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关于结构构造函数和析构函数行为 - C++

[英]Concerning Struct Constructor and Destructor behavior - C++

我不明白为什么这个程序的输出如下。 为什么没有编译错误? 我以为在尝试构造 B 时,编译器会发现没有调用 foo() 的函数并报告错误。

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

struct A{
    int a;
    A(int i=0) : a(i) { cout << "A" << endl; }
    ~A() { cout << "Bye A" << endl; }
    int foo() { return a; }
struct B{
    int b;
    B(int i=0) : b(i) { cout << "B" << endl; }
    ~B() { cout << "Bye B" << endl; }
    int bar() { return b; }
struct C : B, A {
    C(int i=0) : B(foo()), A(i) {}

int main() {
    cout << C(10).bar() << endl;
    return 0;


Bye A
Bye B

一般来说,我想知道当有多重继承时,父结构体的构造和初始化顺序是什么? 我也可以期待课堂上有类似的行为吗?


注意:这不是家庭作业。 而且,我研究了类似的主题,但没有关于这个问题。


您通过在对象完全初始化之前调用foo来调用未定义的行为。 引用自 C++ 标准中的 12.6.2 :

可以为正在构造的对象调用成员函数(包括虚成员函数,10.3)。 类似地,构造中的对象可以是typeid运算符 (5.2.8) 或dynamic_cast (5.2.7) 的操作数。 但是,如果在基类的所有mem-initializer完成之前在ctor-initializer (或从ctor-initializer直接或间接调用的函数中)执行这些操作,则操作的结果是未定义的。 [ 例子:

class A {

class B : public A {
  int j;
  int f();
  B() : A(f()),       // undefined: calls member function
                      // but base A not yet initialized
          j(f()) { }  // well-defined: bases are all initialized

class C {

class D : public B, C {
  int i;
  D() : C(f()),       // undefined: calls member function
                      // but base C not yet initialized
          i(f()) { }  // well-defined: bases are all initialized

— 结束示例 ]


C(int i=0) : B(), A(i) {
    B::b = foo();

这将打印10而不是您得到的0 (这可能是其他任何东西,因为这是未定义的行为)。




— 首先,仅对于最派生类 (1.8) 的构造函数,虚拟基类按照它们在基类的有向无环图的深度优先从左到右遍历中出现的顺序进行初始化,其中“左-to-right” 是基类在派生类base-specifier-list 中的出现顺序。

— 然后,直接基类按照它们出现在base-specifier-list中的声明顺序进行初始化(无论mem-initializers的顺序如何)。

— 然后,非静态数据成员按照它们在类定义中声明的顺序进行初始化(同样与mem-initializers的顺序无关)。

— 最后,执行构造函数体的复合语句

[注意:声明顺序是为了确保基类和成员子对象以与初始化相反的顺序销毁。 — 尾注 ]

因此,在您的代码中,初始化顺序是: B ( B::b )、 A ( A::a )、 C ()。

但是,正如在下面的评论中所指出的,更改此初始化顺序(例如,使用struct C : A, B而不是struct C : B, A )不会摆脱未定义的行为。 B部分初始化之前调用A::foo仍然是未定义的,即使A部分已初始化。

这只是未定义行为的另一种情况。 例如,我的系统给出了以下结果。

Bye A
Bye B

试试这个现场演示,它产生了另一个不同的结果( C(10).bar()产生了 32764)。

foo()可以在此上下文中调用,但它将A的构造函数之前调用。 这意味着a已初始化,这会导致读取未初始化的变量,从而导致未定义的行为。 这类似于在初始化之前访问成员。 考虑以下示例。 a被初始化为b的值,然后b被初始化。 问题很明显, b在读取它以初始化a未初始化。

struct foo
    foo(int x) : a(b), b(x) {}
    int a;
    int b;

int main()
    foo bar(10);

我想看看实际发生了什么。 因为我有结果,所以它们是给你的。

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

/*** Structures ***/
struct A{
    int a;
#warning a integer declared in struct A

    A(int i=0) : a(i)
#warning A constuctor declared
#warning A constructor creates variable i, sets it to 0
#warning then assigns i to a
        cout << "inside constructor A" << endl;
        cout << "i = " << i << endl;
        cout << "a = " << a << endl;
        cout << "leaving constructor A" << endl;
#warning A constructor definition provided
#warning A destructor declared
        cout << "inside destructor A" << endl;
        cout << "leaving destructor A" << endl;
#warning A destructor definition provided
    int foo()
#warning foo function declared in struct A
        cout << "inside foo, inside A" << endl;
        cout << "foo will return a = " << a << " then leave foo" << endl;
        return a;
#warning foo function defined in struct A

struct B{
    int b;
#warning b integer declared in struct B
    B(int i=0) : b(i)
#warning B constructor declared
#warning B creates int i and initializes it to 0
#warning b is assigned the value of i                 
        cout << "inside constructor B" << endl;
        cout << "i = " << i << endl;
        cout << "b = " << b << endl;
        cout << "leaving constructor B" << endl;
#warning B constructor defined
#warning B destructor declared
        cout << "inside destructor B" << endl;
        cout << "leaving destructor B" << endl;
#warning B destructor defined    
    int bar()
#warning bar function declared in struct B
        cout << "inside bar, inside B" << endl;
        cout << "bar will return b = " << b << " then leave bar" << endl;
        return b;
#warning bar function defined in struct B

struct C : B, A 
#warning C structure declared derived from B and A
    C(int i=0) : B(foo()), A(i) 
#warning C constructor declared
#warning C constructor creates int i and assigns value 0
#warning C constructor instantiates B and calls foo from A to assign value?
#warning C constructor instantiates A by assigning i to it
        cout << "inside constructor C" << endl;
        cout << "i = " << i << endl;
        cout << "leaving constructor C" << endl;
#warning C constructor defined with no implementation

int main() {
    cout << "command is: print the value of C(10).bar()" << endl;
    cout << C(10).bar() << endl;
#warning initialize C with a value of 10
#warning then call the bar function extended from B

#warning declare struct C blah, initialized with C(12)
    cout << endl << "creating struct blah with definition C(12)" << endl;
    struct C blah = C(12);
    cout << "calling blah.foo" << endl;
    cout << blah.foo() << endl;
    cout << "calling blah.bar" << endl;
    cout << blah.bar() << endl;
#warning  printing and then returning 0
    cout << endl << "Some random output before returning 0" << endl;
    return 0;


test.cpp:7:2:  warning: #warning a integer declared in struct A [-Wcpp]
test.cpp:10:2: warning: #warning A constuctor declared [-Wcpp]
test.cpp:11:2: warning: #warning A constructor creates variable i, sets it to 0 [-Wcpp]
test.cpp:12:2: warning: #warning then assigns i to a [-Wcpp]
test.cpp:19:2: warning: #warning A constructor definition provided [-Wcpp]
test.cpp:21:2: warning: #warning A destructor declared [-Wcpp]
test.cpp:26:2: warning: #warning A destructor definition provided [-Wcpp]
test.cpp:28:2: warning: #warning foo function declared in struct A [-Wcpp]
test.cpp:34:2: warning: #warning foo function defined in struct A [-Wcpp]
test.cpp:39:2: warning: #warning b integer declared in struct B [-Wcpp]
test.cpp:41:2: warning: #warning B constructor declared [-Wcpp]
test.cpp:42:2: warning: #warning B creates int i and initializes it to 0 [-Wcpp]
test.cpp:43:2: warning: #warning b is assigned the value of i [-Wcpp]
test.cpp:50:2: warning: #warning B constructor defined [-Wcpp]
test.cpp:52:2: warning: #warning B destructor declared [-Wcpp]
test.cpp:57:2: warning: #warning B destructor defined [-Wcpp]
test.cpp:59:2: warning: #warning bar function declared in struct B [-Wcpp]
test.cpp:65:2: warning: #warning bar function defined in struct B [-Wcpp]
test.cpp:70:2: warning: #warning C structure declared derived from B and A [-Wcpp]
test.cpp:73:2: warning: #warning C constructor declared [-Wcpp]
test.cpp:74:2: warning: #warning C constructor creates int i and assigns value 0 [-Wcpp]
test.cpp:75:2: warning: #warning C constructor instantiates B and calls foo from A to assign value? [-Wcpp]
test.cpp:76:2: warning: #warning C constructor instantiates A by assigning i to it [-Wcpp]
test.cpp:82:2: warning: #warning C constructor defined with no implementation [-Wcpp]
test.cpp:88:2: warning: #warning initialize C with a value of 10 [-Wcpp]
test.cpp:89:2: warning: #warning then call the bar function extended from B [-Wcpp]
test.cpp:91:2: warning: #warning declare struct C blah, initialized with C(12) [-Wcpp]
test.cpp:98:2: warning: #warning printing and then returning 0 [-Wcpp]


command is: print the value of C(10).bar()
inside foo, inside A
foo will return a = 4201198 then leave foo
inside constructor B
i = 4201198
b = 4201198
leaving constructor B
inside constructor A
i = 10
a = 10
leaving constructor A
inside constructor C
i = 10
leaving constructor C
inside bar, inside B
bar will return b = 4201198 then leave bar
inside destructor A
leaving destructor A
inside destructor B
leaving destructor B

creating struct blah with definition C(12)
inside foo, inside A
foo will return a = 4201104 then leave foo
inside constructor B
i = 4201104
b = 4201104
leaving constructor B
inside constructor A
i = 12
a = 12
leaving constructor A
inside constructor C
i = 12
leaving constructor C
calling blah.foo
inside foo, inside A
foo will return a = 12 then leave foo
calling blah.bar
inside bar, inside B
bar will return b = 4201104 then leave bar

Some random output before returning 0
inside destructor A
leaving destructor A
inside destructor B
leaving destructor B


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