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[英]Best way to pass down data in a series of functions?

我正在使用下面的代码在Node.js Web爬虫应用程序上工作,并尝试按功能定向我的代码。 见下文:

const Promise = require('bluebird');
const fetch = require('node-fetch');
const cheerio = require('cheerio');

const scrapeUri = uri => fetch(uri); // how should i pass the uri from here
const fetchURIs = URIs => Promise.all(URIs.map(scrapeUri));
const getBodies = pages => Promise.all(pages.map(page => page.text()));
const toSource = source => cheerio.load(source);
const shouldScrape = ($) => {
  const shouldIndex = $('meta[name="robots"]').attr('content');
  if (['noindex', 'nofollow'].indexOf(shouldIndex) !== -1) {
    return false;
  return true;

const objectifyContent = ($) => { // to be accessed here
  return {
    meta: {
      index_timestamp: new Date(),
      title: $('title').html(),
      // TODO: this will totally fail in some instances, need to pass uri from initial instance
      uri: $('link[rel="canonical"]').attr('href'),
      description: $('meta[name="description"]').attr('content'),

objectifyContent ,从初始scrapeUri访问uri而不是尝试通过访问规范来获取页面url的纯方法是什么? 我知道可以设置变量并使其在范围内继承的某些方式,但是我想知道在Node.js上下文中是否存在更干净,更实用的执行方式。

调用者将类似于: fetchUris(myUris).then(values => getBodies(values).then(sources => res.send(sources.map(toSource).filter(shouldScrape).map(objectifyContent));)


const scrapeUri = uri => fetch(uri).then(
  webpage => [uri, webpage]


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