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[英]VBA to Copy from Named Range based on Condition to Paste Vlaues in another worksheet

我有一个命名范围“数量”(工作表Sheet1,单元格I21:L28),其公式在“ L”列中报告了数量。 我想在L列中搜索值> 0,然后将这些值(以及K列中的数据)粘贴到另一个工作表(Sheet10)中。 下面的代码已关闭,但是粘贴了公式而不是值。 请协助。

Sub CopyOnCondition()
     Dim sh1 As Worksheet, sh2 As Worksheet, c As Range
     Set sh1 = Sheet1 'Edit sheet name
     Set sh2 = Sheet10 'Edit sheet name
     With sh1
         For Each c In .Range("L18:L24")
             If c.Value > 0 Then
                 c.Copy sh2.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp)(2, 1)
             End If
     End With
End Sub


Sub CopyOnCondition()
     Dim sh1 As Worksheet, sh2 As Worksheet, c As Range
     Set sh1 = Sheet1 'Edit sheet name
     Set sh2 = Sheet10 'Edit sheet name
     With sh1
         For Each c In .Range("L18:L24")
             If c.Value > 0 Then
                 sh2.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp)(2, 1).resize(,2).value=c.offset(,-1).resize(,2).value
             End If
     End With
End Sub

当L列中的值> 0时,以下代码将仅从K:L列中复制值。

Sub CopyOnCondition()

     Dim sh1 As Worksheet, sh2 As Worksheet, c As Range
     Set sh1 = Sheet1 'Edit sheet name
     Set sh2 = Sheet10 'Edit sheet name

     With sh1
         For Each c In .Range("L18:L24")
             If c.Value > 0 Then
                 c.Offset(, -1).Resize(1, 2).Copy '<-- copy column K with L
                 ' paste values to the first empty row in Column A of sh2
                 sh2.Cells(sh2.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1).PasteSpecial xlValues
             End If
         Next c
     End With

End Sub


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