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[英]What place does post increment and post decrement operators have in the rules of operator precedence in c language

根据此链接中的信息,后递增和递减运算符位于第一位。 并且此链接显示 “以以下示例为例:

foo = * p ++;

这里p作为表达式的副作用而增加,但是foo采用*(p ++)而不是(* p)++的值,因为一元运算符从右到左绑定“。


int main()
    int i = 1;
    int *iptr;
    iptr = &i;
    int num = *iptr++;//1) In this expression the value of 'i' is assigned to num. And an attempt of post incrementing the address stored in *iptr is done as side effect.
    printf("Num value: %d\n",num);

    printf("Pointer: %d\n",*iptr);//2) The address of *iptr is not incremented. If it was then the value of 'i' would not be printed instead it would print the incremented address itself.

    printf("Post increment: %d\n",*iptr++);//3) The address of *iptr will be post incremented (which didn't happen in case of num). But for now the value of 'i' will be printed.

    printf("After increment: %d\n",*iptr);//4) Now the incremented address stored in *iptr will be displayed as there is no value assigned to that address.
    return 0;

在以上实验中,仅在语句终止后才能看到后增加的效果。 但是,如果在赋值运算符的右侧操作数上执行了后递增,则即使在语句终止之后也看不到任何效果。 EG int num = * iptr ++; (如上述实验所述)。 因此,后递增和递减运算符在运算符优先级规则中究竟位于什么位置。



int array[] = {1, 2, 3};
int *iptr = &array[0];
int num = *iptr++;


printf("Pointer: %p\n", (void*)iptr);
// No asterisk here -----------^

现在一切都按预期进行( 演示 )。


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