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[英]Move all users documents into a subfolder

我试图编写一个脚本,将所有用户文档(当前在“ \\ server \\ share \\%username%”中)移动到“ \\ server \\ share \\%username%\\ Documents”中。



$userhomes = Get-ChildItem "D:\" | where {$_.Attributes -like '*Directory*'}
foreach($userhome in $userhomes) {
$exclude = "Documents"
$movesource = "D:\" + $userhome.Name
$movedest = "D:\"+ $userhome.Name +"\Documents"
$autodest = "D:\"+ $userhome.Name +"\Documents"+"\Autorecovery"
$docexists = Test-Path $movedest
$autoexists = Test-Path $autodest
$Search = "OU=Users,DC=domain,DC=co,DC=uk"
$Users = Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase $Search

$users | % {

# Check if Documents folder already exists
If ($docexists -eq $false)
# Create the Documents folder
# Get-Item -path $movesource | New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$movesource\Documents"
    Write-Host Documents folder does not exists for ($_.SamAccountName) -ForegroundColor Yellow
    Write-Host Documents folder already exists for ($_.SamAccountName) -ForegroundColor Red


# Check if Autorecovery folder already exists
If ($autoexists -eq $false)
    # Create the Autorecovery folder and set attributes
    Get-Item -path $movesource | New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$movesource\Documents\Autorecovery" | %{$_.Attributes="hidden"}
    Write-Host Documents and Autorecovery folder for ($_.SamAccountName) created -ForegroundColor Green
 Write-Host Autorecovery folder already exists for ($_.SamAccountName) -ForegroundColor Red

排序后,我然后要检查文件夹路径“ \\\\ server \\ share \\%username%\\ documents”文件夹是否存在。
如果可以,那么我想将所有文档从“%username%”文件夹移至“ Documents”文件夹,最后将AD主文件夹路径更改为指向新位置。

# Move Documents to new location
If ($docexists = $true)
Get-Childitem -path $movesource -exclude $exclude | Move-Item -Dest $movedest

    # Set user new home folder path
    Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase $Search | Foreach-Object{

    $sam = $_.SamAccountName
    Set-ADuser -Identity $_ -HomeDrive "H:" -HomeDirectory "\\server\share\$sam\Documents"
Write-Host Documents folder does not exist for ($_.SamAccountName) -ForegroundColor Red

因此,我看到您列出的唯一问题是在第一部分,当用户没有文档文件夹时,它应该仅将用户涂成黄色。 这里的问题似乎是您的循环嵌套。 您的$users循环位于$userhomes循环内,因此,现在为每个用户主目录设置所有变量,然后获取域中所有用户的集合,然后遍历该集合并向其中填充每个用户这是对的那一步设置变量$userhomes循环,这是无关的是在正在处理的用户$users环路。 这里的解决方案是消除$users循环并仅输出文件夹的名称,而不是输出用户samaccountname,就像我在下面提到的那样,如果其主驱动器的名称反映了他们的帐户名,则该名称应该起作用。 如果不是,您总是可以基于AD中的homedirectory属性进行查找,但是您需要将现有文件名解析为网络名称。

$userhomes = Get-ChildItem "D:\" | where {$_.Attributes -like '*Directory*'}
foreach($userhome in $userhomes) {
$exclude = "Documents"
$movesource = "D:\" + $userhome.Name
$movedest = "D:\"+ $userhome.Name +"\Documents"
$autodest = "D:\"+ $userhome.Name +"\Documents"+"\Autorecovery"
$docexists = Test-Path $movedest
$autoexists = Test-Path $autodest

# Check if Documents folder already exists
If ($docexists -eq $false)
# Create the Documents folder
# Get-Item -path $movesource | New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$movesource\Documents"
Write-Host "Documents folder does not exists for $($userhome) -ForegroundColor Yellow"
Write-Host "Documents folder already exists for $($userhome) -ForegroundColor Red"

如果这些都不适合您,您还可以遍历用户集合并为其计算主驱动器。 您只需要以某种方式将两者关联起来,而您目前不在嵌套循环中这样做。

这应该为您排序,它检查并移动D:驱动器中的所有用户文件夹。 然后经过AD并更新主文件夹。

$userhomes = Get-ChildItem "D:\" | where {$_.Attributes -like '*Directory*'}
foreach($userhome in $userhomes) {
    $movesource = "D:\" + $userhome.Name
    $movedest = "$movesource\Documents"
    $autodest = "$movedest\Autorecovery"
    $exclude = "Documents"

    # Check if Documents folder already exists
    If (Test-Path $movedest)
        Write-Host Documents folder already exists for ($_.SamAccountName) -ForegroundColor Red
        # Create the Documents folder
        # New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $movedest
        Write-Host Documents folder does not exists for ($_.SamAccountName) -ForegroundColor Yellow

    # Check if Autorecovery folder already exists
    If (Test-Path $autodest)
     Write-Host Autorecovery folder already exists for ($_.SamAccountName) -ForegroundColor Red
        # Create the Autorecovery folder and set attributes
        New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $autodest | %{$_.Attributes="hidden"}
        Write-Host Documents and Autorecovery folder for ($_.SamAccountName) created -ForegroundColor Green

    # Move Documents to new location
    if (Test-Path $movedest)
        Get-Childitem -path $movesource -exclude $exclude | Move-Item -Dest $movedest
    Write-Host Documents folder does not exist for ($_.SamAccountName) -ForegroundColor Red

# Set user new home folder path
Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase $Search | Foreach-Object{
    $sam = $_.SamAccountName
    Set-ADuser -Identity $_ -HomeDrive "H:" -HomeDirectory "\\server\share\$sam\Documents"

我要感谢所有帮助,这是我完成的脚本。 在任何阶段,它都会告诉我发生了什么以及是否有任何问题。

$userhomes = Get-ChildItem "D:\" | where {$_.Attributes -like '*Directory*'}
foreach($userhome in $userhomes) {
$exclude = "Documents"
$movesource = "D:\" + $userhome.Name
$movedest = "D:\"+ $userhome.Name +"\Documents"
$autodest = "D:\"+ $userhome.Name +"\Documents"+"\Autorecovery"
$testpath = "D:\"+ $userhome.Name +"\Desktop"
$Search = "OU=Users,DC=domain,DC=co,DC=uk"
$Users = Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase $Search

# Test if Documents folder exists, create folder if it doesnt exist
If (Test-Path $movedest)
Write-Host Documents folder exists for $($userhome)

# Test if Autorecovery folder exists, create folder if it doesnt exist
If (Test-Path $autodest)
Write-Host Autorecovery folder exist for $($userhome)

    # Move Documents to new location
    If (Test-Path $testpath)
    Get-Childitem -path $movesource -exclude $exclude | Move-Item -Dest $movedest
    Get-ChildItem -Path  $movesource -Exclude "Documents" | ? {$_.PSIsContainer} |Remove-Item -Recurse -force 
    Write-Host Documents being moved for $($userhome) -ForegroundColor Yellow

    Write-Host Documents already moved for $($userhome)

# Create the Autorecovery folder and set hidden attribute
Get-Item -path $movesource | New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$movesource\Documents\Autorecovery" | %{$_.Attributes="hidden"}
Write-Host Autorecovery folder being created for $($userhome) -ForegroundColor Green

    # Move Documents to new location
    If (Test-Path $testpath)
    Get-Childitem -path $movesource -exclude $exclude | Move-Item -Dest $movedest
    Get-ChildItem -Path  $movesource -Exclude "Documents" | ? {$_.PSIsContainer} |Remove-Item -Recurse -force 
    Write-Host Documents being moved for $($userhome) -ForegroundColor Yellow

    Write-Host Documents already moved for $($userhome)


# Create the Documents folder
Get-Item -path $movesource | New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$movesource\Documents"
Write-Host Documents folder being created for $($userhome) -ForegroundColor Green

# Check that Documents folder now exists
If (Test-Path $movedest)
Write-Host Documents folder now exists for $($userhome) -ForegroundColor Magenta
Get-Item -path $movesource | New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$movesource\Documents\Autorecovery" | %{$_.Attributes="hidden"}

    # Test if Autorecovery folder now exists
    If (Test-Path $autodest)
    Write-Host Autorecovery folder Created for $($userhome) -ForegroundColor Green

        # Move Documents to new location
        If (Test-Path $testpath)
        Get-Childitem -path $movesource -exclude $exclude | Move-Item -Dest $movedest
        Get-ChildItem -Path  $movesource -Exclude "Documents" | ? {$_.PSIsContainer} |Remove-Item -Recurse -force 
        Write-Host Documents being moved for $($userhome) -ForegroundColor Yellow

        Write-Host Documents already moved for $($userhome)

    # Create the Autorecovery folder and set hidden attribute
    Get-Item -path $movesource | New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$movesource\Documents\Autorecovery" | %{$_.Attributes="hidden"}
    Write-Host Autorecovery folder being created for $($userhome) -ForegroundColor Green

       # Check if Autorecovery folder exists 
       If (Test-Path $autodest)
       Write-Host Autorecovery folder now exists for $($userhome) -ForegroundColor Magenta

            # Move Documents to new location
            If (Test-Path $testpath)
            Get-Childitem -path $movesource -exclude $exclude | Move-Item -Dest $movedest
            Get-ChildItem -Path  $movesource -Exclude "Documents" | ? {$_.PSIsContainer} |Remove-Item -Recurse -force 
            Write-Host Documents being moved for $($userhome) -ForegroundColor Yellow

            Write-Host Documents already moved for $($userhome)
       Write-Host ERROR Autorecovery folder still does not exist for $($userhome) -ForegroundColor Red

Write-Host ERROR Documents folder still does not exist for $($userhome) -ForegroundColor Red


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