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[英]How Can I Write a Proper JUnit Test for this code?

我是编程新手。 我必须为此程序编写一个JUnit测试才能找到GCD,如下所示:

public class CoprimeNumbersTest {

 * Given two integers, this returns true if they are relatively prime and  false if they are not. Based upon the first
 * webpage I found ({@link "https://primes.utm.edu/notes/faq/negative_primes.html"}), the primality of negative
 * numbers is up for debate. This method will not treat negatives differently.
 * @param a First integer to be tested
 * @param b Second integer to be tested
 * @return True when the greatest common divisor of these numbers is 1; false otherwise.
public boolean isCoprime(int a, int b) {
  // Continue using Euclid's algorithm until we find a common divisor
  while (b != 0) {
// Remember b's value
int temp = b;
// Set b to the remainder of dividing a by b (e.g., a mod b).
b = a % b;
// Set a equal to b's old value.
a = temp;
   // The gcd is the value in a. If this is 1 the numbers are coprime.
   if (a == 1) {
return true;
  // When they are not 1, they have a common divisor.
  else {
return false;


public class CoPrimetest {

    public void testing() { 
        assetEquals(1, GCDFinder.CoprimeNumbersTest);



您需要像正常代码中一样实际调用您的方法。 (以下代码未经测试,我不知道1和1是否实际上是互质的。)

public class CoPrimetest {

    public void testing() { 
       CoprimeNumbersTest instance = new CoprimeNumbersTest();
       boolean result = instance.isCoprime( 1, 1 );
       boolean expected = true;
       assertEquals( expected, result );


public void isCoprime() throws Exception {
    org.junit.Assert.assertEquals(true, new CoprimeNumbersTest().isCoprime(3,4)); 

由于method的返回类型为boolean ,因此可以断言它等于true还是false

建议,尝试使用这些输入(3,4)试运行isCoprime方法,并找出所有已覆盖的语句。 根据该推断,如果您愿意提供什么输入,则将覆盖其余的语句。 这应该有助于用单元测试覆盖代码。



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