUtil.isNotNull(template.getComputeLimit())) {
        containerBuilder.withResources(buildResources(template.getComputeRequest(), template.getComputeLimit()));

private ResourceRequirements buildResources(InstanceType request, InstanceType limit){
    _logger.info("Building computeResources");
    ResourceRequirementsBuilder requirementsBuilder = new ResourceRequirementsBuilder(isValidationEnabled);



    return requirementsBuilder.build();

public static Map<String, Quantity> buildCompute(InstanceType compute){

    Map<String, Quantity> computeResourceMap = new HashMap<>();

    if(EmptyUtil.isNotNull(compute.getCpu())) {

    if(EmptyUtil.isNotNull(compute.getMemory())) {

    return computeResourceMap;

private static Map<String, Quantity> buildCpu(Float cpu){
    Map<String, Quantity> cpuMap = new HashMap<>();
    try {
        Quantity cpuQuantity = new Quantity();
        if (EmptyUtil.isNotNull(cpu)) {
            cpuMap.put(K8Constants.CPU, cpuQuantity);
    } catch (NumberFormatException nfe){
        _logger.error("Failed to convert cpu '{}'", cpu, nfe);

    return cpuMap;

private static Map<String, Quantity> buildMemory(Integer memory){
    Map<String, Quantity> cpuMap = new HashMap<>();
    try {
        Quantity cpu = new Quantity();
        if (EmptyUtil.isNotNull(memory)) {
            cpuMap.put(K8Constants.MEMORY, cpu);
    } catch (NumberFormatException nfe){
        _logger.error("Failed to convert memory '{}'", memory, nfe);

    return cpuMap;

在这里,我有一些构建器来构建cpu和内存。 这仅仅是为了了解流程。 您可以使用整数或字符串形式指定cpu /内存值。


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