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运行带有capybara / selenium / ruby​​的JS脚本时出错

[英]I get an error while running an JS script with capybara/selenium/ruby

我是自动化的新手,我使用Selenium,ruby,capybara来执行这个JS脚本,我收到此错误消息,任何帮助赞赏TIA错误消息Selenium :: WebDriver :: Error :: UnknownError:unknown error:Runtime.evaluate thrrew exception:SyntaxError:无效或意外的令牌


function renderField($el, mode) {
  var limitMet,
      field = $el.data(\'add-field\'),
      section = $el.data(\'section\');

  window.DADI.editor.freeSections.forEach(function(freeSection) {
    if (section === freeSection.name) {
        freeSection.fields.forEach(function(sectionField) {
          if(field === sectionField.source) {
              var count = $(\'#section-\' + section).find(\'[data-field="\'+field+\'"]\').length;
          if (sectionField.max && count >= sectionField.max) {
              limitMet = true;

          if (!limitMet) {

              if (!window.DADI.editor.types[field]) return false;

              var template = window.DADI.editor.types[field]._local.layouts.article[0].replace(\'.dust\', \'\');
              var html;
              if (template) {
                  var templateData = window.DADI.editor.types[field];
              templateData.params = window.DADI.editor.params,
                  templateData.free = true;
              templateData.fieldName = field;

              window.DADI.render.render(\'fields/\' + template, \'#section-\' + section, templateData, {mode: mode}, function (err, out) {

                if (err) {
                    html = err;
                } else {
                    html = $(out);

                if ($(\'.selectize\', html) && $(\'.selectize\', html).length) {
                    dadiSelect($(\'.selectize\', html));

                if (html.attr(\'data-ql-editable\')) {
                    createEditor(html, 0);

                var fieldType = window.DADI.editor.types[field]._remote._publishType;
                var handler = window.DADI.editor.handlers[fieldType];

                if (handler && (typeof handler.initialiseField === \'function\')) {

                return html;

                # This takes the button (source) element and drops it into the target area and subsequently renders the appropriate cms fields.
                function simulateDragAndDrop(source, target)
                    var $clone = source.clone();
                $(target).prepend($clone, target);
                if ($clone.hasClass(\'dadiCells-library__element\')) {
                    renderedHtml = renderField($clone, \'none\');

                var source = $($(\'.dadiCells-library__element\')[1]); #E.g. The hero video button
                var target = $(\'#section-hero\'); #The target drop zone.
                    simulateDragAndDrop(source, target);


我有一个类似的问题。 我的固定装置正在替换单个后背/双后座//


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