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Xamarin Forms - ListView 中的 iOS 动态 ViewCell 大小

[英]Xamarin Forms - iOS dynamic ViewCell size in a ListView

下面的 XF 应用程序(下面的代码)创建了一个带有 2 个自定义单元格的简单 ListView。 点击单元格使用 IsVisible 属性显示第二个标签。

在 Android 上,这很有效,因为 ViewCell 的大小会调整大小以适应当前显示的内容。 当 Detail 项可见时,ViewCell 将展开以显示细节。

在 iOS 上,这不起作用。



当您点击第一个 ViewCell 时,IsVisible 属性被触发并显示 Detail 项。 但是, ViewCell 保持相同的高度导致它溢出,如下所示......


这如何在 iOS 端实现?



    <ListView x:Name="___list" Margin="50" HasUnevenRows="True">
                <TapGestureRecognizer Command="{Binding CellTap}" />
              <Label Text="{Binding Title}" />
              <Label Text="{Binding Detail}" FontSize="30" IsVisible="{Binding ShowDetails}" />


public partial class MainPage : ContentPage
    public MainPage()

        ___list.ItemsSource = new List<Element>() {
                new Element() {
                    Title="First Element",
                    Detail = "First Element Details"
                new Element() {
                    Title="Second Element",
                    Detail = "Second Element Details"
public class Element : INotifyPropertyChanged
    public Element()
        CellTap = new Command(() =>
            ShowDetails = !ShowDetails;

    public ICommand CellTap { get; private set; }

    private string _title;
    public string Title
        get { return _title; }
        set { if (_title != value) { _title = value; OnPropertyChanged("Title"); } }
    private string _detail;
    public string Detail
        get { return _detail; }
        set { if (_detail != value) { _detail = value; OnPropertyChanged("Detail"); } }
    private bool _showDetails;
    public bool ShowDetails
        get { return _showDetails; }
        set { if (_showDetails != value) { _showDetails = value; OnPropertyChanged("ShowDetails"); } }

    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
    private void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
        if (PropertyChanged != null)
            PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));

ViewCell无法自动找出它应该有多高。 你必须通过设置它的Height来支持它或强制它更新。 不幸的是, Height不可绑定。

选项 1:如果每行的高度不同并且列表无法确定正确的高度,请使用此选项

class CustomViewCell : ViewCell
  protected override void OnBindingContextChanged()
    // Do some calculation in here to get the height you need.
    // Here we are using an example that bases the size on the result of ToString()
    string text = BindingContext.ToString();
    Height = 10 + ((int)(text[0]) - 65);

选项 2:动态更改高度(可能是您想要的)

void SomeEventHandler(object sender, EventArgs args)
   // Let's assume an image was tapped...
   var image = sender as Image;
   // ...and the image is in a cell.
   var viewCell = image.Parent.Parent as ViewCell;

   // You would FIRST change the height of the content (in this case the image)
   if (image.HeightRequest < 250)
       image.HeightRequest = image.Height + 100;
       // And THEN tell the cell to update (Note: you should not be required
       // to subclass the cell)

确保HasUnevenRows = true ,否则强制更新不会产生效果。


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