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[英]Search mysql with wildcard and put results into php array

说我有出场this is the RED colorthis is the BLUE colorthis is WHATEVER color ,他们属于作为不同的句子的部分,在我的MySQL数据库的表中的列不同的细胞,或在如果这个表相同的行。

| column                                                                               |
| Look, this is the red color which is is not a nice one.                              |
| And this is the blue color, I like it more.                                          |

我怎么能在数据库中执行搜索,因为this is the % color完全匹配this is the % color ,并将结果放入PHP数组中,这样我就可以完全像输出数组一样

  1. 这是RED的颜色

  2. 这是蓝色

  3. 这是WATEVER颜色

跳过相应句子的所有其他部分? 我的意思是我需要放入数组只有每一个外观都是CURRENT_WILDCARD_VALUE颜色而已。


global $wpdb;
$query = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT * FROM table WHERE row LIKE '% this is the % color %'");


从MySQL中选择了值后。 通过preg_match()传递每个记录值。 大致如下的东西:

$myValue = 'Look, this is the red color which is is not a nice one.'; // Value from MySQL
$matches = array();
preg_match ('/this is the (.+) color/', $myValue, $matches);

$ matches的值应为:

array (
  0 => 'this is the red color',
  1 => 'red',

如果您想保留一组唯一值(例如红色),最简单的方法是将每个$ matches [1]存储为数组键。 例如

$myColors = array(); // Put this before record iterator
$myColors[$matches[1]] = $matches[0];


array (
  'red' => 'this is the red color',
  'blue' => 'this is the blue color',


global $wpdb;

// setting up the database search term
$srchtrm = "green";

// querying WP database for matches and putting their parent cells into array
$query = $wpdb->get_results("
    SELECT post_content
    FROM wp_posts
    WHERE post_content
    REGEXP 'This is the $srchtrm color'

// simplifying the query resulting array
foreach ($query as $value) {$simplified_array[] = $value->post_content;}

// avoiding php's Warning: implode(): Invalid arguments passed in
if (empty($simplified_array)) {}
    // converting the simplified array into a single text string
    else {$textstring = implode(" ", $simplified_array);}

// searching the above text string for matches and putting them into array
preg_match_all('/This is the '.$srchtrm.' color/', $textstring, $matches);

// removing repeating items in simplified array
$simplifiedmatches = array_unique($matches[0]);

// sorting the simplified matches array asc

// outputting values
foreach($simplifiedmatches as $match) {echo $match.'<br />';}




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