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使用AWS CloudWatch监视EC2 Windows实例的服务

[英]Monitoring services of EC2 Windows instance using AWS CloudWatch

我使用CloudWatch自定义指标监控了性能计数器,例如内存,可用磁盘等。 我可以使用CloudWatch监视服务吗? 我检查了云监视所监视的功能,但未发现与监视服务相关的内容。 我只需要监视服务是否正在运行,并在服务状态更改时发送通知即可。

是的,但是您提到的现成的解决方案(例如EC2Config Windows集成)不适用于服务级别的自定义指标。

CloudWatch自定义指标允许您使用自己定义的指标和数据扩展CloudWatch,因此您可以合理地实现它们以监控自己的服务。 您的服务可以将指标数据写入CloudWatch本身,也可以编写另一个流程来监视您的服务,并根据服务对CloudWatch的响应写入指标。


您将要创建一个服务监视器,该监视器通过Get-Service评估您Get-Service ,然后将数据点发布到CloudWatch自定义指标(如果它们正在运行)。

这是PowerShell中的示例实现,它将每300秒为名称匹配*YOURSERVICENAMESHERE*服务编写自定义指标。 如果要对EC2实例上的每个服务运行此命令,则可以将其替换为通配符* ,但是这样做可能会花费很大。 如果包装盒上有太多服务,则可能还需要进行一些调整,因为您一次只能通过Write-CwMetricData发送这么多度量标准。 有关详细信息,请参见代码注释。


此脚本必须在Windows EC2实例上运行,其中安装并配置了适用于PowerShell的AWS工具

    [string]$Period = 300,
    [string]$Namespace = 'service-monitor'

# Use the EC2 metadata service to get the host EC2 instance's ID
$instanceId = (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString("")

# Associate current EC2 instance with your custom cloudwatch metric
$instanceDimension = New-Object -TypeName Amazon.CloudWatch.Model.Dimension;
$instanceDimension.Name = "instanceid";
$instanceDimension.Value = $instanceId;

# "Job" loop; write to CloudWatch and then sleep for the interval defined by the period variable above, in seconds.
    $metrics = @();

    $runningServices = Get-Service -Name *YOURSERVICENAMESHERE* | ? { $_.Status -eq 'Running' }

    # For each running service, add a metric to metrics collection that adds a data point to a CloudWatch Metric named 'Status' with dimensions: instanceid, servicename
    $runningServices | % { 
        $dimensions = @();

        $serviceDimension = New-Object -TypeName Amazon.CloudWatch.Model.Dimension;
        $serviceDimension.Name = "service"
        $serviceDimension.Value = $_.Name;

        $dimensions += $instanceDimension;
        $dimensions += $serviceDimension;

        $metric = New-Object -TypeName Amazon.CloudWatch.Model.MetricDatum;
        $metric.Timestamp = [DateTime]::UtcNow;
        $metric.MetricName = 'Status';
        $metric.Value = 1;
        $metric.Dimensions = $dimensions;

        $metrics += $metric;       

        Write-Host "Checking status for: $($_.Name)"        

    # Write all of the metrics for this run of the job at once, to save on costs for calling the CloudWatch API.
    # This will fail if there are too many services in metrics collection; if this happens, just reduce the amount of
    # services monitored, or edit this line into the above foreach loop and write each metric directly.
    Write-CWMetricData -Namespace $Namespace -MetricData $metrics

    Write-Host "Sleeping for $Period seconds."

    Start-Sleep -s $Period

将其保存到文件中,然后可以从命令行运行它以开始编写指标。 一旦您适应了它,就可以随意放弃计划任务或Powershell作业的“ while true”循环。



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