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C# - WPF - 将随机图片设置为<Image>

[英]C# - WPF - Set random picture to <Image>

如何将随机图片设置为 WPF <Image>

在我的代码中,我有 4 张图片。


问题是我希望 2 张图片具有相同的图片。 例如 img1 和 img4 会有相同的图片,而 image2 会有不同的图片,而 img3 也会有不同的图片。 此时我是这样制作的,但我想将此图片动态设置为 img1、img2 等。 我还想随机分配这 4 张图像中的哪 2 张具有相同的图片。


快速地将这些基本代码放在一起,希望能让您走上正轨。 代码应该位于 Window_Loaded 或另一个类似的高级容器中,因为它只需要调用一次。 潜在地,您可以执行其他操作,例如使用 LINQ 过滤列表(例如,选择图像控件将使源为空)。 如果您有任何问题,请告诉我!

    private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        //Set up lists to track which images / image controls have been used .. image resources and image controls will be removed from the relevant list once used.
        int imageCount = 4;
        IList<string> imageNames = new List<string>(imageCount) { "Image0", "Image1", "Image2", "Image3" };
        IList<Image> imageControls = new List<Image>(imageCount) { img1, img2, img3, img4 };

        //Pick an image resource at random to use as the one that will appear twice.
        Random random = new Random();
        int duplicatedImageIndex = random.Next(0, imageCount - 1);
        Uri duplicatedImageUri = new Uri("/rnd_pic;component/Images/" + imageNames[duplicatedImageIndex] + ".jpg", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);

        //Select a random image control for first instance of image resource to be duplicated, then remove control from list to ensure it's not re-used.
        int firstDuplicatedImageControlIndex = random.Next(0, imageCount - 1);
        imageControls[firstDuplicatedImageControlIndex].Source = new BitmapImage(duplicatedImageUri);

        //Select a random image control for second instance of image resource to be duplicated, then remove control & image resource from relevant list to ensure they're not re-used.
        int secondDuplicatedImageControlIndex = random.Next(0, --imageCount - 1);
        imageControls[secondDuplicatedImageControlIndex].Source = new BitmapImage(duplicatedImageUri);

        //loop through remaining image controls setting one of the remaining random images, removing control & image resource from relevant list as you go.
        while (imageControls.Any())
            int randomUpperBound = --imageCount - 1;
            int nextRandomImageIndex = random.Next(0, randomUpperBound);
            int imageControlIndex = random.Next(0, randomUpperBound);
            Uri nextImageUri = new Uri("/rnd_pic;component/Images/" + imageNames[nextRandomImageIndex] + ".jpg", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);
            imageControls[imageControlIndex].Source = new BitmapImage(nextImageUri);


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