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[英]calculating weighted standard deviation error

我想计算加权平均值和加权标准差。 我能够计算平均值,但不能计算标准偏差。 我应该怎么做?

     With Application.WorksheetFunction

        Range("AH" & 2) = .SumProduct(Columns(7), Columns(8)) / .Max(Columns(8))  'This code works very well. It calculates the mean

        Dim Nprime As Double

        Nprime = .CountIf(Range("H2:H" & lengthRows), "<>" & 0)  'This code works well

        Range("AM" & 2) = 2 * .SQRT(.SumProduct((Columns(7) - Columns(34)) ^ 2, Columns(8)) / ((Nprime - 1) * .Sum(Columns(8))) / Nprime) 'This line does not work. It should calculate the weighted standard deviation.

Range("AM" & 2) = Evaluate("2*SQRT(SumProduct((Columns(7) - weightedMean)^2), Columns(8)) / ((Nprime - 1) * .Sum(Columns(8))) / Nprime)") 'This line code evaluates with an answer of #VALUE! probably due to the titles in Row1, how do I fix the code to only evaluate the numerical values within the columns?

        End With

不必担心“加权” AV或SD,但也许您可以调整以下内容。 代码将数据加载到数组中,然后获取AV和SD。

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

    Dim MyArray() As Variant
    Dim lAV As Double
    Dim lSD As Double
    Dim i As Integer

    lLastRow = Worksheets("MyData").UsedRange.Rows.Count
    ReDim MyArray(1 To 1) As Variant

    For i = 1 To lLastRow
        MyArray(UBound(MyArray)) = Worksheets("MyData").Cells(i, 7).Value * Worksheets("MyData").Cells(i, 8).Value
        ReDim Preserve MyArray(1 To UBound(MyArray) + 1) As Variant 'now array is 1 element longer

    'Now MyArray contains desired data.
    'Get average and SD

    lAV = Application.WorksheetFunction.Average(MyArray)
    lSD = Application.WorksheetFunction.StDev(MyArray)

    'write results (be shure not to overwrite your data)
    Worksheets("MyData").Cells(1, 10) = "Average: "
    Worksheets("MyData").Cells(1, 11) = lAV
    Worksheets("MyData").Cells(2, 10) = "SD: "
    Worksheets("MyData").Cells(2, 11) = lSD
End Sub


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