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[英]c# calculating integer within array

我在程序的最后一点上遇到了一些麻烦。 我不太确定如何在我的数组中计算int。 到目前为止,这是我的代码:

class Tester
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Card[] hand = {
                          new Card("Spade", 3),
                          new Card("Club", 10),
                          new Card("Diamond", 11),
                          new Card("Heart", 9),
                          new Card("Diamond", 13),
    }//end of static void main

    static void ProcessHand(Card[] cards)
    }//end of static void processhand
}//end of class Tester

class Card
    public string suit { get; set; }
    public int facevalue { get; set; }
    public Card (string su, int fa) 
        suit = su;
        facevalue = fa;
    public int Sum(params int[] facevalue)// <- trying to calculate sum of facevalues of cards.
        return facevalue.Sum();
    public void DisplayCard()
        Console.WriteLine("The card is  {0,-10} {1,-10}", suit, facevalue);

}//end of class Card

我对首先放置代码的位置感到有点困惑,因为我试图把它放在类卡中。 我尝试了两种类型中我知道的所有内容的不同变体,但似乎没有任何效果。 我只想总结顶部显示的卡片的所有面值,然后使用console.writeline来显示总值。

任何帮助,将不胜感激! 谢谢 :)

您可以这样做,删除类卡上的Sum函数,并将其作为静态函数放在静态void Main下:

private static void Main(string[] args)
        Card[] hand =
                new Card("Spade", 3),
                new Card("Club", 10),
                new Card("Diamond", 11),
                new Card("Heart", 9),
                new Card("Diamond", 13),

    static int Sum(params int[] facevalue)// <- trying to calculate sum of facevalues of cards.
        return facevalue.Sum();

我在你的类之外删除了这个Sum函数,因为你正在创建一个类的实例,如果你计算不同的类实例就没有意义。 所以把它作为静态函数,然后你可以从那里进行计算。

我不认为Sum应该是Card一部分。 这意味着任何一个Card实例都知道你的整个手牌,但事实并非如此。 你当前的程序中缺少“手”对象的概念,我认为引入一个新类会增加一些必要的职责分离。 这个新类Hand应包含您的Card数组和您的处理逻辑:

public class Hand
    private readonly Card[] _cards;

    public Hand(Card[] cards)
        _cards = cards;

    public void Process()
        // You can use a loop and avoid hard-coding the indices
        foreach (var card in _cards)


// Read-only property
public int TotalFaceValue
    get { return _cards.Sum(c => c.facevalue); }

// Method
public int GetTotalFaceValue()
    return _cards.Sum(c => c.facevalue);

我要选择前者。 总之,您的新代码可能如下所示:

class Tester
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // Fill a new hand with your cards
        var hand = new Hand(new [] {
            new Card("Spade", 3),
            new Card("Club", 10),
            new Card("Diamond", 11),
            new Card("Heart", 9),
            new Card("Diamond", 13),

        // "process" (display) your cards values

        // Shows the total hand value. This could also be moved into
        // the Process() function if you want
        Console.WriteLine("Total face value: {0}", hand.TotalFaceValue);

    } //end of static void main

}//end of class Tester

public class Hand
    private readonly Card[] _cards;

    public Hand(Card[] cards)
        _cards = cards;

    public void Process()
        foreach (var card in _cards)

    public int TotalFaceValue
        get { return _cards.Sum(c => c.facevalue); }

class Card
    public string suit { get; set; }
    public int facevalue { get; set; }
    public Card (string su, int fa) 
        suit = su;
        facevalue = fa;

    public void DisplayCard()
        Console.WriteLine("The card is  {0,-10} {1,-10}", suit, facevalue);

}//end of class Card



    class Card
        public string Suit { get; }
        public int FaceValue { get; }
        public Card(string su, int fa)
            Suit = su;
            FaceValue = fa;

        public void DisplayCard()
            Console.WriteLine("The card is  {0,-10} {1,-10}", Suit, FaceValue);


  • 属性的命名约定
  • 属性现在只读
  • Sum()方法不属于Card类。 该方法与Card对象没有直接关系。 它与Card类有关系。 所以,你可以在类中有一个静态方法,如:


    class Card
        public string Suit { get; }
        public int FaceValue { get; }
        public Card(string su, int fa)
            Suit = su;
            FaceValue = fa;

        public void DisplayCard()
            Console.WriteLine("The card is  {0,-10} {1,-10}", Suit, FaceValue);

        public static int Sum(Card[] cards)
            return cards.Sum(c => c.FaceValue);


    static int ProcessHand(Card[] cards)
        var sum = 0;
        foreach (var card in cards)
            sum += card.FaceValue;

        return sum;
  • 迭代卡片和DisplayCard()列表并添加到sum
  • 不使用Sum()因为它再次遍历数组(在foreach循环之后),这似乎是不必要的。
  • 该方法返回卡的总和(我个人的架构决定)


    public static void Main(string[] args)
        Card[] hand = {
                      new Card("Spade", 3),
                      new Card("Club", 10),
                      new Card("Diamond", 11),
                      new Card("Heart", 9),
                      new Card("Diamond", 13),
        var sum = ProcessHand(hand);
        Console.WriteLine($"The sum is {sum}");


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