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[英]How to pass multiple variables from parent class to child class functions automatically using extract();?


我想extract(); 我的父类中的var,并让这些var可自动用于子类中的函数。

当前,我必须调用extract();。 每个子类函数中的var函数都可用。 这就是我要减少的内容,extract(); 每次在子类中调用一次。

我对__construct()还是一个新手。 我刚开始只是静态调用函数的方法。 但是我试图研究并弄清这一点,但是我只能在网上找到文章,展示如何将__varstruct传递给__construct();的其他函数。 我找不到任何有关如何一次传递多个变量的文章。 特别是使用extract();。


我的最终目标只是减少子类中每个var的“ parent :: ”的编写。 因此,在需要时,我可以提取vars并直接编写$var而不是parent::$var

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Concept One
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

class Parent_Vars {

    public static function get_vars() {

        $vars = array(
            'var_1' => 'var_1',
            'var_2' => 'var_2',
            'var_3' => 'var_3',
        return $vars;



class Parent_Vars extends class Child_Vars {

    public static $instance;

    static function getInstance() {
        if (!self::$instance) {
            self::$instance = new self;
        return self::$instance;

    public function __construct() {

    // This method DOES NOT work

    public static function echo_var_method_1() {

        //extract(parent::get_vars()); If I uncomment this, my vars below will work
        // But I don't want to call extract(parent::get_vars()); for every function I need. 
        //  I would like the vars to already be available from the __construct();
        echo $var_1; // returns error = undefined var
        echo $var_2; // returns error = undefined var
        echo $var_3; // returns error = undefined var
        echo parent::$var_1; // Works, but I'm trying to reduce writing parent:: everytime
        echo parent::$var_2; // Works, but I'm trying to reduce writing parent:: everytime
        echo parent::$var_3; // Works, but I'm trying to reduce writing parent:: everytime


    // This method DOES work

    public static function echo_var_method_2() {

        extract(parent::get_vars()); // I'm trying NOT to call the var extract for each function, but for the whole class at once
        echo $var_1; // echoes "var_1" !! No need to write parent:: everytime for the vars
        echo $var_2; // echoes "var_2" !! No need to write parent:: everytime for the vars
        echo $var_3; // echoes "var_3" !! No need to write parent:: everytime for the vars



$object = new Child_Vars();

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Concept Two - just slightly different with the parent class having its own __construct(); and the child __construct(); calling the parent __construct();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

class Parent_Vars {

    public function __construct() {

    public static function get_vars() {

        $vars = array(
            'var_1' => 'var_1',
            'var_2' => 'var_2',
            'var_3' => 'var_3',
        return $vars;



class Parent_Vars extends class Child_Vars {

    public static $instance;

    static function getInstance() {
        if (!self::$instance) {
            self::$instance = new self;
        return self::$instance;

    public function __construct() {

    // This method DOES NOT work

    public static function echo_var_method_1() {

        //extract(parent::get_vars()); If I uncomment this, my vars below will work
        // But I don't want to call extract(parent::get_vars()); for every function I need. 
        //  I would like the vars to already be available from the __construct();
        echo $var_1; // returns error = undefined var
        echo $var_2; // returns error = undefined var
        echo $var_3; // returns error = undefined var
        echo parent::$var_1; // Works, but I'm trying to reduce writing parent:: everytime
        echo parent::$var_2; // Works, but I'm trying to reduce writing parent:: everytime
        echo parent::$var_3; // Works, but I'm trying to reduce writing parent:: everytime


    // This method DOES work

    public static function echo_var_method_2() {

        extract(parent::get_vars()); // I'm trying NOT to call the var extract for each function, but for the whole class at once
        echo $var_1; // echoes "var_1" !! No need to write parent:: everytime for the vars
        echo $var_2; // echoes "var_2" !! No need to write parent:: everytime for the vars
        echo $var_3; // echoes "var_3" !! No need to write parent:: everytime for the vars



$object = new Child_Vars();

当与OO一起使用时,提取物非常不可靠。 最好运行一个foreach并分配$ this-> $ key = $ value(因为它们无论如何都是动态的,您也可以使用魔术函数来创建getter和setter),这是更可取的选择(并且执行时间更短)。 如果您坚持使用解压缩,则应该在php手册的同一extract()页面上查找“ FredLawl”发表的评论。


class MyClass
    public function __construct($data)
        foreach($data as $key => $value){
            $this->$key = $value

class MyClass2 extends MyClass
    public function __get($name) {
        return $this->$name;

$instance = new MyClass2($variableArray);

$xtractedVar = $instance->variableKey;


我认为您不太了解OO,并尝试采用非OO的思维方式。 PHP(以及大多数其他基于类的OO语言)中的对象是数据的集合以及操作该数据的方法的关联集合。 当创建给定类的子类时,将创建一种新的对象类型,该对象将扩展变量的集合和适用方法的集合。


对于实例变量,子类可以通过$ this自动获得任何非私有变量。

class SuperClass {
    protected $var = "";
    public function showVar ()
        echo $this -> var . PHP_EOL;

    public function setVal ($newVal)
        $this -> var = $newVal;

class SubClass extends SuperClass {
    public function showVarInString ()
        echo "Hello, I'm a subclass with value " . $this -> var;

$a = new SuperClass ();
$b = new SubClass ();
$a -> setVal (1);
$b -> setVal (4);
$a -> showVar (); // "1"
$b -> showVar (); // "4"
$b -> showVarInString (); // "Hello, I'm a subclass with value 4"

类变量(又名静态变量)是类的所有实例所共有的,并且使用static ::而不是$ this进行访问

class SuperClass
    protected static $var = 1234;

class SubClass extends SuperClass
    public function showVar ()
        echo static::$var . PHP_EOL;


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