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[英]How to Pass Single parameter for below SQL query

我已经两次传递参数(:PRODUCT_ID)。 我如何通过:PRODUCT_id只有一次以下查询

select count(1)
from (
    select count(1) album_fa_counter
    from actual_configs ac
    where ac.config_id = :PRODUCT_ID
        and exists (
            select 1
            from config_participants cp
            where CONTRIBUTOR_CATEGORY = 'Featured Artist'
                and cp.gpid = ac.gpid
    ) a,
        select count(1) matching_track_fa_counter
        from actual_tracks at1,
            actual_configs ac1
        where at1.gpid = ac1.gpid
            and ac1.config_id = :PRODUCT_ID
            and exists (
                select 1
                from recording_participants rp,
                    config_participants cp
                where cp.CONTRIBUTOR_CATEGORY = 'Featured Artist'
                    and cp.gpid = at1.gpid
                    and cp.participant_name = rp.participant_name
                    and rp.CONTRIBUTOR_CATEGORY = 'Featured Artist'
                    and rp.isrc = at1.isrc
        ) b
where a.album_fa_counter = 0
    or b.matching_track_fa_counter > 0;


a as
 (select count(1) album_fa_counter
from actual_configs ac
where ac.config_id = :PRODUCT_ID
    and exists (
        select 1
        from config_participants cp
        where CONTRIBUTOR_CATEGORY = 'Featured Artist'
            and cp.gpid = ac.gpid),

b as
    select count(1) matching_track_fa_counter
    from actual_tracks at1,
        actual_configs ac1,
    where at1.gpid = ac1.gpid
        and ac1.config_id = ac.config_id
        and exists (
            select 1
            from recording_participants rp,
                config_participants cp
            where cp.CONTRIBUTOR_CATEGORY = 'Featured Artist'
                and cp.gpid = at1.gpid
                and cp.participant_name = rp.participant_name
                and rp.CONTRIBUTOR_CATEGORY = 'Featured Artist'
                and rp.isrc = at1.isrc
Select count (1)
from a,b
a.album_fa_counter = 0
or b.matching_track_fa_counter > 0;

现在数据库将a和b视为真实表,因此在a中使用的参数应该被视为表中的正常可用值。 希望这对你有用。


with yourVariable(val) as ( select :PRODUCT_ID from dual)
select count(1)
from (
    select count(1) album_fa_counter
    from actual_configs ac,
    where ac.config_id = yourVariable.val
        and exists (
            select 1
            from config_participants cp
            where CONTRIBUTOR_CATEGORY = 'Featured Artist'
                and cp.gpid = ac.gpid
    ) a,
        select count(1) matching_track_fa_counter
        from actual_tracks at1,
            actual_configs ac1,
        where at1.gpid = ac1.gpid
            and ac1.config_id = yourVariable.val
            and exists (
                select 1
                from recording_participants rp,
                    config_participants cp
                where cp.CONTRIBUTOR_CATEGORY = 'Featured Artist'
                    and cp.gpid = at1.gpid
                    and cp.participant_name = rp.participant_name
                    and rp.CONTRIBUTOR_CATEGORY = 'Featured Artist'
                    and rp.isrc = at1.isrc
        ) b
where a.album_fa_counter = 0
    or b.matching_track_fa_counter > 0;

顺便说一句,我编辑了你的代码而没有重写它,但是做一点努力并用ANSI SQL重写它会好得多。


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