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[英]Implementing a generic incrementable trait in Rust


虽然我已经看过很多例子,但这些例子与特定用途(例如基因组变异器 )联系太紧,以至于我能够在Rust开发过程中理解这一点。

相反,这是一个基于相当普遍的东西的简单示例 - 递增:

trait Incrementable {
    fn post_inc(&mut self) -> Self;
    fn post_inc_by(&mut self, n: usize) -> Self;

impl Incrementable for usize {
    fn post_inc(&mut self) -> Self {
        let tmp = *self;
        *self += 1;

    //"Overload" for full generalizability
    fn post_inc_by(&mut self, n: usize) -> Self {
        let tmp = *self;
        *self += n;

fn main() {
    let mut result = 0;
    assert!(result.post_inc() == 0);
    assert!(result == 1);

    assert!(result.post_inc_by(3) == 1);
    assert!(result == 4);



你能帮我理解如何一般地实现Incrementable ,这样post_inc()post_inc_by()至少适用于所有整数和float类型,理想情况下不需要为每种类型编写实现吗?


我在Rust 1.16.0上。

@Simon Whitehead的例子很容易适应稳定的Rust:

trait Incrementable: Copy + std::ops::AddAssign<Self> {
    fn one() -> Self;

    fn post_inc(&mut self) -> Self {

    fn post_inc_by(&mut self, n: Self) -> Self {
        let tmp = *self;
        *self += n;

impl Incrementable for u8  { fn one() -> Self {1} }
impl Incrementable for u16 { fn one() -> Self {1} }
impl Incrementable for u32 { fn one() -> Self {1} }
impl Incrementable for u64 { fn one() -> Self {1} }
impl Incrementable for i8  { fn one() -> Self {1} }
impl Incrementable for i16 { fn one() -> Self {1} }
impl Incrementable for i32 { fn one() -> Self {1} }
impl Incrementable for i64 { fn one() -> Self {1} }
impl Incrementable for f32 { fn one() -> Self {1.0} }
impl Incrementable for f64 { fn one() -> Self {1.0} }



macro_rules! impl_Incrementable{
    ($($m:ty),*) => {$( impl Incrementable for $m  { fn one() -> Self { 1 as $m } })*}

impl_Incrementable!{u8, u16, u32, u64, i8, i16, i32, i64, f32, f64}


  1. 知道运算符和+=AddAssign
  2. 为“一个”元素定义一个值
  3. 因为我们想要保持旧的未递增值,所以可以复制。

第1点和第3点我们可以通过使用特征限制来保证第2点。我们可以设置一个具有函数one() -> self


// We need to know the operator "+="
use std::ops::AddAssign;

// The trait needs a type parameter
trait Incrementable<T> {
    fn post_inc(&mut self) -> Self;
    fn post_inc_by(&mut self, n: T) -> Self;

// We need a trait which tells us the "one" value for a type
trait Increment {
    fn one() -> Self;

// We need to implement the Increment trait for every type
// we want to increment.
impl Increment for usize {
    fn one() -> usize {

// Finally we implement the Increment trait generically for all types that
// * know the operator "+=" AddAssign
// * are copyable
// * implement our Increment trait, so that we know their "one" value
impl<T: AddAssign + Increment + Copy> Incrementable<T> for T {
    fn post_inc(&mut self) -> Self {
        let tmp = *self;
        *self += T::one();

    //"Overload" for full generalizability
    fn post_inc_by(&mut self, n: T) -> Self {
        let tmp = *self;
        *self += n;

fn main() {
    let mut result = 0;
    assert!(result.post_inc() == 0);
    assert!(result == 1);

    assert!(result.post_inc_by(3) == 1);
    assert!(result == 4);

您不必为每种类型编写Incrementable的实现,但您必须实现提供one()函数的特性。 没有它你就无法逃脱,因为对于非数字类型而言,“逐一增加”意味着什么并不明显。

我将所有内容保存在一般可以实现的通用实现中。 例外是T::one() ,因此除了每种类型的一个简单函数之外,不需要样板代码。


trait Incrementable {
    fn post_inc(&mut self) -> Self;
    fn post_inc_by(&mut self, n: Self) -> Self;

macro_rules! post_inc_impl {
    ($($t:ty)*) => ($(
        impl Incrementable for $t {
            fn post_inc(&mut self) -> Self {
                self.post_inc_by(1 as Self)

            fn post_inc_by(&mut self, n: Self) -> Self {
                let tmp = *self;
                *self += n;

post_inc_impl! { usize u8 u16 u32 u64 isize i8 i16 i32 i64 f32 f64 }

fn main() {
    let mut result = 0;
    assert!(result.post_inc() == 0);
    assert!(result == 1);

    assert!(result.post_inc_by(3) == 1);
    assert!(result == 4);

如果您使用num crate ,则可以不使用宏:

extern crate num;

use num::Num;

trait Incrementable<T: Num> {
    fn post_inc(&mut self) -> Self;
    fn post_inc_by(&mut self, n: T) -> Self;

impl<T: Num + std::ops::AddAssign<T> + Copy> Incrementable<T> for T {
    fn post_inc(&mut self) -> T {
        let tmp = *self;
        *self += T::one();

    fn post_inc_by(&mut self, n: T) -> Self {
        let tmp = *self;
        *self += n;


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